Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 892 The Patron Saint of the Farm

Xiaotian repelled the eagle group and disappeared above the clouds.

From Xiaotian's appearance to now disappearing from the new, the process of this is a long story, but in fact the time is very short, less than a minute.

However, in less than a minute, everyone in the farm felt extreme tremors, excitement, and excitement, and it also subverted their cognition.

Especially the foreign tourists who came to the farm for the first time today, they didn't believe in the word about the guardian beast at first, but later they believed that there should be a guardian beast, but it was definitely not as exaggerated as the rumors said, and now it is completely He recognized the existence of the guardian beast.

Moreover, the guardian beast is obviously more incredible than the rumors.

More importantly, what they saw today was not just the guardian beast.

They also saw a flock of clever eagles who wanted to work as a team to snatch their prey.

And, they've done it well enough that many tourists on the farm think they have a good chance of succeeding.

Even if it pays a certain price, it will succeed in catching the prey in the end.

However, the eagle group did not expect, and everyone did not expect that Xiaotian's huge body could have that kind of extreme speed.

That kind of speed made the eagle group's strategy very correct, and it was useless.

Everyone knew that if Xiaotian wanted to kill that group of eagles, he would definitely do it in a very short time, and no eagle could escape.

Even that group of eagles fled in all directions at the same time.

And that group of smart eagles, after seeing Xiaotian's speed, obviously also realized this, and that's why they fled everywhere in extreme panic at the first time.

Fortunately, Xiaotian has no interest in killing them, so they can escape safely.

Not only did Xiao Tian not kill them, but he didn't even kill the few eagles that were caught in their claws.

Obviously, in Xiaotian's eyes, those eagles are not qualified to be its opponents at all, not even qualified to kill them.

Of course, it is also possible that Xiaotian is in a good mood today and is unwilling to kill them. Who knows?

Even though the disparity between the combat power of the two sides is too great, the battle can be said to have ended before it even started.

But this is enough to make everyone who witnessed all this excited and excited.

Now, all over the farm are discussing, what just happened, excited expressions are written on everyone's faces.

Some tourists in China originally thought that if there was a guardian beast, they would look at the shocked expressions on the faces of those foreign tourists.

But who knows, the expressions on their own faces are similar to those of foreign tourists.

No way, who made the scene that just happened too shocking.

However, the shock in their hearts was still a little smaller than those of the foreign tourists.

Because, a group of foreign tourists suddenly thought of a problem, that is, according to the rumors, there are not only one kind of guardian beasts in the farm, but several kinds.

The sculptural divine beast that just appeared should be Xiaotian without a doubt.

So, what will the rest of the mythical beasts look like? Is it the same size? Is the combat power equally strong?

Thinking of this, a group of foreign tourists seemed very itchy under the excitement. They wanted to find the nearby Chinese tourists and inquire about the situation of the other kinds of guardian beasts.

However, their Chinese proficiency is really not very good, and simple daily communication is okay. It is obviously impossible to inquire about the situation of the guardian beasts.

This made them anxious for a while, but there was no solution.

Of course, there are also a very small number of foreign tourists whose Chinese proficiency is okay, and it is barely enough to inquire about the situation.

For example, Davis, who is now asking people about the situation of the other guardian beasts.

"Dear friend, we heard that there are several kinds of guardian beasts in the farm, can you give us a brief description?"

The person being asked is a young man.

The young man saw that a group of foreigners were inquiring about him, and his Chinese proficiency was still sloppy. He was very excited and proud for a while, so he told the information about the guardian beasts in more detail.

In the end, he said: "That's all I know. In fact, I have never seen other divine beasts except Xiaotian just now. This kind of thing depends on fate, not just by looking at it. In fact, your luck is already very good, and seeing such a scene for the first time is enough to make many people envy and hate."

After the young man finished speaking, he waved his hand and left.

Davis and others thought about it, and felt that what the young man said made sense. The first time they came here, they saw such a scene, proving that they have a good relationship with this place.

It's just that the young man's introduction to the guardian beasts not only did not satisfy them, but made them even more itchy, and became more interested and curious about the guardian beasts.

They regret it very much now. When they met Li Fan before, they didn't ask Li Fan about the guardian beast.

It's just that they didn't believe in the existence of the guardian beast at that time.

Now that I have missed it, I can only regret it in my heart.

Besides Li Fan, the people who know the most about protecting the beasts of the farm should be the employees of the farm.

Davis quickly thought of this in his heart, his eyes lit up, and he said, "We shouldn't ask the tourists, we should ask the staff in the farm, they must know more than the tourists."

After Thomas, Johnson and others heard it, their eyes lit up.

So, the group went to find the employees in the farm with great interest to inquire about the guardian beasts.


Naturally, Li Fan also saw what happened in the sky just now. After the guy Xiaotian scared away the eagles, he was very proud to ask Li Fan for credit.

Li Fan was not stingy, and gave Xiaotian a lot of...spiritual rewards to keep him going.

Xiaotian naturally disappeared in front of everyone's eyes full of depression.

Li Fan laughed and walked towards the house leisurely.

Of course, although Li Fan only gave spiritual rewards this time, the pets were treated very well.

Because all pets are Li Fan's friends. Moreover, the reason why the farm is able to drive so freely now is that Xiaotian, Dasha, Chasing Cloud and other pets are also very credited.

You know, now that the scale of the farm is getting bigger and bigger, the animals on Baiyun Mountain are getting more and more eager to move.

Among them, eagles, wild boars, monkeys, hedgehogs, foxes and other animals are the most active.

Without the protection of his pets, his farm would have been devastated by coveted animals.

Even spending a lot of manpower to guard, or using some cutting-edge technology, the effect will not be ideal.

Therefore, Xianyuan Farm can operate normally, and pets such as Xiaotian, Dasha, and Chasing Cloud are definitely a great contribution!

They are the patron saint of the farm!


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