Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 893 The Complete Character Image

Li Fan returned home, walked into the study, and turned on the computer.

Today is June 21st, and the various publishers who have previously agreed to cooperate in publishing "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" will provide the manuscript to them around the 20th.

Therefore, Li Fan sorted out the manuscripts of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", and sent the Chinese version to Chongwen Publishing House, while the Lan language version was sent to Sander Publishing House and Dehertz Publishing House. and other European publishers.

After that, Li Fan didn't have to worry about it anymore.

In addition to the direct publication of physical books of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Li Fan is currently serializing works such as "Smart One Off", "Slam Dunk", "Pipiru and Luxixi Series Stories", "Blood Sword".

The serialization of the case-solving TV series "Da Song Ti the Criminal" has ended some time ago.

Moreover, the copyright for the adaptation of the TV series was also sold to Jiahe Film and Television at a price of 20 million, and the screenwriter of the adaptation was still Yu Hai.

The previous "Youth Bao Qingtian" drama script, Yu Hai has completed. Also, the TV series has now started filming.

At the beginning of the filming, the chief director Jiang Ziwen also consulted Li Fan's opinions on the selection of actors, costumes and other aspects.

Li Fan was also very enthusiastic and gave some suggestions of his own, especially on the casting of the protagonist Bao Zheng and the shape of the character, he gave very detailed suggestions.

The chief director Jiang Ziwen was very happy. Originally, this is the first time for him to shoot this ancient costume crime-solving TV series. He has no experience, and he is somewhat worried in his heart, afraid that the filming will fail.

At that time, he will definitely be overwhelmed by the saliva of the vast number of detective fans.

However, after consulting Li Fan's opinions and asking Li Fan carefully about some related issues, Jiang Ziwen became full of confidence.

It is said that this TV series will definitely be filmed well.

Finally, Jiang Ziwen also asked Li Fan to create a theme song for the TV series "Youth Bao Qingtian".

Li Fan agreed without hesitation. In his previous life, "Youth Bao Qingtian" originally had a very good theme song.

It's obviously a very good thing to bring it into this world.

Jiang Ziwen was even more excited when Li Fan agreed to create the theme song.

"Mr. Li Fan personally created the theme song for the TV series "Youth Bao Qingtian"\

,"This gimmick will definitely be the best publicity advertisement in the promotion of TV series, no one.

With this alone, it is estimated that it will attract a lot of people's attention. How can Jiang Ziwen not be excited?

I heard that the TV series will premiere around October.

After the end of "Da Song's Prison Officer", Li Fan decided to continue to launch crime-solving works after a period of time.

In this regard, detective fans are naturally very sorry. Fortunately, there are now some new writers who specialize in detective works.

Although his works are far from being on a par with Li Fan's works, some of the authors' works can barely be seen. Detective fans can alleviate the book shortage to some extent.

While they are looking forward to Li Fan's next detective work, they are also looking forward to those newcomers who can create more excellent works.

In addition, on June 23, the day after tomorrow, a new issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released, and the martial arts work "Blood Sword" will also usher in the finale.

During this period of time, "Blood Sword" has naturally been one of the focuses of discussion among martial arts fans.

And Xia Xueyi, the lord of the golden snake, is undoubtedly the focus of the focus.

As early as the beginning of the serialization of "Blood Sword", when only the first three chapters were serialized, the appearance of the Golden Snake Langjun grabbed a lot of the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi's limelight.

At that time, everyone only knew that the Lord of the Golden Snake should not be considered a good person.

He doesn't know anything about his life story, nor does he know anything about his character.

In addition, we also learned from Yuan Chengzhi's master, Mu Renqing, the "Excalibur Immortal Ape", that the Golden Snake Langjun is a half-righteous and half-evil character.

However, it was such a character who left a very deep impression on everyone.

So much so that after reading the first three chapters of "Blood Sword", the most impressive thing is not the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi, but Xia Xueyi, the hero of the golden snake.

It's just a pity that the Golden Snake Langjun at that time was just a pile of bones, and he had been dead for many years.

At that time, many martial arts fans felt very regretful, thinking that if Gu Yong could write about the Golden Snake Langjun in more detail, the Golden Snake Langjun would likely become a classic character in the martial arts world.

Of course, there are also some martial arts fans who feel that there should be a story behind the Golden Snake Langjun.

Because, the name "Golden Snake Langjun", at first glance, is a man with a story, and it is impossible to appear only once.

It's just that not many people agree with this. The Golden Snake Langjun is already dead, how can he appear?

However, in any case, after the first three chapters of the first issue of "Blood Sword" ended, the Golden Snake Langjun became the most talked about character among martial arts fans, this is for sure.

Martial arts fans all hope that the Golden Snake Langjun can have a more complete story, which is also certain.

At least I have to explain why a person like the Golden Snake Langjun died so miserably in a cave on the top of Huashan Mountain.

So, will Guyong give you an explanation in the later stories?

With expectations and doubts, martial arts fans watched the serialization of "Blood Sword" one by one.

The more you look, the more surprised you are, the more you look, the more excited you are.

Because, the Golden Snake Lord appeared again in the later stories, but only in the memories of the characters in the book.

Of course, the Golden Snake Lord is dead and can only appear in this way.

Moreover, the number of times the Golden Snake Lord appeared was not just once, but many times.

It is not just that it only appears in the memories of one character, but it appears in the memories of multiple characters.

Wuxia fans are more and more surprised to find that the Golden Snake Langjun has a very important relationship with many plots in the book.

With more and more characters in the book, they began to recall and narrate the story of the Golden Snake Langjun.

The martial arts fans were pleasantly surprised to find that the story of the Golden Snake Langjun became more and more complete, the characters' characters became more and more prominent, and the characters' images became more and more full.

By the end of the serialization of the last issue, when the finale of "Blood Sword" is about to end, the story of the golden snake's life is already complete.

The martial arts fans were shocked and began to recall the story of the Golden Snake Langjun in their minds.

Only then did I discover that this character who died from the very beginning, a character who never officially appeared in the book from beginning to end, and all his life stories were all dictated by the memories of others.

Its characters are so distinct and attractive, even far surpassing that of the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi.


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