Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 890 The behemoth swooping down

When the tourists from China heard this scream, they were even more excited and excited. This was obviously Xiaotian's second warning.

If those guys still ignore the warning and continue to move forward, Xiaotian is likely to launch an attack.

Howling attack? What kind of scene would that be? Earth-shattering battle? Or completely ruthless crushing?

No one had seen it, and no one knew about it.

But just by imagining the scene of Xiaotian's attack in his mind, all the tourists were excited and excited.

Therefore, many tourists have prayed in their hearts, praying that those guys can be tougher and not be scared back by Xiaotian.

They want to see the scene of Xiaotian's attack, it must be very shocking, anyway, those eagles are ordinary eagles, and they have no protective value.


Xiaotian's second warning was naturally heard in the ears of Davis, Thomas and others.

This time, everyone could clearly identify that the whistling they had just heard was not from the flock of eagles in the distant sky, but from another direction.

Is it...

Everyone froze at the same time, and they seemed to know the truth of the matter.

Davis laughed and said, "Have you guessed it too? That's right, those eagles are not guardian beasts, but want to come to the farm to hunt for food.

We should have thought for a long time that the production in the farm must also be a deadly temptation for them, and it is quite normal for them to want to prey.

And the animal that made a sharp whistling sound is the real guardian beast, it is warning the group of guys not to get close.

However, that group of guys didn't seem to pay attention to the warning of the guardian beast, and they were still approaching at a very fast speed. "

Jones sighed: "In this way, the guardian beast really exists, which is unbelievable."

Davis said: "It should be true, but I don't know how its combat effectiveness is? Can it really protect the farm?"

Thomas said: "I think it should be able to protect. Everyone thinks, those eagles want to come to the farm to hunt for food. Today will definitely not be the first time. They must have come before, but they were all driven away by the guardian beasts. .

Don't ask me why I know? I'm just guessing. "

Johnson said: "However, this time may be a little troublesome. There are too many opponents. It is estimated that it will not be easy for the guardian beasts to deal with them."

Thomas said: "Okay, Johnson, what you said makes sense. However, no matter what, I am full of interest and curiosity now. I don't know what the rumored guardian beast looks like?"

Davis said: "We are all the same, very curious. Moreover, there is not only one kind of the rumored guardian beast. Here, it may be much more exciting than we imagined."

This remark made Thomas, Johnson and others agree.

That's right, who would have thought that the rumored guardian beast actually exists.

At this time, Jones said: "Look, those guys are getting closer and closer, and their size is really not small. This time may indeed be a little troublesome."

Davis also said: "I can see clearly now that they are all ordinary eagles. However, these guys are indeed very big, and their combat effectiveness is probably not low."

As soon as the words fell, Thomas exclaimed again and said, "Look, what are those guys doing? The distance between each other is getting farther and farther, shouldn't they be in a formation? Do they still know how to use tactics? Those guys have such a high IQ?"

Davis said: "I don't know if they are using tactics, but one thing is certain, those guys really don't plan to leave this time."

Johnson's eyes lit up and excitedly said, "Isn't this better? So we can see what the rumored guardian beast looks like?"

Davis laughed and said: "Yes, I can't wait now, I hope it won't disappoint."

Thomas, Jones, and others also have bright eyes, and it is obvious that their hearts are also impatient.


Davis and the others saw that the group of eagles ignored the warning and had no intention of leaving, and the rest of the tourists in the farm naturally also saw it.

After covering other foreign tourists, they now know that the guardian beast really exists.

Excited and excited, I am also full of expectations for what the guardian beast looks like!

And all the Chinese tourists were equally excited and excited at this time. Those eagles were really not scared away by Xiaotian, which made people have to admire their courage.

In other words, the temptation of food has made them crazy, and they have to gamble at the risk of their lives.

This time it's wonderful.

At this time, Xiaotian should be about to start action.

As soon as this thought flashed through everyone's mind, they heard a third whistle in the sky.

It was sharper, louder, and longer than the previous two.

And, incessantly.

Everyone only felt that this time the howling was getting louder and louder, and the source of the sound seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Is it...

Everyone seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly they became even more excited and excited, and they all raised their heads violently.

I saw that in the extremely high sky, a pure white giant eagle was swooping away in the direction of the group of eagles at a very fast speed.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think how big the white giant eagle was, but it felt bigger than the average eagle.

Moreover, it is not much bigger than that flock of eagles.

However, in less than a second, everyone felt that the size of the white giant eagle suddenly became much larger.

Then, it suddenly became much bigger.

Until, in the eyes of everyone, it became a behemoth. There were bursts of incredible exclamations from all over the farm.

Everyone looked in shock at the behemoth in the sky that was swooping down at an extremely fast speed.

This is true even for those who have seen Xiaotian, because the strong visual impact is so shocking that it makes people feel unable to move their entire bodies.

Davis, Thomas, Jones, and Johnson are no exception.

Thomas said in a trembling voice: "This... this is the guardian beast? Go... God! What did I see? It... How big is it?"

Davis' voice couldn't stay calm either. "Wings...a wingspan of at least 10 meters, God, this is crazy, it's unbelievable. That's an absolute behemoth, and it really deserves to be called. It's called a 'divine beast'."

Johnson couldn't help it, made a swallowing gesture, and muttered: "Is this the rumored guardian beast?"

And Jones, has been completely speechless.


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