Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 918 Brand new serialization method

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan also quit Gu Yong's Weibo. This time, the number of Gu Yong's Weibo fans has exploded, and most of them are female fans who make other martial arts writers jealous.

In this regard, Li Fan is still very proud.

After quitting Weibo, Li Fan logged into the Xia Fan Tribe Forum to have a look. He saw that most of the martial arts fans were talking about "love", and also saw the clamor of "Jianjiajun".

"Give up martial arts and switch to romance?" Li Fan smiled lightly, martial arts can't give up naturally, as for switching to romance, it's not a mistake, those works can also be classified as romance.

That's right, in Li Fan's plan, it's almost time to launch some new types of works, which is one of the reasons why he chose "The West Wind" this time.

The results of the matter are all developing according to Li Fan's previous vision.

Moreover, Li Fan's new type of works will adopt a brand-new serialization method, a serialization method that the world has never seen before.

The new serialization method will be an attempt by Li Fan to pave the way for a bold move in the future. He will slowly bring a new reading habit to this world.

After that...

Li Fan thought about it, and the corner of his mouth slowly showed a faint smile.


"What is love in the world? Straight-forward teaching promises life and death!" Su Qing muttered these words, dazed, wondering what was going on in her heart?

But soon, his face blushed inexplicably, and then he spit again, and hummed softly: "A guy with a heart but no guts."


Romance Pavilion.

A group of female fans who followed Gu Yong's Weibo before have also withdrawn from Gu Yong's Weibo and returned to romance.

Just as some martial arts writers thought, a large part of them have become real fans of Gu Yong, just because of the love story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, just because of that question, what is love in the world?

Now, almost all the topics that are being discussed in the Romance Pavilion are related to Gu Yong.

"I said before, if Gu Yong's answer can satisfy me, I will be his fan,

Now I declare that from now on, I am a fan of Gu Yong. "

"Cut! After today, there are more girls who want to be fans of Guyong, so Guyong won't care about you."

"I admit this, but there are not many beautiful female fans like me."

"Again, but you refuse to take a photo, who knows if you are beautiful?"

"Ask what love is in the world? Straight-forward teaching promises life and death! When I first read it, I was a little dizzy. Is there really such a lover in the world?"

"Who knows, maybe it's only in the story. It reminds me of a poem, though."

"I know which song it is. Is Li Fan's "Shang Xie" right? The feeling of seeing this sentence is similar to the first time I saw that poem, and I just fainted."

"Li Fan, Gu Yong? I don't need to say much about Li Fan's genius. I just went to learn about Gu Yong. It turns out that Gu Yong is also called an extraordinary genius in the martial arts world, but it seems to be in some trouble now, but In any case, it is undeniable that Guyong is an absolute genius. I just don't know, which of them is more powerful?"

"It should be Li Fan, Li Fan is regarded as an absolute genius in many fields. After all, Gu Yong's field is only in the martial arts field. Of course, now, it seems that he also has a good talent in the field of romance. "

"Just relying on that sentence to ask what love is in the world, I believe that Gu Yong has an extraordinary talent in the field of romance. It just so happens that he seems to have some trouble with the martial arts, so let's turn to the field of romance, we absolutely support him."

"Yes, as long as Gu Yong comes to the romance field, we absolutely support it."



Li Fan doesn't know now that he has the support of many female fans.

He just came out of his home and is now wandering around the village. Today's weather is very good, the clouds are high, but there is no sun, and there are gusts of cool wind blowing from time to time. Walking in the village is very comfortable.

There are many tourists in the village today.

Beside the stream and the ditch, there are green grass after another. In the grass, wild flowers of various colors are blooming brilliantly, red, yellow, and purple. Some are messy, but very beautiful.

The breeze was blowing, and the faint fragrance of flowers permeated the surroundings, sniffing in the noses of tourists, feeling relaxed and happy.

Among the flowers, a large number of butterflies danced, some white, some brown, some colorful, very beautiful.

There is one flying alone, and there are two lingering flying together.

Butterflies are not afraid of people, even if someone walks up to them, they don't care, they still fly according to their own lines.

Sometimes, as soon as you stretch out your hand, a butterfly will fly over and stop on your hand. After a short rest, it will fly away again.

"Wow! Look at those two butterflies, they fly so close and lingering, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai." Beside the flowers, a young, beautiful, tall girl pointed at the two butterflies not far away. Said the butterfly that only flew together.

"Those two butterflies are really beautiful. They flew so close together. They should be a couple. But, what do you mean by Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai?" A girl next to her asked with a hint of doubt.

The tall girl smiled proudly and said, "Don't you know? That's a beautiful and romantic love story. Of course, there is some sadness in the front of this story, but I'd rather just treat it as a beautiful and romantic love story. story."

The girl next to her was even more puzzled and said, "A beautiful and romantic love story? Is this story famous? Why don't I know?"

The tall girl said again: "It's inevitable that it's famous, although it's not famous yet. But I think it won't be long before it will become famous all over the country."

The girl next to you doubted: "What kind of story is that? It made you so confident in it, where did you see it?"

The tall girl continued: "Did you know that there is a martial arts author named Gu Yong?"

The girl next to him said, "Gu Yong? The author of martial arts? Well, I know, although I haven't read his books, I know he should be very famous."

The tall girl nodded and said, "You know it's easy to handle. You go to his Weibo and you'll understand later. Well, it's the Weibo that was just updated today."

After finishing speaking, the tall girl and her friend left, leaving the girl next to her to mutter to herself, "Gu Yong's Weibo? Do you understand after reading it?"

After hesitating for a moment, the girl took out her mobile phone and was about to find out Gu Yong's Weibo to take a look. It wouldn't take much time anyway.


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