Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 917 Give up martial arts and switch to romance

"Ask the world, what is love, and what is the relationship between life and death?" A sentence comes from "Moving Yuer·Yanqiu Ci" by Yuan Haowen, a famous writer in the late Jin Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty.

Its original meaning refers to the story of the geese who died in love.

According to legend, Yuan Haowen was passing by the bank of the Fen River in Taiyuan on his way to take the imperial examination, and a farmer who was catching geese with a net told him that he caught two geese in the morning, and after killing one of them, the other Just hit the net and escape.

The geese that escaped screamed and wailed over the dead geese. They were reluctant to leave for a long time, and then they crashed to death on the ground in a show of affection.

After listening to this, Yuan Hao asked and sighed, so he bought two dead geese from the farmer, buried them on the bank of the Fen River, and called them "Yanqiu".

After that, he wrote the famous "Yanqiu Ci", the first sentence of which was, "Ask the world, what is love, and what is the relationship between life and death?"

Omg! To ask this world, what is love? To make this geese face each other with life and death!

On the surface, the author writes about geese, but in fact he uses geese to describe people, sighing and looking forward to the pure love in the world that promises life and death.

Anyone who sees this sentence will tremble in their hearts, and those who are watching Gu Yong's Weibo are naturally no exception.

There are those who are excited, there are those who are excited, and there are those who are directly dizzy.

When the mood calmed down, or woke up from the dizziness, many people muttered this sentence again, and could not help but become crazy again.

Qin Yulin was also insane. He just thought in his heart: "Zhijiao has a life-and-death promise? Does this kind of love really still exist now? Or does it only exist in the story, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

Qin Yulin didn't know the answer, she only knew that this is everyone's longing for love.

Moreover, it reminded her of a poem, a poem that also shook her heart and fascinated her.

That poem is Li Fan's "Shang Xie". Qin Yulin remembers every word and sentence clearly and will never forget it.

"The evil!

I want to get to know you,

Live forever.

There are no tombs in the mountains,

The river is exhausted,

The winter thunder shook,

summer rain,

heaven and earth together,

Dare to be with you! "

Qin Yulin recited for a while, "What is love in the world? Straight-forward teaching is life-and-death!" After a while, he recited this poem again, feeling that the two are similar in purpose, and even more insane.


A group of martial arts authors lamented their withdrawal from Gu Yong's Weibo. After all, their previous prayers were still ineffective, and Gu Yong's answer was too perfect.

The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is amazing enough, and with the sentence that follows, many martial arts writers know that many of those female fans will be transformed into real fans.

They have nothing to do but envy, jealousy and hatred.

The only thing that made them feel fortunate and comforted was that no matter how perfect the answer was, Gu Yong lost the battle with Jian Yishen, and should gradually fade out of the martial arts world.

Maybe he can switch to the romance world, the martial arts writers don't care, as long as the guy doesn't continue to wander in the martial arts world.

In this way, there will be no martial arts writers who have so many female fans, and they will no longer have to be envious and jealous.

Jian Yishen angrily withdrew from Gu Yong's Weibo, gritted his teeth angrily and said to himself, "Are you trying to find a way for yourself? Knowing that you are no longer a martial artist, you want to switch to romance? Very well, then Just go, the world of martial arts no longer needs you."

After that, Jian Yishen thought again, "So, Gu Yong's servant was forced by himself, and he had no choice but to switch to romance. That is to say, that servant was kicked to romance by himself. "

Thinking of this, Jian Yishen's mood improved a lot.


A group of martial arts fans also quit Gu Yong's Weibo one after another, and after quitting, they came to the forum of the fandom tribe.

A question about what love is in the world is enough to make the tribal forum of chivalrous fans temporarily turn into a love forum.

Although most of the men in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum are men, men are also longing for a beautiful love, longing for a woman to love him, just like Zhu Yingtai loves Liang Shanbo.

Of course, he will love that woman just like Liang Shanbo loves Zhu Yingtai.

And those who had not watched Gu Yong's Weibo before suddenly saw that sentence, and while their hearts were trembling, they hurriedly asked where that sentence came from?

After learning that it was written by Guyong, I couldn't help but be surprised that a martial arts author could write such a terrifying declaration of love?

But thinking about it again, it seems that it is not surprising. Maybe it is because Gu Yong understands "love" so deeply that he was able to write "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind".

The Xia Fan tribe forum has become a love forum. Everyone is discussing Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai, and what is love in the world? Except for the voice of "Jianjiajun".

When the "Jian Family Army" just saw that sentence, their hearts trembled, and they also longed for that kind of love.

But after the tremor and longing, they became excited again, not because of that sentence, but because Gu Youzhu was about to bid farewell to martial arts.

"Haha! Gu Yong's "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is well written, better than many current romance novels. Is Gu Yong preparing to enter romance novels?"

"With our sword god in the martial arts world, there is no place for Gu Yong. In addition, Gu Yong is afraid that it will be difficult to create excellent martial arts works in the future. Naturally, he must consider his own future and enter romance novels. It's also a good choice."

"It's more than good, tsk tsk, so many female fans are simply enviable, jealous and hateful!"

"The Sword God is so mighty and powerful, the three works put Gu Yong into romance novels. In the future, the world of martial arts will be the world of Sword God."


The "Jian Family Army" kept bragging as always, and the rest of the martial arts fans were talking about "love". Although they didn't agree, they felt that what those guys said was not entirely impossible.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that Guyong lost to Jian Yishen this time. It is really hard to say whether he can create excellent martial arts novels in the future.

Gu Yong is thinking about his future, and it is not impossible and understandable to switch to romance.

This time, the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, as well as the question about what love is in the world, and even the martial arts work "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" are Gu Yong's attempt to switch to romance.

Looking at it now, Gu Yong's attempt is undoubtedly very successful, and he already has a group of female fans who like romance.

Could it be that Gu Yong really wants to give up martial arts and switch to romance?

All kinds of tastes suddenly flooded into the hearts of all martial arts fans.


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