In front of the farm gate. 【】

Jared, Muller, and Isco looked around in surprise.

Jared said: "When I came here, I specifically inquired about the situation of Sansheng Village, and said that the scenery here is very beautiful, and it is the most beautiful village in China. Now it seems that it is true, there are so many here. Tourists, like a tourist destination."

Muller said: "No, Jared, the most famous thing here is not the scenery, but the things related to Xianyuan Farm. I heard that the vegetables, meat, fish and other foods here are very delicious. However, to be honest Say, I don't really believe it."

Jerry said: "Mule, in addition to your identity as a publishing house, you are also one of the most famous gourmets in your country. You do have a say in eating. However, the scenery here is beautiful, and the vegetables you grow should indeed be It was delicious."

Muller shook his head and said, "No no no, I believe the vegetables here are delicious, but what they say is too exaggerated, I can't believe it."

Jerry said: "No, the delicacy of vegetables is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated is the legend about the guardian beasts. Legend has it that there are sculpture-shaped beasts with a wingspan of seven or eight meters, giant snake-shaped beasts, and so on. , these are the real exaggerations."

At this time, Isco, who had not spoken, said: "Jared, Muller, I think we should do business first, and then talk about these things in a relaxed mood, which may be better."

Jared shrugged and said, "Okay, Isco, you're right, it's time to do business first."

Muller said: "Well, that's true. However, there seems to be a problem now, how can we find Li Fan?"

Isco pointed to a place and said, "Look at that building, it seems to be used for office work. Let's go there and find out, it should be rewarding."

Muller and Jared looked in the direction of Isco's finger, and as far as they could see, it seemed like an office building.

Muller said: "It's a good idea, let's go, I hope our shallow Chinese level can inquire about the news we want."

When they came to China this time, they originally brought translators with them.

However, the translator did not come to Sansheng Village with them, but stayed in the provincial capital.

Because, at the last exchange summit, they already knew that Li Fan can speak various languages ​​such as Lan and Bai, and he speaks very authentically and fluently.

If you only listen to the sound,

They will definitely think that it is a Languo or a Baiguo who is talking to them.

Now that they all knew that Li Fan was proficient in speaking Lan, bringing an interpreter by his side seemed a little suspicious.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, they still left their translators in the provincial capital.

This made them have to use their poor Chinese proficiency to inquire about news before meeting Li Fan.

The place the three of them mentioned was naturally the office building of the farm, and their judgment was very accurate.

Soon, the three came to the office building and found that the real office location should be on the second floor.

So, the three of them went directly to the second floor. As soon as they exited the stairs, their eyes lit up, and they seemed to have come to the right place.

Diagonally opposite the stairway is a glass door. Inside the glass door seems to be the reception desk. A pretty girl is sitting at the front desk.

Li Ru was sorting information at the front desk, but when she looked up, she saw three tall, foreign men with Western appearances coming towards the front desk.

Li Ru was full of doubts. It was the first time that foreigners came to the office building.

Just when Li Ru looked at the three of them in doubt, the three of them had come to the glass door and gently pushed open the glass door.

Jerry had to say in very unskilled Chinese: "Hello! Beautiful girl, we want to find Li Fan, I wonder if you can help us?"

Although the pronunciation is not standard, it is finally understandable.

However, when Li Ru spoke, the three of them were stunned.

Because Li Ru speaks Lan, and is quite proficient.

Li Ru said, "I'm sorry, three gentlemen, if you find it difficult to speak Chinese, you can speak Lan. Li Fan is my boss, and I can help you."

After the three were stunned, their faces were full of joy again. First, because the other party can actually speak Lan, it will naturally be much easier to communicate.

Second, they really found the right place, where they can really find Li Fan.

However, they also had some doubts in their hearts. Li Fan could only speak Lan. How could a staff member at the front desk be able to speak so fluent Lan?

Jared couldn't help but ask in Lan, "Beautiful girl, why do you speak Lan so well?"

Li Ru smiled and said, "This is what our boss asked us to do. He asked us to learn Lan. Because our farm will have many foreign friends visiting in the future, and we can speak Lan, so we can communicate with them. "

"So that's the case." The three nodded, but they were shocked again. All three were thinking, "There will be many foreign friends coming to the farm in the future? Could it be that Li Fan's farm business is still going abroad? Is it because Li Fan is too confident? Or does the farm itself have such conditions?"

Although the three of them were puzzled, they knew that now was obviously not the time to consider these issues.

So, the three immediately expressed their intentions to Li Ru.

After Li Ru heard this, he asked the three of them to go to the reception room to rest first, saying that he should contact the boss first.

Jared thanked the three of them and followed another girl to the reception room to rest.

Fate comes first.

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng are chatting.

The two beauties, Su Qing and the little girl, were helping Zhang Xia to take care of the vegetable garden.

As he was talking, Li Fan's phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Li Ru who was calling.

After being connected, Li Fan finally said: "In this way, you brought the three of them here to live here, and I will talk to them here. On the way here, let them see the scenery of our village and the farm by the way. Vegetables grown in the vegetable area, etc.”

"Okay, Brother Fan, I know, I'll bring them here." Li Ru agreed on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang, I have three guests coming over, would you mind adding three more chairs?"

Zheng Jie scolded with a smile: "You kid received guests, and they all received my fate. Are those publishing houses?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Their speed is quite fast. I originally thought that they would have to wait a few days before coming."

Liang Sheng said: "The last time they didn't agree with your offer, and coming here now, it shows that they not only agreed with your last offer, but also have room to float."

Li Fan smiled. He naturally understood what Liang Sheng meant. He thought the same thing about raising prices.

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