Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 861 should find a better one

in the small garden. 【No pop-up novel network】

When the 10 or so people saw Ye Yun beckoning and shouting again, they knew that Su Qing had arrived.

For a while, they all stopped talking and looked in the same direction.

I saw a tall and stunning woman and a young man walking in their direction.

However, everyone's eyes were almost all focused on that stunning woman.

Girls are envious and jealous, boys have hot eyes, among them, Zhou Haiming is the most.

Because among the 10 people at the scene, he was the only one who saw Su Qing for the first time, and the whole person was stunned. He was able to meet such a stunning woman face to face. Zhou Haiming felt very happy.

After the stay, Zhou Haiming remembered what his girlfriend Xia Shuang had just said, "It's just a little more beautiful than ordinary beauties."

"This Nima is only a little more beautiful than ordinary beauties?" Zhou Haiming murmured inwardly, and glanced at his girlfriend Xia Shuang without a trace.

Xia Shuang can be regarded as an ordinary beauty, but compared with Su Qing...

Of course, although Zhou Haiming at this time felt that Su Qing was much prettier than his girlfriend, he had no other thoughts except for a jealous glance at Li Fan.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she is someone else's woman. Zhou Haiming is very self-aware. Although he has small wealth and looks handsome, he knows that he will never be able to control such a stunning woman.

In contrast, he was very satisfied that he could find an ordinary beauty like Xia Shuang as his girlfriend, so let's cherish the person in front of him.

For those other stunning women, just two glances is enough.

However, Zhou Haiming was also very puzzled in his heart, why would such a stunning woman find such an ordinary boyfriend?

At least on the surface, her boyfriend really doesn't see anything surprising.

Li Fan and Su Qing got closer and closer, and after everyone's eyes stayed on Su Qing for a long enough time, they all focused on Li Fan.

Except for Ye Yun, the rest of the girls, seeing that Li Fan is indeed quite ordinary, couldn't help but feel a little relieved. They didn't feel sorry for Su Qing, but rather gloated over the misfortune, thinking, "You are beautiful, It's useless for me to be jealous, but now, we can find a better boyfriend than your boyfriend.


And Xia Shuang, whose boyfriend was by his side, felt even more at ease.

To be honest, when he was still in school, Xia Shuang was very jealous of Su Qing, thinking that Su Qing was so beautiful, and she would definitely find a very handsome and very rich boyfriend in the future, which obviously made people envious and envious.

But now, looking at Su Qing's boyfriend and then at his own, Xia Shuang's mood suddenly became very good.

Holding Zhou Haiming's arm, she deliberately walked up to Li Fan and Su Qing, who had already approached, trying her best to show a sincere smile, and said, "Su Qing, I didn't expect you to come back today. It's a coincidence. After graduating from university, We haven't seen each other again. I didn't expect everyone to be friends now. Let me introduce, this is my boyfriend, Zhou Haiming, who is usually very busy with business. I came, and I had no choice but to ask him to pay me for coming."

Su Qing smiled and said, "That proves that your boyfriend loves you very much, you must be very happy, congratulations, Xia Shuang."

Xia Shuang said again: "It's okay, what about you, you should be very happy too, didn't your boyfriend come with you? He should be very busy at ordinary times, right?"

Su Qing said: "I'm really happy, he also came with me on purpose."

When Xia Shuang and Su Qing were talking, Zhou Haiming also extended his right hand to Li Fan, smiled, and said, "Hello!"

Li Fan also smiled, stretched out his right hand and shook Zhou Haiming, and said, "Hello!"

At this time, the boy named Lu Yangming also came over and said, "Hello, my friend, I'm Lu Yangming, Su Qing's classmate. I heard that you invited Su Qing to have fast food for lunch today?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Yes, the taste is not bad."

"Lu Yangming, what does it have to do with you what he invited me to eat? Besides, that's what I want to eat there myself." Su Qing turned her head and looked at Lu Yangming and said displeasedly.

This man named Lu Yangming, relying on a small amount of money in his family, pursued Su Qing in a high-profile manner during school. Various ways of confession emerged one after another, and he spent a lot of money.

However, Su Qing always ignored him, never even hated him, which made Lu Yangming a big blow.

The most sad and desperate thing is not that a person hates you and hates you, but that person has no mood swings towards you at all, and always treats you like a stranger.

Lu Yangming couldn't help feeling a little bit from love to hate, but he wanted to see Su Qing's girl, what kind of boyfriend can he find in the end?

Today, he finally saw it, but he was inexplicably annoyed in his heart. Su Qing ignored him back then. If he finally finds a person who is so handsome and has so much money that he can't use it up, that's all.

But now Su Qing has found one, which has nothing to do with the word "handsome", and she still invites her to eat fast food as her boyfriend.

This made Lu Yangming a little nameless. Su Qing can even like this kind of person, why can't he like him?

However, although the nameless fire was aroused in his heart, Lu Yangming's face was rather dull, and when he walked in front of Li Fan, there was the scene of the question just now.

Then, what Su Qing said to him made his heart even more angry.

Because, he clearly felt the displeasure in Su Qing's heart. In his impression, this was the first time Su Qing had spoken to him with emotion. And this is because of her boyfriend.

Lu Yangming had a fire in his heart, but it was not suitable for an attack now, and finally he could only snort softly and said, "I thought you could find a boyfriend, but in the end you only found this one... hum! "

Su Qing felt annoyed and said, "What does it have to do with you?"

"Humph!" Lu Yangming hummed again, but he didn't say anything.

Li Fan looked at Lu Yangming, smiled lightly, and said nothing.

Ye Yun glanced at Lu Yangming with a frown. It was obviously inappropriate for Lu Yangming to say this in public. She wanted to say something round, but she thought about it again. Although Lu Yangming's words were inappropriate, they might make Su Qing really felt that her boyfriend was not very good, so he kicked him away.

That said, it's a good thing. Ye Yun really thought that Su Qing should find a better one.

So, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.


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