Great Martial Arts Magazine, the office of editor-in-chief Wang Yang.

Wang Yang said, "Xiao Tang, "Blood Sword" is about to end, what do you think?"

Jian Yishen, whose real name is Tang Yipan, smiled faintly, a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, and said, "Editor-in-chief, judging from the current situation, his "Blood Sword" is indeed more influential than mine "Jade Blood Sword". Mo Knife is even bigger. However, the reason why the influence of Jade Blood Sword is so great is that Xia Xueyi is alone. If there is no such character in Jade Blood Sword, it is difficult to say who wins and who loses. Moreover, I have a greater chance of winning.”

After Wang Yang heard this, he frowned slightly and said, "Xiao Tang, your statement is not correct. What do you mean if there is no character like Xia Xueyi, the Lord of the Golden Snake? "Ji Xue Jian" has this character, and it has this character. According to you In other words, if a classic character appears in a classic work, can we say that if there is no such classic character, the work is not really that good?”

After Jian Yishen heard this, a look of displeasure flashed across his face, as if he wanted to refute, but he finally said, "Yes, editor-in-chief, I know."

Wang Yang nodded and said again: "So, why do you think that in "Blood Sword", why does the golden snake prince Xia Xueyi appear, a more successful character than the protagonist portrayed?"

Jianyi Shendao: "This point has also been discussed in the circle of martial arts writers. Generally, there are two reasons. One is that Gu Yong's writing skills are insufficient, and he is not well-controlled. The sword is slanted, and the odds are used to win. I also think it should be one of these two reasons, as for which one, maybe only Gu Yong himself knows."

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, when we discussed this issue in the industry, we also came to this conclusion. So, Xiao Tang, which reason do you prefer?"

Jian Yishen smiled disdainfully and said, "Editor-in-chief, no matter what the reason is, it is the same for me. Needless to say about the first one, this time he lacked writing power, but luckily, a golden snake prince came out. The next time you run out of pen, you won't be so lucky.

As for the second reason, he was able to win with oddity, which certainly shows that his strength is indeed very strong. But why does he want to win by surprise? It is precisely because his works have not improved in any way as a whole, and have lost the confidence to beat me. Next time, he thinks that the success rate of winning with odd won't be so high. So, whatever the reason, it's the same for me. "

This time, Wang Yang did not deny Jian Yishen's statement, smiled lightly, and said, "Your "Mo Dao" is about to be serialized, so prepare your new book. In addition, there are already film and television companies who have made comments on "Mo Dao". I am interested in the adaptation of the TV series, and I am discussing with the magazine, once there is a result, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After Jian Yishen heard this, his expression immediately became excited,

Heart said: "It seems really true."

He had heard some news before that some film and television companies were interested in his "Mo Knife", but he was not sure.

Now, when the editor-in-chief says this, it is of course certain.

If he can finally successfully sell the rights, it will undoubtedly increase his fame.

Moreover, he is also an author who has sold copyrights, and he will undoubtedly have more confidence in the competition with Guyong in the future.

After thinking about it, Jian Yishen said excitedly, "Yes, thank you, Editor-in-Chief."

Wang Yang smiled and said: "As long as the quality of the work is excellent, and there is a certain popularity and topic, it is not difficult to sell copyrights. Work hard, you will sell more copyrights in the future."

Jian Yishen hurriedly said: "Yes, editor-in-chief, I will definitely do it."


Although Xia Xueyi, the prince of the golden snake, is the focus of discussion among martial arts fans, it does not mean that other content in "Ji Blood Sword" is not discussed.

Now, the story of the Golden Snake Lord Xia Xueyi is over, but the story of "Blood Sword" is not over yet. Martial arts fans are still looking forward to the upcoming finale of "Blood Sword".

And on June 23, the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released, and "Blood Sword" also ushered in the finale.

Yuan Chengzhi led the martial arts heroes to assist the rebel army of Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang Wang, to break through the capital, overthrew the rule of the Ming Dynasty and established his own regime.

However, after Chuangwang's army broke through the capital, Chuangjun's military discipline was corrupted, rape, humiliation, looting and plundering were all done.

Chuang Wang himself also indulged in the lust of fine wine and women, and even listened to slander, forcing the death of Yuan Chengzhi's close friend, the loyal and loyal Li Yan.

Li Zicheng's previous promises to the suffering people in the world are like clouds in the past.

After the Qing troops entered the customs, the Chuangwang was defeated, and the vigorous peasant uprising was defeated in an instant.

Yuan Chengzhi was determined to be sluggish, and together with Qingqing and all the heroes who fought together that day, drifted overseas and went to a foreign land to rebuild the world.

The story of "Blood Sword" ends here. The protagonist Yuan Chengzhi originally wanted to assist Li Zicheng to do a grand event and save the people of the world from fire and water.

However, after Li Zicheng broke the capital, Yuan Chengzhi only saw what he and Chuang Jun did, that the people of the world just jumped from one fire pit to another fire pit. Moreover, the fire in the other fire pit was burning even more vigorously.

Even though Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts are unparalleled in the world, he is unable to save the people of the world from water and fire, and in the end he can only sigh in the sky.

After the Qing troops entered the customs and the army was defeated, Yuan Chengzhi finally became desperate and led a group of heroes to drift overseas.

After watching the ending, all martial arts fans also sighed in their hearts.

For the protagonist Yuan Chengzhi, for the martial arts heroes who follow Yuan Chengzhi, for the king Li Zicheng, and for the thousands of suffering people in the world.

The story of Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, martial arts fans have long been aware of it, and everyone knows the ending of the Chuang Wang Uprising.

But seeing it again in "Blood Sword", all martial arts fans still sighed and sighed.

On the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, because of the end of "Blood Sword", the discussion of the rest of the content of "Blood Sword" by martial arts fans has temporarily overshadowed the discussion on Xia Xueyi, the Golden Snake Lord.

"Alas! No matter how high a person's martial arts are, he is powerless when faced with many things."

"I don't like the heroine Xia Qingqing very much, I feel too self-willed."

"Hey! That's the daughter of the Golden Snake Lord. It's strange not to be self-willed."

"I don't like Xia Qingqing very much either. I like Princess Changping Ajiu. She is the most beautiful and has a deep love for Yuan Chengzhi. It's a pity, that silly boy chose Xia Qingqing."

"It's even more unfortunate. Princess Changping had her left arm beheaded by Emperor Chongzhen. In other words, did the real Princess Changping in history also have her left arm beheaded?"

"Well, it should be, I seem to have seen it in some historical book. After Li Zicheng invaded the capital, Emperor Chongzhen was disheartened and sighed to Princess Changping: 'Why did you give birth to my family!' Princess, break your left arm."

"It should be. Moreover, there seems to be such a legend that after the fall of Ming Dynasty, Princess Changping became a nun and learned a martial art, which is a 'one-armed god nun'."

"One-armed God Ni? It sounds awesome! My Princess Changping is so powerful? Is it true?"

"Khan! It's all said to be a legend, so it's naturally fake."

"I suddenly felt that if any martial arts author created a work for 'One-Armed God Ni', it should be very popular."

"Good idea upstairs, you can sell this idea to those martial arts writers, look after you!"



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