in the farm.

Everyone stared blankly at the sky, swooping towards the roaring sky of the flock of eagles.

Those who were still thinking about whether the farm's guardian beasts can defeat the flock of eagles, at this time, still have the slightest doubt.

Although the number of opponents is large, the gap between individuals is too great. Whether it is body size, speed, or strength, they are not at the same level at all.

They originally thought that there would be a wonderful battle, but now it seems impossible.

Sure enough, when Xiaotian was still a certain distance away from the group of eagles, the group of eagles was already in disarray.

The whistling sound was rapid and frightening, flapping its wings as if it was about to escape.

At this time, one of the largest eagles screamed a few times in a row.

After the short whistle, the flock of eagles that were about to flee, gradually stabilized, and the whistling no longer had the previous panic.

This scene made many people on the ground exclaim that the group of eagles did not seem to be a mob, but more like eagle soldiers led by a leader.

The largest eagle was undoubtedly the leader of the flock.

This also solved some of the doubts in everyone's heart. No wonder that group of guys dared to come to the farm to hunt for food. It turned out to be organized and premeditated.

Among the crowd, Thomas said with emotion: "It's really eye-opening. It seems that the IQ of many animals is far higher than we realize."

Davis said: "There are indeed many intelligent beings in the animal kingdom. This time, the group of eagles is indeed organized, and there may also be certain strategies. However, if the power disparity between the two sides is too great, any strategy will Or conspiracy and tricks are useless, and the final result can only be a rapid disintegration."

Johnson said: "That's right, but the eagles haven't escaped so far. It's pretty good to be able to do this."

Davis nodded and said, "It's really good, but the Eagles can't hold on for a while."

Thomas suddenly said again: "No, you can see that the distance between the eagle and the eagle is getting wider and wider, and it doesn't seem to be escaping everywhere."

Davis was surprised and said: "It seems that those guys are smarter than we thought. They are trying to make the guardian beast take care of the east, but not the west. Although this weakens the overall strength,

But even if their overall strength is not weakened, they are definitely far from being the opponents of the guardian beasts. In this case, maybe there are eagles who can get away with it. "

Johnson said: "It seems that those guys are not only organized, but also know how to take advantage of their large numbers. They are really a group of elites."

Thomas added: "Also, they seem to have reached the sky above the farm now, and they can dive down to hunt, if they can find their prey."

Davis said: "Then, let's wait and see."


Davis and the others saw the Eagles' strategy, and so could the rest of the farm.

It has to be said that this is indeed a group of very smart eagles, and the strategy used is also correct.

Looking at such a situation, some tourists couldn't help thinking in their hearts: "Could it be that these guys can really get away with catching such a prey or two this time?"

Although they are still shocked by Xiaotian's huge size and extremely fast speed, all the dozens of eagles on the other side are scattered. If Xiaotian wants to destroy one by one, it will definitely take some time.

Within this period of time, it is enough for those eagles who have not been attacked for the time being.

You must know that the speed of that group of eagles is not as fast as Xiaotian, but it is not slow.

And more tourists are thinking: "Do those guys think they can do it this way? How naive!"

So, how will things turn out?

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at Xiaotian and the eagle group in the sky.

At this time, everyone has been relieved from the shock of seeing Xiaotian, and can use more minds to observe and analyze the current situation in the sky.

Suddenly, many people exclaimed again, and they saw that among the scattered eagles, there were several eagles far apart, and suddenly, at the same time, they dived down at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone understood that it was a few eagles who found their prey and started a capture operation.

However, did all the eagles find their prey, or did only one of them find the prey?

The rest of the eagles dived at the same time, just to cover for them, so Xiaotian didn't know who to block?

Those guys don't have that high IQ, do they?

Also, several eagles that are far away from each other dive down at the same time, who will Xiaotian choose to block?

Will the Eagle succeed this time?

In everyone's mind, so many thoughts flashed in an instant.

However, before these thoughts flashed in my heart, I saw that in the sky, the speed was already extremely fast, but suddenly the speed became faster, like a white light as fast as lightning, diving down towards one of them eagle shot.

Before everyone could react, the eagle that was diving down had disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the white light shot at the other eagles that were diving down one after another, and those eagles also disappeared.

Originally, they disappeared in a sequential order, but in the eyes of everyone, they seemed to disappear at the same time.

Just because the speed of that white light is too fast.

After the few eagles disappeared, Xiaotian's huge body appeared again in the sky, and the speed slowed down, and did not continue to attack the other eagles.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the few eagles that disappeared were being caught in the claws by Xiaotian's huge sharp claws.


Everyone in the farm was completely stunned. They originally thought that the speed at which Xiaotian swooped down was its fastest speed.

But the speed of Xiaotian's attack was several times faster than when it was diving. The word "fast as lightning" is not an exaggeration.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, but they knew that what they had just seen was the truth.

And the eagles in the sky are also obviously dumbfounded. If they have been active in their hearts, they must be thinking, "What kind of monster is this Nima? Looking at the shape of its body, it is obviously similar to us, why is its body shape? So big? So fast? How can this be done? This can still be a pleasant prey, are the ones below delicious? Also prey a hair, this Nima obviously lost his life, and it is impossible to succeed in predation. This If you don't run away, when will you wait?"

So, after a stalemate for a while, the eagles suddenly fled in a panic.

The largest leader was also among the fleeing army.

At this time, the leader's heart must have collapsed, perhaps thinking, "This Nima is simply impossible to play."

The group of eagles was fleeing, but Xiaotian's huge body stopped motionless in the air, looking at the flock of eagles that were escaping, without any intention of chasing.

Not only that, its sharp claws loosened, and the few eagles just caught in the claws fell from the air in an instant.

After falling to a certain height, under the horrified eyes of everyone in the farm, they fluttered their wings and fled in extreme fear.

It turned out that Xiaotian did not kill them.

After the flock of eagles scattered and fled, Xiaotian let out a soft whistle, rushed into the sky at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared.


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