Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 911 1 piece of daze

Time goes by day by day, what will be the final fate of Li Wenxiu, the infatuated and kind silly girl? It has touched the hearts of countless martial arts fans.

Since this time, "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" has always been the focus of discussion among martial arts fans.

Of course, in addition to "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", Jian Yishen's "Fengyun Swordsman" is also eye-catching.

In addition, there are many other martial arts authors who have works serialized, and some of them are excellent works.

Those works have also attracted the attention of martial arts fans, but "White Horse Roaring West Wind" has become the most talked about work by martial arts fans with a unique perspective.

And what they are concerned about, the final fate of the protagonist Li Wenxiu, will finally be revealed today.

On July 15, another issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released.

Since "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" is a short-medium novel, many people have speculated that the serialization of today's issue may be the finale of "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind".

This makes them both anticipating and reluctant.

What is expected is, what will happen to Li Wenxiu's final fate? Find out today.

The sad thing is that it's over so soon, and I haven't watched it at all.

But whether it's anticipation or reluctance, or other emotions, everyone went to the newsstand to buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" as soon as possible.

After getting the magazine, many people just opened the magazine before leaving the newsstand.

They were not going to start reading like this, but turned to the end of the serialized "White Horse Howling in the West Wind".

Unsurprisingly, I saw the words "complete book".

"It's really the finale." Everyone sighed softly. Although they had already guessed the finale of this issue in advance, but now that they really saw the words "completed the book", they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

And this sigh is full of reluctance, expectation, relief and many other emotions.

"Reluctance" and "expectation" do not need to be said, but why are they "relieved"?

I think it's because the work is finally over. After this issue, I finally don't have to worry about Li Wenxiu's final fate anymore.

After knowing that this issue of "White Horse Howling West Wind" is really coming to an end,

People are not in a hurry to read the text.

One is because they are reluctant to watch, and the other is that everyone is afraid to see Li Wenxiu's final fate, which is the one that everyone does not want to see.

But no matter how in a hurry, all martial arts fans, after all, started to read the text one after another.

Of course, that also includes those romance novel lovers who are attracted.

It was said earlier that after Chen Dahai was injured by Li Wenxiu, he escaped.

After that, Sup's father, Suluk, and Oman's father, Cherku, organized a large number of strong Kazakh men to pursue Chen Dahai.

Because the robbers who slaughtered and plundered the village were Chen Dahai and others, and the Kazakhs were going to take revenge.

Li Wenxiu, Sup, and Oman also followed the chasing team.

Due to the thick snow on the ground, when Chen Dahai escaped, he left clear footprints on the ground, and everyone just had to follow the footprints.

On the way, a gust of wind blew, rolled up the ground white snow, and fluttered in the wind. Li Wenxiu said to himself, it really looks like two jade butterflies.

Sup even said that it was very similar. When he was a child, the little Han girl told him a story about two jade butterflies.

At the end of that story, the miserable girl lay on her lover's grave and cried very sadly. All of a sudden, the tomb cracked open, and the beautiful girl jumped in. Later that pair of lovers became a pair of butterflies, always flying together and never separated again.

Aman asked Sup after hearing this, is that little Han girl Axiu?

Sup replied that it was Axiu, but the old man said she was dead.

Li Wenxiu asked, "Do you still remember her?"

Sup said: "Naturally remember, how can you forget?"

Li Wenxiu asked again, "Then why don't you look at her grave?"

Sup replied that he really should go and have a look. After killing the robber, let the old man take him there.

Li Wenxiu asked again: "If that little girl misses you very much and hopes you to accompany her day and night, and a big gap is cracked in her grave, will you jump into the grave and accompany her forever?"

Sup sighed and said, "No. That little girl is just a good friend of mine when I was young. In this lifetime, I want to accompany Oman." He reached out and shook hands with Oman.

Li Wenxiu didn't continue talking after listening to it. She actually already knew that Su Pu would answer like this. But she still couldn't help asking Sup, and now it's just adding to her sadness.

After several days of chasing, Suluk and others came to the Gaochang Labyrinth hidden in the depths of the desert. It is said that there are a lot of treasures in the Gaochang Labyrinth.

Everyone decided to enter the Gaochang Maze to have a look, but who knew they would encounter a "ghost" who claimed to have lived here for more than a thousand years. The "evil ghost" told everyone to leave quickly, otherwise they would all die. .

Moreover, the "evil ghost" also killed two people silently, which made Suruk and others panic, thinking that the other party was really a ghost, and decided to leave this place and never come again.

However, Li Wenxiu saw that this "evil ghost" was actually a human being, but she thought that it would be better if everyone retreated, so she did not tell everyone the truth. Because the person who pretended to be the evil ghost had high martial arts.

However, just as everyone was about to leave, they found that Oman had been kidnapped into the labyrinth by "evil spirits".

Sup screamed and rushed into the labyrinth to go to Oman. Oman's father, Cherku, and Sup's father, Suruk, also rushed into the labyrinth.

Seeing this, Li Wenxiu knew that Sup and the others were not the opponents of the evil ghost, and was ready to enter the maze to help.

At this time, the old man arrived. He told Li Wenxiu not to enter the maze. They should leave now and go back to the Central Plains.

The old man seemed to know who the devil was pretending to be in the labyrinth, and he was very afraid of that person.

However, Li Wenxiu insisted on going into the maze, she was going to save Sup, Aman and others.

Ji old man had no choice, so he followed Li Wenxiu into the maze.

In the labyrinth, several people found Oman, and also knew that the "evil ghost" was dressed up by a person, and that person was also a Kazakh, called Valrazi.

The reason why Varrazi kidnapped Oman was because of Oman's mother.

It turned out that when Valrazi and Cherku pursued Oman's mother together, Oman's mother finally chose Cherku.

Valrazi therefore held a grudge against Cherku and prepared to assassinate Cherku, but his tracks were exposed and he was driven out of the territory of the Kazakhs.

But I never thought that after more than ten years, Valrazi had learned a martial arts skill, lived in this maze, and now he has captured Oman. It is said that Oman's mother did not choose him back then, and he wants her daughter now.

Afterwards, Sup, Suluk, Cherku and Walrazzi started their hands.

The three were not opponents of Valrazzi, and Li Wenxiu stepped forward to help. However, Li Wenxiu is also not the opponent of Valrazzi.

However, Valrazzi didn't seem to hurt Li Wenxiu and let Li Wenxiu leave quickly. If he doesn't leave, he will kill him.

But Li Wenxiu wanted to save Sup, Oman and others, so he was willing to leave and fight with Valrazi.

Seeing that Li Wenxiu had no intention of leaving, Valrazzi finally resorted to the killer, seeing that Li Wenxiu was about to die under Valrazzi's sword.

The old man Ji on the side suddenly shot and rescued Li Wenxiu. It turns out that the old man knows martial arts, and his martial arts are still very strong.

This surprised Li Wenxiu, Sup, Suluk and others.

Afterwards, the old man Ji and Valrazzi fought together. In the end, both sides fell to the ground with serious injuries at the same time, seeing that they could not survive.

At this time, both the disguise of Valrazzi and the old man Ji were beaten, and Li Wenxiu looked at the two people who were seriously injured and fell to the ground, and his heart was shocked.

It turned out that Valrazi was her master, Huahui.

But the old man is not old at all, he is clearly a young man in his thirties. For more than ten years, he has been pretending to be an old man.

Li Wenxiu looked at her master, and at the "old man" who raised her as a human being, she was saddened, because obviously neither of them would survive.

However, why is this? Why does this happen now? Li Wenxiu was at a loss again.


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