Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 912 The answer is in the heart of every reader

It turned out that when Varrazi was expelled from the Kazakhs' residence, he went to the Central Plains and took the pseudonym Huahui.

In the days of the Central Plains, Varrazi actually learned a strong martial arts, which was called "Jiangnan with a single finger" in the arena, and accepted an apprentice named Ma Jiajun.

One day, Varrazi returned to the place where the Kazakhs lived with his apprentice Ma Jiajun, ready to avenge his expulsion.

Valrazi first killed Oman's mother, his most beloved woman, with a poison needle.

Because Valrazi was very clever with poison, at that time Cherku and others only thought that Oman's mother died of a sudden illness.

After Valrazi killed Oman's mother, he went to kill Cherku, but Cherku was not at home at the time.

Valrazzi went out to find Cherku, and at the same time let Ma Jiajun poison the well, killing all the people of the clan.

But Ma Jiajun couldn't bear it, so he did not poison the well.

Valrazzi did not find Cherku. When he returned, he saw that Ma Jiajun had not poisoned him. He was furious. He thought that Ma Jiajun would leak his secret and plan to kill Ma Jiajun.

In order to save his life, Ma Jiajun shot three poisonous needles into Valrazzi's body when he was not paying attention.

Valrazi was poisoned and fled away. Ma Jiajun was afraid that Valrazi would come back to kill him again, and did not dare to go back to the Central Plains, so he disguised himself as an old man and lived in a Kazakh place.

The old man whom Ma Jiajun disguised is naturally the old Ji who took in Li Wenxiu more than ten years ago and raised Li Wenxiu to adulthood.

After Valrazi was injured by the poisonous needle and left, although he finally saved his life, he did not die of poisoning, but because the poisonous needle in his body could not be taken out, Valrazi could no longer use martial arts.

Valrazzi didn't trust anyone, so he didn't dare to ask anyone to help him get the poison needle.

Until two years ago, he accidentally met Li Wenxiu, who was being chased and killed, and helped Li Wenxiu kill her pursuer through poison needles.

Later, Li Wenxiu's innocence and kindness won Valrazzi's trust, and Valrazzi asked Li Wenxiu to help him take out the three poisonous needles that had tortured him for more than ten years.

After the poison needle was taken out, Valrazi's martial arts gradually recovered, and he took Li Wenxiu as his apprentice and taught him martial arts carefully.

Originally, after the recovery of martial arts, Valrazi,

I wanted to go to the place where the Kazakhs lived to be poisoned again, but because of Li Wenxiu, Valrazi gave up his thoughts.

Then, Walrazzi came to this Gaochang labyrinth, and then Sup, Li Wenxiu and others also came here, and the previous scene happened.

Before Ma Jiajun, the reason why he wanted to prevent Li Wenxiu from entering the Gaochang maze was because he already knew that the person who pretended to be the evil ghost was his master Huahui, that is, Walrazzi. Of course, he is also Li Wenxiu's teacher.

But Li Wenxiu insisted on entering, so Ma Jiajun had to follow. Moreover, he also rescued Li Wenxiu at a critical moment when his life was in danger, never revealing his identity and allowing Valrazzi to recognize him.

In the end, both the master and the apprentice fell to the ground with serious injuries.

After everything was made clear, Ma Jiajun died, and the Central Plains could never go back.

Originally, he could stay out of the matter, quietly retreat, and then return to the Central Plains. But he shot for Li Wenxiu and eventually died in this Gaochang maze.

Sup, Suruk, Oman, and Cherku were safe and sound, and Li Wenxiu told them to go out first.

In the labyrinth, only Li Wenxiu, Valrazi, who was seriously injured and dying, and Ma Jiajun, who had died, were left.

Valrazzi asked Li Wenxiu why Li Wenxiu refused to leave when he asked Li Wenxiu to leave immediately?

Li Wenxiu replied softly: "Master, if you can't get the person you love, kill her. I can't get the person you love, but I can't bear to let him be killed."

After Valrazzi knew the reason, he sighed deeply, and in the end, he also died.

During the more than ten years Li Wenxiu lived in Xinjiang, the only two people who truly treated her and cared about her, Vallazy and Ma Jiajun, both died.

If she listened to Valrazzi's words at that time and left immediately, neither Valrazzi nor Ma Jiajun would obviously die.

But in that case, Sup, Suruk, Oman, and Cherku would all be killed by Valrazi.

However, at that time, Li Wenxiu didn't know that the other party was her master, let alone that "Old Ji" knew martial arts and would take action to save her.

At that time, all she thought in her mind was that she would save Sup anyway.

The two people who really cared about Li Wenxiu are dead, and her beloved Sup has only the woman named Oman in her eyes and heart.

Therefore, Li Wenxiu declined the efforts of Suluk and others to keep him and left.

Although she was used to the life here, she fell in love with the strong wind, heavy snow, yellow sand, endless plains, cattle and sheep, and the singing of bells and birds in the middle of the night...

"In the desert leading to Yumen Pass, a girl rode a white horse and walked slowly eastward.

Bai Ma took her back to the Central Plains step by step. The white horse is old and can only walk slowly, but he can finally return to the Central Plains.

There are willows, peach blossoms, swallows and goldfish in the south of the Yangtze River... Some of the Han people are handsome and brave teenagers, suave and unrestrained teenagers...

But this beautiful girl is as stubborn as the ancient Gaochang people: 'It's all very good, but I don't like it. ’”

The whole book ends here, and this is the finale of "The White Horse Howling in the West Wind".

And all the readers who read the finale were all a little dazed, with only a few vague thoughts in their minds, "Is this the end? Is it gone?' Those are all very good, but I just don't like them", Will Li Wenxiu live a happy life after returning to the Central Plains? That lovable silly girl."

Will Li Wenxiu live a happy life after returning to the Central Plains?

This is the question that every reader is most concerned about and the answer they most want to know.

But no one knew the answer, because Gu Yong did not give the final answer, and it ended like this.

Perhaps, even Gu Yong himself does not know the answer.

Then, the answer lies in the hearts of every reader. If the readers hope, Li Wenxiu can live a happy life. Then, Li Wenxiu should be very happy.

In addition, Gu Yong not only did not give the final answer, but also did not give the answer in the previous place.

That is Su Pu's kid in the end, do you know that the "Li Yingxiong" who saved their lives is Li Wenxiu, who disguised herself as a man?

Although Oman recognized that "Li Yingxiong" should be a daughter, Sup and others called her from "Li Yingxiong" to "Li girl".

But does Sup know that "Miss Li" is Li Wenxiu?

There is no clear answer in the book, but looking at the meaning between the lines, it should be ignorant.

Then, this is a bit too cruel to Li Wenxiu.

I went to the Central Plains alone and lonely, but the man I loved deeply in my heart thought she was dead.


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