Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 860: In the Small Garden

Soon, Li Fan returned to his seat with two fast food. 【No pop-up novel network】

"Eat it now, it looks pretty good." Li Fan put one of them on the dining table in front of Su Qing and said.

Su Qing let out an "um", her heart full of sweetness.

When she was studying here, she thought, if one day she fell in love, and her boyfriend accompanies her to eat here, she should be very happy, right?

Now, she finally realized it, and she was really happy.

She raised her head and glanced at Li Fan, then lowered her head and slowly chewed the food in her mouth. The images of memory and reality were constantly interacting and overlapping, and her heart was tender and sweet.

However, Li Fan didn't feel as much emotion as Su Qing. He ate his food in big mouthfuls. Well, the main reason was that this fellow was really hungry.

A fast food quickly bottomed out, and Li Fan praised: "Qingqing, you used to choose a place. Although this is fast food, the taste is really good."

Seeing that his lunch box was about to bottom out, Su Qing smiled and gave half of the food in her lunch box to Li Fan, and said, "If it's not enough, you can order another."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Enough, enough. Oh, by the way, what kind of woman is Yunyun, who doesn't know your identity?"

Su Qing nodded and said: "Well, I don't know. Her name is Ye Yun. We used to have a good relationship, but we didn't have much contact after graduation. Only Yingying in our class knows my identity, but it's a pity Yingying Now performing outside the country, I can't come this afternoon."

Li Fan nodded and said, "So it is."

After that, he bowed his head and continued to eat. At this time, the voices of several students nearby came into Li Fan's ears.

"I heard that the school organized this afternoon's 'Reminiscence of Childhood' activity, and specially invited many students who have graduated to come back to participate. Do you think it makes sense for the organizers to do this?"

"There must be meaning, but it's hard to say how much meaning it can have."

"Indeed, it is said that by recalling childhood, we can wash away everyone's current impetuous mentality, feel the passage of time, and learn to cherish and enjoy the present time. The original intention of the organizer is not bad, but everyone can recall the memories of childhood. So much insight? This is obviously a bit taken for granted."

"Don't say this, everyone, we should still look at the positive side more, its significance is still good, and the school should indeed organize more such activities.


"The main invitees for this event are the students who have just graduated in the past two years and the senior students who are about to graduate. Therefore, I think the main purpose of the organizer this time is to eliminate everyone's impetuous heart. Because those For people who are either just starting a job, or are about to start looking for a job, or are looking for a job, the mentality is really important to them.”

"The main thing is to invite them, but we freshmen and sophomores, if you are interested, you can go and have a look."


The students' conversation made Li Fan know more about the next activities.

After a while, the food in Su Qing's lunch box was also finished.

"Are you full?" Li Fan asked softly.

Su Qing nodded and replied, "Well, I'm full."

Li Fan said again: "Then let's go out."

Su Qing said "um" again, stood up, and walked out of the fast food restaurant with Li Fan.

Li Fan looked at the time, it was just 12:30 noon, it was still early, and he said, "Where are we going now?"

Su Qing said: "Let's go to the school for a walk. I haven't been to the school for a long time."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay, I just happened to feel the atmosphere of a famous school."

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and said, "What kind of atmosphere can there be? It's not all the same, then let's go."

On the campus, Li Fan and Su Qing strolled forward, and students would pass by from time to time.

The male classmates who passed behind the two would always look back and look at Su Qing pretending to be nonchalant.

It made Li Fan feel quite amusing, but he understood it very well.

Because he has done it before.

However, Su Qing had obviously become accustomed to these things, and the expression on her face did not fluctuate at all.

While walking, she told Li Fan about some things she used to do in school, which she was quite nostalgic about.

After walking like this for a while, Su Qing looked at her phone and said, "It's Yunyun, she asked where we are? She said that she is with several classmates now, let us go too."

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's it, let's go over there."

Su Qing was a little unwilling to go, but thinking that everyone came back to participate in the event, it would obviously not be good to go.

Together with Li Fan, they walked towards the address that Ye Yun told her on her mobile phone.


The address is a small garden in the school.

At this time, there were about 10 people standing, sitting, or squatting in an open space in the middle of the small garden, both men and women.

Ye Yun and Han Wei were naturally among them.

About 10 people are talking.

One of the girls named Chen Shuang said with a puzzled face: "Ye Yun, do you think Su Qing has really found a very ordinary boyfriend? It's impossible, the people chasing her should at least have to line up. Dozens of laps around the school, many of them are rich and handsome, what kind of boyfriend can she not find? How could she find a normal one?"

Ye Yun shook her head and said, "I'm also wondering, that person isn't bad looking, but Su Qing should obviously find someone better."

Chen Shuang said again: "Is it very rich?"

At this time, Hanwei sneered and said, "I have P's money to invite such a beautiful woman to eat fast food. I feel ashamed for him. I still say that, that kid might have used some shameful means. ."

"Isn't that right, invite Su Qing to eat fast food? This is too exaggerated." Another boy named Lu Yangming said.

Hanwei gave a disdainful "cut" and said again: "What we have seen with our own eyes, can it be fake? If you don't believe it, you can ask her yourself when they come over later."

"This...I want to ask, what you said about Su Qing is beautiful?" asked a boy named Zhou Haiming.

Obviously, like Hanwei, he is not someone else's classmate, but the boyfriend of a girl named Xia Shuang.

Xia Shuang snorted lightly and said, "It's just a little more beautiful than ordinary beauties, but I think I'm very beautiful."

Zhou Haiming saw that his girlfriend was a little unhappy, and quickly said with a smile: "That is, it must not be as beautiful as us."


Ten minutes later, Li Fan and Su Qing went outside the small garden.

Seeing the two of them, Ye Yun waved and shouted, "Qingqing, here."

Su Qing agreed and walked towards the crowd with Li Fan.


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