Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 850 There is still a chance

Lucy got the affirmation of her father Jared and went happily. 【】

Jerry had to watch Lucy leave and pray in his heart: "My child, I hope you won't be too disappointed."

At the same time, I also prayed in my heart that Li Fan's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone would be more powerful and not make his daughter too sad.

Jerry had to take Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone home. He was going to read it himself, but now his daughter took it away. He could only wait for her daughter to return the book to him.

According to his guess, it shouldn't take long for his daughter to bring the book back to him, and she pouted and said angrily, "Dad is lying again, this book is not good at all."

Although, he didn't want such a scene to happen in his heart.

However, half an hour later, Lucy did not return the book.

An hour passed, and Lucy still hadn't returned the book.

Jared is a little weird. Does Lucy like to read that book?

Jared had to get ready to visit Lucy's room.

Came to the door of Lucy's room, the door was left open and not locked.

Jerry had to gently push the door open, only to see his daughter sitting in front of the small desk, looking at a book attentively. That book was the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone that he gave her.

Jerry is very satisfied with the way his daughter reads books. Although her daughter reads books a lot, she has not developed those bad reading habits.

However, seeing her daughter take it so seriously, Jared is a little strange, is it really good-looking? Jared was still reluctant to believe it.

Jared walked slowly to his daughter's side. The shadow of his body was even partially printed on the book. However, the daughter was still reading the book attentively and didn't feel his presence at all.

Jerry was even more surprised. His daughter was rarely so fascinated by reading books.

Jared couldn't bear to disturb his daughter, but he really wanted to know why her daughter was so fascinated by it?

Standing beside him for a while, seeing that his daughter still didn't find him, Jerry had to whisper, "Lucy!"

Lucy shuddered, only to find that Jared was standing beside her.

Lucy said very excitedly: "Dad,

You came. Dad, thank you, thank you for bringing me such a beautiful book. "

Jared froze in his heart and asked, "Lucy, is this book really good?"

Lucy, still excited, said, "Of course, Dad, this is the best book I've ever read. I seem to like Harry, well, and Ron, I like it too."

"The best book I've ever read?" Jerry was taken aback. Lucy has read a lot of fairy tales and fantasy literature since she was literate and now she is 12 years old.

Among them, there are many works by famous fantasy writers such as Jim and Chutl.

Now, my daughter says that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone are the best books she's ever seen. Does that mean they're better than Jim, Chuttle and their books?

This is impossible, Jerry can't believe it, although he now knows that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone should be a lot better than he originally estimated, but better than the works of Jim, Chuttle, etc. , Jared couldn't believe it.

He couldn't help but ask his daughter again, "Lucy, you mean, this is the best book you've ever read? It's even better than Jim, Chuttle and the rest?"

Lucy blinked her big watery eyes, nodded her head, and said very seriously: "Yes, Dad, it's really the best book I've ever read, I'm so happy to see such a book, Thank you, Dad."

Jerry was completely stunned, how could this be possible?

However, now is not the time to think about this issue. Jerry has to say: "Lucy likes to watch it. Lucy will watch slowly. Dad is out. Remember to go to bed early."

Lucy said: "Okay, goodbye Dad."

After leaving Lucy's room, Jared's brows could not help frowning. Best book? How is this possible?

However, Jared also knew that a children's literature work was good or not? The daughter has the absolute right to speak.

It may not represent the voice of all children, but it represents the voice of most children, that's for sure.

Is it really that good looking? Jared was a little unsure.

After a moment of hesitation, Jerry had to call Jim.

"Hello! I'm Jim." Jim answered the phone quickly.

Jared said into the phone, "I hope it doesn't bother you, Jim. How much have you seen Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone? What do you think of it?"

"Jared, I'm about halfway through it, and I feel bad. Oh! I'm not saying Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is bad, I mean, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone may be far higher than the kingdom of my dreams. I really hope that's not true." Jim's voice continued.

Jared was startled again and said, "The sales of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone will be much higher than the kingdom of your dreams? Jim, are you kidding me?"

"Jared, I really hope that's a joke. Li Fan, he's a terrible genius," Jim continued.


Hanging up the phone, Jared finally confirmed the fact that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone are excellent.

Although he still couldn't believe that the young writer in Huaguo, the first time he tried to create fantasy literature, created such an excellent work.

But the fact that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone are excellent, Jim no longer doubts.

In other words, is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone a good work? I don't need to discuss it for now, but it must be a very marketable work.

The evaluation of the daughter and Jim has convinced Jim, even though he has not read the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone yet.

Very marketable work? Jerry slapped his thigh violently. He regrets it very much now. He missed the copyright of this work, which was distributed in Lan Guo.

It's ridiculous that they once thought that they would publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone only if Li Fan didn't want the copyright fee.

now what? Now?

Jared suddenly slapped his thigh again, and the whole person immediately became excited.

He once missed out on the copyright of the book, but he still has a chance!

At present, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone have not been released in Languo, and the other publishing houses in Languo do not know the huge market for this book.

This is a golden opportunity for Jared. He wants to take advantage of other publishing houses in Languo to find Li Fan before discovering the huge market for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and sign them with Sander Publishing House, in Languo. exclusive publishing rights.

The speed must be fast. If other publishing houses in the country also come, it is hard to say whether they can win the exclusive publishing rights of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in the country.

Jared is very fortunate now. First, he is fortunate that he did not have a bad relationship with Li Fan at the time. Although it was a little unpleasant, it was not serious and there was a chance to make up for it.

The second is fortunate that their Sander Publishing House is the first publishing house in the country to find that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone have a huge market.

Of course, he had to hurry up, he decided to fly to China tomorrow.

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