Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 851 Western faces at the gate of the farm

Like Jared of Langland Sound Publishing House, Muller of Burgundy Hertz Publishing House also discovered the huge market value of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". 【Read the latest chapter】

At the same time, Muller also made the same decision as Jared. Tomorrow, he will fly to China immediately, to win "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" before other publishing houses in Baiguo react. exclusive publishing rights.

Now that Muller knows the market value of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Gesen, the representative of the famous fairy tales of Bai Guo, naturally also knows it.

When Gerson watched "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", he was no less shocked than Jim in Lan.

Although he is not good at fantasy literature, but fairy tales and fantasy literature are in the same line, Gerson can naturally accurately judge the market value of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

"Gerson, have you watched Li Fan's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" from Hua Guo?

Gesen shook his head and said, "It's a pity, I think we still underestimated Li Fan's strength. Jim Lang's entry "The Kingdom of Dreams" may only be ranked second in the fantasy literature group."

Oval was shocked and said, "Better than "Dreamland"?"

Gerson sighed: "I have a Bai language version of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" here. I have finished reading it. You can take it back and read it. Came out. No cover and rough, but it doesn't interfere with reading."

With that, Gerson handed Oval a thick, uncovered book.

Oval originally had this intention, so he did not refuse. He took the book that Gesen handed over, flipped through it at will, and said, "Thank you, Gesen, that's exactly what I meant. In this way, this book Is there a market for books in our Congress?"

Gerson said: "That's for sure, although it makes people feel very uncomfortable. And, most importantly, this book is not finished yet, it should have a second book."

Oval wondered: "Gerson, how do you know there is a second part?"

Gerson said: "At least there is a second one, Ovar, after you've seen it, you'll think so too."

"It's not really good news," Oval said.


Dan country.

Famous fairy tale writer Thomp,

A guest at Anderin's house, who is also a famous fairy tale.

Thomp said: "Anderin, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by Li Fan of Hua Guo seems to be very complicated."

Anderin sighed: "Although this is not good news, it seems to be the case. Li Fan, we still underestimate him after all. Fortunately, however, it is fantasy literature, and in this competition, it is not our competitors."

Thomp said: "Indeed, our main competitors are Gesen and others from Bai Guo. In addition, the person named Yang Jie in Hua Guo is also very strong. On June 1, we will announce this information. The results of the competition for this competition are now, and I hope the results are satisfactory.”

Anderin said: "No need to worry, Thomp, the first place in the fairy tale group must come from our country. We have to prove to the world that our country is the first country in fairy tales."

Thomp said: "Perhaps, we have to thank Li Fan of Huaguo for not using fairy tales to participate in the competition."

Anderin frowned, obviously, he didn't like this statement.

However, after a while, Anderin still said: "Okay, Thomp, I agree with your statement. However, even if Li Fan uses fairy tales to participate in the competition, it can only pose a great threat to us."

Thomp said: "It's natural, we may not lose him."


May 30.

International Children's Day on June 1st is coming soon. In the past two days, many primary schools across the country are holding various celebration activities one after another, and Longshan Township Central School is no exception.

Today is the day that Longshan Township Central School will hold a celebration.

As the sponsor of the event, Li Fan was also invited by the school to attend the event as a VIP.

When Li Fan arrived at the event site, the site was doing preparations before the event started.

Li Fan found Su Qing, and Su Qing was doing the final preparations for the students in the class who were going to participate in the show, and the little girl was among them.

Li Fanrou watched with interest. After a while, Yang Li, the school principal, and several other school leaders came over.

The principal Yang Li laughed and said: "Fanzi, you are here, you are welcome!"

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Headmaster Yang is too polite. Hello, teachers."

Several school leaders also greeted Li Fan with a smile. They often go to Sansheng Village to play, and they are already familiar with Li Fan.

After seeing each other, Yang Li invited Li Fan to take a seat, and the celebration was about to start soon.

Li Fan readily agreed.

It didn't take long for the festivities to officially begin.

The performances performed by children cannot be described as wonderful, but they are more lively, festive and innocent.

Li Fan nodded frequently when he saw it, there was something different and exciting.

After the event, classes were no longer continued today. Li Fan and Su Qing took the little girl out of the school and walked to the village.


May 31, 11 am.

A taxi stopped slowly at the entrance of Sansheng Village. Three men in their forties got out of the car and looked around curiously.

There was a look of surprise and wonder on his face.

The tourists passing by also frequently looked at them with a slightly surprised look on their faces.

Just because these three men are all western faces, it is hard not to attract attention when they suddenly appear here.

These three men were none other than Jared, Muller, and Isco, who had arrived here from three countries: Lan, Bai, and Dan.

Isco is the head of Iko Publishing House in Denmark. Like Sand Publishing House in Languo and Dehezi Publishing House in Baiguo, Iko Publishing House is the first discovery in Denmark. Special and the Philosopher's Stone is a publishing house with huge market value.

Therefore, Isco also rushed to China at the first time.

On the way to the three of them, they knew that each other had the same purpose, and there was no competition between them, so they made an appointment to come together, and they could also take care of each other.

It is not a secret that Li Fan lives in Sansheng Village, and the news is not difficult to inquire.

So, after staying in the provincial capital for one night yesterday, they arrived here by car this morning.

As soon as they got out of the car, the three of them were amazed. Above the grand gate of the farmhouse, there were four big characters dancing with dragons and phoenixes, looming and looming, as if surrounded by immortal spirits.

Although the three of them didn't know the four characters, they thought it was the four characters "Xianyuan Farm" that they had inquired about.


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