Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 858 The mood is different

Therefore, the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" has also become the focus of discussion on the Internet in countries such as Danguo and Baiguo. 【】

"This is really surprising news. Jim Lang's "The Kingdom of Dreams" did not win the first place. I am curious now, what exactly is the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"? What kind of book is it?"

"Who said before that Huaguo's fantasy literature didn't develop? Can we win the first place this time without development? Some news is still unbelievable."

"There are several fantasy literature works in this competition that have been released in my country. Why is there no "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"?"

"Who knows? It's the first time I've heard of this book, but I'm already interested in it."

""Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" can win the first place in the fantasy literature category, so it should be very marketable. Why don't these publishers in our country buy publishing rights?"


The mentality of netizens in these countries is naturally different from the mentality of netizens in Lan Guo.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and "Dreamland", who won the first place in the fantasy literature category, they don't care, they are not the authors of their country anyway.

It's just that they are very strange, a work that has not been released in their country, and they have never heard of it before, how can it win the first place in fantasy literature?

They were all very curious to know the answer.


Many publishing houses in various countries are also very surprised to see that "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" won the first place in the fantasy literature category.

It's just that they were surprised, not why the publisher didn't publish this book, but the representative of the publisher who attended the exchange summit last time, why didn't the publisher publish this book?

They all published the second-ranked to fifth-ranked works, but they did not publish the first-ranked work. Could it be that they were not optimistic about the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"?

Well, I guess that's the only way to explain it.

Does that mean that any publishing house now has the opportunity to publish this book?

Thinking of this, the powerful big publishing houses in various countries can't help but get excited. As long as they can reach a cooperation agreement with Li Fan of Huaguo first, they can definitely make a lot of money.

The powerful big publishing houses have taken action one after another.

Of course, there are two exceptions for publishing houses in two countries, namely Dan and Bai.

Dehez Publishing House in Baiguo and Ike Publishing House in Danguo also announced to the outside world that they had reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan.

Much to the regret of other publishers in both countries.

The news that Languo Sound Publishing House, Boguo De Hezi Publishing House, and Danguo Yike Publishing House have reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan has also spread to several other countries. In the ears of several publishing houses.

This made several publishing houses almost want to vomit blood. At the beginning, they were also representatives of the exchange summit publishing house, and everyone knew each other.

Now, your three publishers have discovered in advance, the market for the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Why can't you just let us know? We don't have competition.

You have now reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan, and you will make a lot of money.

And because we missed the first opportunity, we now have to compete with other powerful domestic publishing houses. Can we successfully obtain publishing rights? But it's hard to say.

Even if you finally succeed in winning the copyright, the price you pay is probably greater than you.

You guys are so disrespectful this time!

Several publishing houses are about to vomit blood, but it is useless to complain now, so hurry up and take action to successfully win the publishing rights.


Dan country.

Anderin won the first place in the short story and fairy tale category in this competition, and he also defeated his old rival, Gerson of Bai Guo, and won the first place, which made him feel very good.

He smiled and said to Thomp: "Bai Guo has always wanted to beat us in fairy tales, what can we say about Nagsen this time? My country is the first country in the world of fairy tales. It's just a pity. The thing is, Li Fan really won the first place in the fantasy literature category, and Jim Languo is just unreliable, thanks to his self-confidence before."

Thomp said: "It's really a pity. In the past, he was only famous in European countries for his short fairy tales. I'm afraid he will add fantasy literature in the future."

Andrin sighed, although he didn't want to admit it, it seemed to be true.


Compared with Anderin's good mood, Bo Guo's Gerson was obviously not so lucky.

The short fairy tales he is best at, lost to his old rival Anderin.

It was a difficult thing for him to accept.

However, netizens in Baiguo also criticized this, thinking that even if he lost to others, he couldn't lose to Anderin, lest the netizens in Danguo be arrogant and arrogant!

But the matter has come to this point, and the result is impossible to change. Netizens of Baiguo can only release their emotions through the Internet, and Gesen has to lie down and grab them many times.

This made Gesen's mood even worse. In addition, Li Fan won the first place in the fantasy literature category, which was also very bad news for Gesen.

It's no wonder that Gerson is in a good mood.


In addition, some writers in another country were also in a very bad mood at this time.

They were the representatives of a group of children's literature writers from the island country at the last exchange summit.

At the last exchange summit, representatives of writers such as Shangchuan Jinxiu saw that Li Fan finally had to choose fantasy literature to participate in the competition, and thought that Li Fan was dead this time.

For this reason, after they returned to China, they also vigorously "propaganda", so that other writers and netizens in the island country would be prepared to see Li Fan fall.

However, everyone's preparations were well done, but what they saw was not a downfall, but another glorious scene.

This has made some other writers in the island country, as well as some netizens, quite critical of them.

It’s okay if you don’t let everyone prepare. Now that you’re ready, you don’t see the content you want to watch. Isn’t this just blocking yourself?

"Bastard!" The writer representatives who attended the exchange summit last time cursed in their hearts.

I don't know if they are scolding Li Fan, or other writers and netizens who criticize them a lot!


The announcement of the final results of the competition has made the Internet in various countries quite unstable, and the authors and ordinary netizens have their own different moods.

But Li Fan doesn't have time to surf the Internet now. He is sitting on the bus bound for the provincial capital. He wants to accompany Su Qing to participate in the event that Su Qing's former university will hold this afternoon.


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