Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 896 Success or Failure?

Martial arts fans have been discussing the Golden Snake Langjun, a martial arts geek who is neither a good person nor a bad person. Throughout his life, there are too many things that make people talk about it.

This character, both righteous and evil, is destined to become a classic image in the world of martial arts.

Such a classic image, in addition to being talked about by martial arts fans, has naturally attracted the attention of many martial arts authors.

Moreover, the perspectives of martial arts authors are slightly different from those of martial arts fans.

The character Xia Xueyi has been portrayed extremely successfully. Whether he is a good person or a bad person, he has a unique artistic charm.

For many people, after watching "Blood Sword", the most impressive is not the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi, but the golden snake prince Xia Xueyi.

In other words, the portrayal of the Golden Snake Langjun in the book "Blood Sword" is more successful than the portrayal of the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi.

The portrayal of a supporting role in a work is more successful than the portrayal of the protagonist.

Well, there is a problem.

Is this work a success or a failure?

After all, generally speaking, the most important role of a work is undoubtedly the protagonist, and the portrayal of the protagonist must be the most successful.

Throughout the book "Blood Sword", the portrayal of the Golden Snake Langjun is undoubtedly the most successful.

So, is the book "Blood Sword" a failure or a success?

The portrayal of the Golden Snake Langjun is more successful than the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi. Is this Gu Yong's intention, or is it due to his failure to control the book, which led to the current result?

In fact, according to Gu Yong's original idea, the portrayal of the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi is definitely more successful than that of the Golden Snake Langjun.

So, does this mean that the book "Blood Sword" is actually a failed work?

Of course, this is not to say that the character of the Golden Snake Langjun is no longer classic. No matter whether "Blood Sword" is a failure or a success, the Golden Snake Langjun is destined to be a classic character. There is no doubt about this, and no one will deny it.

This is not to say that the book "Blood Sword" is not well written.

In fact, even if there is no character like the Golden Snake Langjun in the book, "Blood Sword" will still be an excellent work.

The "failure" mentioned here,

It refers to the Golden Snake Langjun as a supporting role, but his portrayal is more successful than the protagonist.

He also pointed out that Gu Yong did not master the book well, and did not write the "Blood Sword" in his mind.

That is to say, the "Blood Sword" actually written by Gu Yong did not meet his original vision.

All martial arts writers are thinking about this issue in their hearts, and at the same time, they are also discussing this issue in their circles.

"What do you think about this issue? Is it really Gu Yong's failure to control it?"

"It should be so. It's not wrong for Guyong to be a super genius, but after all, he is too young. After writing several books in a row, it is normal for such a situation to occur."

"Whether it's not well controlled or not, the character of the Golden Snake Langjun is really well portrayed. If you write a book with the Golden Snake Langjun as the protagonist, I am afraid it will be very exciting. However, the Golden Snake Langjun is both righteous and evil. Characters, if they are the protagonists, I am afraid it will cause a lot of controversy."

"I think there is another possibility. Isn't that newcomer called Jian Yishen challenging Gu Yong? He also said that Gu Yong's works are 'as good as ever', implying that Gu Yong's works have reached their peak. There is no further possibility of rising.

"Mo Dao", which he is serializing now, is a challenge to "Blood Sword". And "Mo Dao" we also watched, it is really exciting, it is really possible to have done "Ji Blood Sword".

Gu Yong was obviously aware of this, so he went to great lengths to portray a character like the Golden Snake Langjun, who was ready to win with oddity.

Looking at it now, Gu Yong is obviously successful. Without Golden Snake Langjun's "Blood Sword", it is not necessarily the opponent of "Mo Dao".

But with the "Blood Sword" of the Golden Snake Langjun, it will naturally be easy to cut the "Mo Dao" under the sword. Because, the portrayal of the character of the Golden Snake Langjun is indeed too successful. "

"Well, this kind of argument is also possible. If this is the reason, Gu Yong is still so scary. Even his current works have not improved much on the whole, but he has found a new way and has easily succeeded. "

"Well, that's right. If it is the first of these two statements, it can only be regarded as Gu Yong's success by chance, because he could not control the words and inadvertently achieved the success of the Golden Snake Langjun. If it is the second statement, That is obviously Gu Yong's intention, which shows that Gu Yong is still the same Gu Yong, and it is not so easy to defeat. So, which one is it? The answer may only be known to Gu Yong himself. "

"This is natural. Outsiders can only guess or speculate. However, after these two statements are spread on the Internet and are noticed by martial arts fans, there will be some controversy. I'm afraid it will be inevitable."

"It doesn't matter how the martial arts fans argue, what do you think that Jian Yishen will think about this?"

"That newcomer is very arrogant. Of course, he does have real skills. I guess, after this, he will not take Gu Yong seriously."

"I also think so, because no matter what the reason is, the brilliance of the Golden Snake Langjun can explain one thing, that is, the overall quality of Gu Yong's works has not improved much. The sentence of Jian Yishen , 'As always' wonderful, it seems to be true. This time Gu Yong has the golden snake to save the field, and it may not be there next time."

"At the current stage, it may be difficult for Gu Yong's works to improve. But this does not mean that Gu Yong's future works will not improve. You know, Gu Yong is still very young. After a few more years of precipitation, the possibility of further improving the work is very high.”

"This is true, but it will be a few years later, and according to the current situation of Jian Yishen, it will obviously not take too long for him to surpass Gu Yong. When Gu Yong's works develop by leaps and bounds in the future , maybe he is no longer the first person in martial arts."

"The young people are so fierce now, and we old guys should work hard. We have a few years or a dozen more years of creative experience than them, and we shouldn't lose to them."

"That's right. Since the great era of martial arts has come, let's give it a shot."

"Hey! Of course I have to give it a try. Let me tell you, there is a rumor that in the future, martial arts novels may be eligible for the Huaguo Times Literature Award. Let's work hard, good days are ahead."

"Huaguo Times Literature Award? This is impossible, where is the news? Is it reliable?"

"Since it's all gossip, it's naturally unreliable. However, there is no wind and no waves, who knows?"



It's the last day of June so soon, the countryside is here, and I sincerely say thank you to every friend who supports this book!

Thank you for your subscriptions, rewards, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, collections, comments, etc. These are very important to the countryside and this book, thank you all!

Finally, I wish everyone a happy July and a good mood every day!


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