Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 859 Interlude in front of the fast food restaurant

At 11 am, Li Fan and Su Qing walked out of the provincial passenger station. 【Full text reading】

It is about an hour away by taxi from Su Qing's school, Funan University.

Therefore, the two did not stop, but directly took a car and went to Funan University.

Funan University is the best university in Funan Province. It can also be ranked in the top ten nationwide. Basically, it can be regarded as a nationally famous university.

Today is June 1st, which was originally a festival for children, but Funan University seems to be unwilling to be lonely, and it will also hold an event today.

Moreover, the theme of this event is also related to childhood, just "remembering" childhood.

I heard that the original intention of the organizer is to let everyone recall their childhood, so as to wash away everyone’s impetuous mentality, feel the passage of time, and learn to cherish and enjoy the present time.

In this regard, Li Fan quite agrees, time is fleeting, and we should learn to enjoy and cherish it.

An hour later, the two got off the bus on a street near Funan University.

The activity starts at 4:00 pm, and there is still enough time.

"Let's go eat first." Li Fan said.

Su Qing let out an "um", and the two started looking for a place to eat.

In fact, there is no need to look for it, because there are too many places to eat around here.

"Let's go to that restaurant. When I was studying, I often went there to eat." Su Qing pointed to a fast food restaurant and said.

Li Fan naturally had no objection, and the two went to the fast food restaurant.

Since it happens to be lunch time now, many students choose to go out to eat. The business of these restaurants around is very good.

The fast food restaurant Su Qing mentioned was even more crowded.

Su Qing stood at the door of the fast food restaurant, hesitated for a moment, and said, "How about we switch to another one?"

Li Fan knew that Su Qing chose to eat at this restaurant, mostly because of the feeling of reminiscence in it, he smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good here, and it looks lively with more people, so let's eat here, then The two classmates have already got up, let's sit there."

Su Qing is happy in her heart,

A soft "hmm" sounded.

The two were about to walk into the fast food restaurant when they heard someone shouting from behind: "Qingqing, what a coincidence!" It was a woman's voice.

The two looked back and saw a very beautiful woman with a good figure, looking at Su Qing with joy on her face.

Beside him stood a handsome man.

However, the man was obviously amazed by Su Qing's face at this time, and his expression was a little stunned.

Although the woman next to him who just called Su Qing was also a rare beauty, compared to Su Qing, she was quite inferior.

"Yunyun, did you also come back to participate in the event? What a coincidence." Su Qing also said happily.

Looking at it like this, the relationship between the two during college seems to be quite good.

"Yeah," the woman named Yunyun continued, "So, you are back for the event? Qingqing, I see that you were about to walk into this fast food restaurant just now. Are you going to go in for dinner?"

Su Qing nodded and said, "Yeah, we used to eat in this restaurant a lot, so why don't you join Yunyun?"

Yunyun glanced at the fast food restaurant, but said: "Qingqing, we used to eat here often because we were students and we didn't have much money. How can we still eat at this kind of fast food restaurant now? Qingqing, come with us. Let's go eat and eat somewhere else."

"Yes, yes, what Yun'er said is right." The man next to him had also recovered his senses and continued: "You are Yun'er's classmate, right? How could you be so beautiful to eat in such a place? Come with us. Come on, I'll treat you, the place is up to you to choose."

The woman named Yunyun said again: "Qingqing, I forgot to introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Hanwei. Hanwei owns a large company, so, Qingqing, you don't have to be polite, we Go pick a place and have a good meal."

After hearing this, Su Qing said, "Yunyun, thank you for your kindness, but I have a boyfriend who invited me to dinner, so I won't go with you."

"Your boyfriend? Are you talking about him?" Yunyun and Hanwei said at the same time in disbelief.

They had just seen Li Fan standing by Su Qing's side, but they never imagined that Li Fan would be Su Qing's boyfriend.

They thought that this kid was fascinated by Su Qing's face, and he kept standing beside him and refused to leave.

Su Qing reached out to hold Li Fan's arm and said sweetly, "Yes, he is my boyfriend. Yunyun, let me introduce you too, my boyfriend..."

However, before Su Qing could finish her words, Yunyun pulled him aside and whispered, "Qingqing, why are you so stupid? You don't know how beautiful you are? How can you find such a boyfriend? rich?"

Su Qing smiled and said, "Yunyun, this has nothing to do with money, I really like him."

Yunyun said again: "That's right, he invited you to eat fast food, what kind of money can you get? Qingqing, honestly, did he use some abnormal means against you?"

Su Qing was a little dumbfounded and said, "Yunyun, where do you want to go? Besides, I want to eat at this fast food restaurant myself."

Yunyun was still a little unconvinced, and looked at Su Qing suspiciously.

Look at Li Fan again.

Yunyun pulled Su Qing aside and whispered.

The young man named Hanwei looked at Li Fan with envy for a moment, and then said in a low voice with a half-smiling smile, "Boy, okay, the method is good, I'm afraid I used some shameful method, right?"

Li Fan just smiled and ignored him.

Seeing that Li Fan was ignoring him, Hanwei became even more excited, and said, "Boy, you can invite your girlfriend, um, I'll treat her as your girlfriend for the time being, and you will invite such a beautiful girlfriend to eat fast food. ?"

Li Fan shrugged and said, "I think this place is good."

Hanwei sneered and was about to say something else, but Su Qing and Yunyun had already returned.

Su Qing took Li Fan's arm again and said, "Yunyun, go and eat, we'll eat here."

Yunyun was helpless, so she glared at Li Fan fiercely and said, "Well, I really don't understand you, then let's go to dinner, see you later."

Su Qing nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

Yunyun took Hanwei's arm and walked away. Just when she turned around, Hanwei gave Li Fan a provocative look, but Li Fan ignored it directly.

This is just a small C song. The two walked into the store, and just two students got up and left after eating, and their seats were available.

Su Qing took the seat, while Li Fan went to the bar to order food, looking like a couple of students.


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