Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 845 The torn cover

In the bookstore, all the readers were deeply attracted by the introduction. They had an urge to open the text immediately and start reading. 【】

But they know that this is a bookstore, and they can't stay here to read books all the time.

That's all, I'd better buy it back first, and then find time to look at it slowly.

Everyone turned the book to the back and looked at the price. The unit price was 22 yuan.

Well, the price is not expensive.

Therefore, everyone resisted the urge to read and paid for the book to leave.

Before entering the bookstore, they were uneasy in their hearts. Now, although they are not completely relieved, they are basically not too worried.

If the main content of the book is as described in the introduction, it is very likely that the situation in which "Slam Dunk" beats "Basketball Kid" before the show will be played.

Is this really possible?

Readers are excited and looking forward to it.

Just now, the owner of the bookstore, after seeing that the first batch of customers had all gone out this morning, muttered to himself: "Comparing the expressions of everyone when they came in and when they went out, there seems to be a big difference! Could it be that Li Fan's new book is not favored by everyone this time? , is there any mystery?"

Driven by curiosity, the boss also went to the booth to get a copy, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", ready to flip through it.

After he put the book in place last night, he left without ever opening it.

After reading the introduction, the boss's mind moved, and he understood why there was such a big difference in emotions when everyone entered and exited the bookstore.

Soon, the boss suddenly slapped his thigh again and secretly shouted "Oops". He suddenly felt that this time, Li Fan's new book seemed to be a little less.


What happened in this bookstore is just a microcosm of every bookstore across the country.

Today, many people with different thoughts have entered the bookstore one after another, all in order to buy a new book by Li Fan.

Lin Zhong, the initiator of the "Lafan Dismounting" alliance, also walked into a bookstore.

He found the place where Li Fan's new book was placed, and found that many people were holding the book to try it out, and they seemed to be discussing with each other in a low voice.

Lin Zhong's thoughts moved,

He walked quietly to the side of those who spoke, wanting to hear what everyone was saying.

What he wanted to hear was of course the disappointment and dissatisfaction with Li Fan's new book, and even contempt and ridicule.

In this way, he can feel a burst of pleasure.

However, this is what he heard.

"Wow! Magic school, it looks so attractive."

"I now feel that this book will be very good-looking. Those previous worries seem to be for nothing."

"It seems that Mr. Li Fan is going to give us a surprise rhythm this time."


The key words in almost everyone's words are "surprise", "very looking forward to it", "worried for nothing before" and so on.

Lin Zhong suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, but he couldn't believe it, "How is this possible? How could everyone make such an evaluation? Shouldn't we be disappointed and sighed, ridiculed and despised?"

Lin Zhong, who was in a good mood at first, suddenly became inexplicably irritable, and he didn't even want to open the book to take a look himself.

However, only hearing a "tear" sound, a sound of paper being torn, spread into Lin Zhong's ears, and also into the ears of people reading books nearby.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from, and then all eyes fell on Lin Zhong's hands, a look of surprise on their faces.

Lin Zhong also felt the sound, which seemed to come from his own hand, looked down and almost shouted "shake".

I saw that the cover of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in his hand had been torn open.

This book is what he pretends to be in his hand when he is close to the crowd.

However, when he was inexplicably irritable just now, he forgot that he was still holding a book in his hand. He just felt that there was something in his hand.

Feeling the surprise in everyone's eyes, Lin Zhong smiled unnaturally and said, "This is an accident. I came here today to buy this book, so I'll just buy this book now."

After he finished speaking, he stopped looking at everyone's expressions. Lin Zhong took the book whose cover was torn by him and hurried to the cashier. Under the suspicious eyes of the cashier, he checked out the book and left.

Lin Zhong, who walked out of the bookstore, couldn't help but scolded, "What a bad luck!"

Then he looked down at the book in his hand, whose cover had been torn by him, and cursed again, "Harry Potter, Hammer Potter!"

Then, with two clicks, he tore off the entire cover, squeezed it into a ball in his hand, and threw it into the trash can by the side of the road.

Originally, he planned to throw the book in together, but after thinking about it, he endured it.

Let's take it back and take a look for yourself. In case those people in the bookstore just now are all fans of Li Fan, seeing this book is a little passable is just blind praise.

In fact, this book is not that good at all.

Besides, they basically just read a brief introduction, what if this is a trick by Li Fan?

The introduction is deliberately made so attractive, it looks very high-profile, but the specific content in it has nothing to do with the introduction, or in other words, it does not have the attractiveness of the introduction at all.

Well, the book is still garbage.

Moreover, the difference between the specific content and the introduction is so great that it will make readers even more disappointed, contemptuous, and even disgusted.

Because, they will think that Li Fan deceived their feelings with the introduction.

In this way, it is really more wonderful than before.

Lin Zhong's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high. His mood suddenly improved a lot, and he went home with the book.


Lin Zhong went to the bookstore, and Li Fan's fans naturally also went to the bookstore.

After they went to the bookstore, they did the same thing as Lin Zhong, and that was to quietly listen to what the readers who bought the book had to say about the book.

The voice he heard was similar to what Lin Zhong heard.

However, their mood was completely opposite to that of Lin Zhong.

They were excited, excited, and couldn't help but want to laugh three times.

Just the cover and introduction of the book will surprise and look forward to readers. After reading all the content, will it be as beautiful as the previous "Slam Dunk"?

The answer seems predictable.

As for whether there will be a situation where the content of the book does not match the introduction at all?

Fans are not worried at all, who is Li Fan? Since he dares to use such an introduction, it means that the specific content of the book is definitely based on the introduction, and it will only be more exciting and attractive than the introduction!


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