Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 862 Basketball? I do not know

Ye Yun didn't say anything, but Hanwei next to him lit up and said, "Lu Yangming, you can't just look at the surface, since the beautiful lady Su likes this gentleman so much, then this gentleman must be outstanding. It's just that the gentleman is low-key and unwilling to show it. []"

"Oh, is it?" Lu Yangming looked at Hanwei and said, "Then what do you think he is good at?"

Hanwei shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. People are restrained, and outsiders generally can't see it."

Lu Yangming said: "That's true, we ordinary people certainly can't see it."

The sarcasm inside and outside the words of the two people can naturally be heard by those present.

They couldn't help looking at Li Fan, wanting to see what kind of reaction Li Fan would have. According to their understanding, Li Fan should at least fight back against each other. , it must be worth it if you hold on to it.

Men, in front of their girlfriends and classmates with so many girlfriends, you can't lose face.

However, Li Fan didn't seem to hear the sarcasm of the two, there was no reaction, and even the expression on his face didn't seem to change at all.

There was a burst of disappointment in everyone's heart, and they were even more disdainful of Li Fan.

They didn't believe that Li Fan couldn't hear the sarcasm of the two. Now that Li Fan didn't respond, it could only show that Li Fan deliberately pretended not to hear it.

In other words, Li Fan was cowardly, and he didn't even have the courage to fight back.

Hanwei and Lu Yangming were even more disdainful in their hearts.

Ye Yun shook her head, feeling even more disappointed with Li Fan, and felt even more worthless for Su Qing. She really didn't understand, how could Su Qing fall in love with Li Fan so much?

Hanwei said again: "Yunyun, what kind of activity of yours will start at 4 pm, and it is only 1 pm now. It's really boring to wait here for 3 hours. Let's go somewhere for a turn? "

Lu Yangming also immediately replied, "Yes, it's really pointless to wait here, let's go and do something? It's better than waiting here."

After the rest of the people listened and thought about it, Xia Shuang said, "Then let's go, but where are we going?"

Chen Shuangdao, who had not spoken just now: "Since everyone said they were leaving,

Then just walk around in the school, 3 hours passed by quite fast. "

"Okay, I agree, maybe I can meet other classmates again." Another girl said.

Ye Yun looked at Su Qing and said, "Qingqing, what do you think?"

Su Qing looked at Li Fan, Li Fan smiled, and nodded lightly to leave, Su Qing said, "I have no opinion."

Ye Yun said: "Since everyone has no opinions, then I naturally have no opinions, so let's go."

So, as the group left the small garden, Han Wei and Lu Yangming's eyes flashed a hint of playfulness.

When everyone walked through the campus, Lu Yangming always walked at the front, intentionally or unintentionally. Except for Li Fan and Hanwei, no one noticed that they were actually walking with Lu Yangming.

Hanwei obviously got through with Lu Yangming.

And Li Fan naturally relies on his keen perception, but Li Fan doesn't know now, where is that kid going to take everyone?

He didn't bother to dismantle each other, just walked silently among the crowd and looked at the campus style, which felt good.

Not long after, everyone came to the stadium.

The weather was fine today, no sun, and a cool breeze blowing from time to time.

Therefore, there are many students exercising in the whole stadium, and there are many students in basketball courts, tennis courts, badminton courts, table tennis courts and other venues.

Lu Yangming laughed and said, "Hey! Before I knew it, I came to the stadium. I didn't expect that there were already so many people at this time."

Hanwei also said: "Your school's stadium looks good, and all kinds of facilities are complete."

Lu Yangming said again, "Since we've all arrived at the stadium, let's play for a while before leaving. We have four boys here, how about a basketball game?"

"Basketball game?" When several girls heard Lu Yangming say this, they were all stunned at first. What kind of basketball game are they playing?

However, thinking about it again, there is nothing to do right now. It seems like a good choice to watch these boys play a basketball game.

Zhou Haiming's eyes lit up. Basketball is his strength. He has always believed that men who like sports are the most handsome.

And basketball is one of the most perfect sports. Girls may not like basketball, but they will definitely like to watch the boys they like play basketball.

If you can show your superb golf skills in front of your girlfriend and so many beauties, especially in front of stunning beauties like Su Qing, it will be absolutely handsome.

Opportunities like this don't come all the time.

After thinking about it, Zhou Haiming couldn't help but get a little excited and said: "Yes, this is a good idea, but there are two problems. First, we don't have basketball uniforms or basketball shoes now, how can we play? Second, four people I can't even play a game!"

Lu Yangming said: "These are not problems, there is a shop specializing in sports equipment, a set of professional basketball uniforms, and a pair of professional basketball shoes, which are only a few thousand yuan, which is very cheap. We used to directly Just buy a set of equipment, and just keep it after the game. As for forming a team, it’s even easier. You can find a few students to play in a team. Since the fire of “Slam Dunk”, there are many Students have a soft spot for basketball."

Zhou Haiming was overjoyed after hearing this, and said, "This is the best way. I'm in favor of playing a game."

Lu Yangming nodded with satisfaction and said, "So Hanwei, what do you think?"

Hanwei laughed and said, "I can't ask for it. I'm thinking of moving my body right now. Basketball is just right."

After speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled proudly.

After that, Lu Yangdong looked at Li Fan with some playfulness, and said with a smile: "So brother, you won't refuse it?"

If they wanted to come, Li Fan should not refuse under such circumstances. In front of his girlfriend and so many beauties, he had to save face no matter what.

If you refuse, you will definitely find thousands of excuses, thousands of reasons.

They naturally have a way to prevent Li Fan from finding those excuses and reasons.

However, Li Fan's answer suffocated them.

I saw Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry, I refuse. Because, basketball, I can't!"


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