Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 925 The benevolent is invincible

After receiving the manuscript of "Mandarin Duck Knife", Xiaojianghu Magazine released a message to the outside world on its official website and official Weibo at the same time.

Guyong's latest short martial arts work, "The Mandarin Duck Knife", will be published in the next issue, which is "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", which will be released on July 22.

Later, Li Fan also reprinted it on Gu Yong's Weibo.

Wuxia fans are not surprised by this news, because it has been said in the exclusive interview of Gu Yong.

Guyong's new work is a short story, and everyone guessed correctly.

Now, the only thing everyone is worried about is, will this "Mandarin Duck Knife" really be Guyong's last martial arts work?

Although Gu Yong himself has denied it, the sentence, "The next martial arts work will take a while" will inevitably make people think about it.

With such thoughts, the time came to July 22, when the new issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released.

Martial arts fans went to newsstands to buy them, and many martial arts writers also went to buy them. They were very interested to know, what kind of work might it be Gu Yong's masterpiece in the martial arts world?

There are even a few fans of romance novels who also bought a copy of "Laughing at the Rivers and Lakes". What they thought was that, in case this time, "Mandarin Duck Knife" would be the same as the last "White Horse Howling in the West Wind". What about romance martial arts?

And when they read "The Mandarin Duck Knife", they found that it was not a romantic martial arts, and the full text was completely irrelevant to the word "love". However, I was not disappointed.

Because they are very happy to watch, although there are fights and killings that they don't like, but more of them are witty and humorous.

It seems that martial arts novels can also be very humorous.

The rest of the martial arts fans and martial arts writers are naturally equally happy.

The first sentence of the full text is, "The four men who finished their strong suits stand side by side, standing in the way!" There is a kind of mighty and domineering feeling.

Opposite them is a wave of escorts with dozens of escorts.

They are going to block the way and rob the dart team.

The four of them faced each other, with a team of dozens of escorts, calm and confident, either martial arts masters or a large number of helpers lurking around.

This can make the head of the dart team,

"Iron Whip Town Bafang" Zhou Weixin was frightened enough.

The darts they held this time, on the surface, were 100,000 taels of silver, but in fact they were secretly escorting the treasures of the martial arts, a pair of "Yuanyang Ducks" into Beijing, dedicated to the current emperor.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that this pair of mandarin duck knives is the supreme martial arts, and if they are obtained, they will be invincible in the world.

Zhou Weixin thought that the other four wanted to rob the mandarin duck knife, but because the mandarin duck knife was dedicated to the emperor, once it was robbed, Zhou Weixin's family would not be able to survive.

Therefore, Zhou Weixin decided to let the escorts entangle the four of them, and escaped first with a mandarin duck knife.

However, when the guards fought against the four, they found that the martial arts of the four were extremely rare.

Zhou Weixin couldn't help laughing bitterly, but he didn't bother the four, and led the dart team to continue on the road.

And those four were the "Four Heroes of Taiyue". The reason why they wanted to rob the escort team was to get a gift for Xiao Banhe, a hero of Jinyang.

The dart team did not succeed in the robbery, and the four were not discouraged, and continued to wait for the next target to appear.

Then came Lin Yulong, Ren Feiyan and his wife, as well as the scholar Yuan Guannan. The Taiyue Four Heroes' robbery plan still failed because their martial arts were too poor.

Later, another young girl came riding a horse, and the four heroes of Taiyue thought they could finally succeed this time.

But who knew that they couldn't even beat this young girl.

Fortunately, this young girl is none other than Xiao Banhe's daughter Xiao Zhonghui. She learned that the purpose of the four robbery was to get a gift for her father Xiao Banhe's birthday, so she took it off. The golden hairpin on his head was given to them as a gift.

The Four Heroes of Taiyue finally no longer have to wait for the next target to appear.

Xiao Zhonghui's trip was also for the mandarin duck knife. In the Fen'an inn in Ganting Town, she accidentally learned that the mandarin duck knife was in the hands of the escort, so she secretly paid attention.

At this time, Lin Yulong and his wife, Yuan Guannan, a scholar, and Zhuo Tianxiong, a master in the big house, all came here and followed the escort.

During a melee on the way, Zhuo Tianxiong was superior in skill and hit the acupoints of Lin Yulong, Ren Feiyan, and Xiao Zhonghui. Fortunately, Yuan Guannan used a trick to scare Zhuo Tianxiong away, won the mandarin duck knife, and rescued everyone.

The four fled to the Zizhu Nunnery, and Zhuo Tianxiong chased after them. Lin Yulong and his wife passed on their powerful but powerful swordsmanship to Yuan Guannan and Xiao Zhonghui.

The two defeated Zhuo Tianxiong with their unlearned husband-and-wife swordsmanship, kept the paired sword, and because of fighting side by side, they fell in love with each other.

On Xiao Banhe's birthday, heroes from all walks of life came to celebrate, Yuan Guannan presented the mandarin duck knife, Xiao Banhe was happy, and betrothed his daughter Xiao Zhonghui to Yuan Guannan.

Lin Yulong and Ren Feiyan, their husband and wife, passed on all their swordsmanship to Yuan Guannan and Xiao Zhonghui.

At the festive feast, officers and soldiers suddenly surrounded Xiao's house, saying that they wanted to arrest the rebel Xiao Yi.

In a melee, the heroes defeated the officers and soldiers led by Zhuo Tianxiong and retreated to Zhongtiao Mountain together.

On the hill, Xiao Banhe explained the truth: his real name was Xiao Yi, in order to avenge his father, he entered the palace as an eunuch in his early years, and tried to assassinate the Manchu emperor, but he never succeeded.

In order to seize the Yuanyang Sword, the emperor killed two great heroes, Yuan and Yang, who protected the Yuanyang Sword, and arrested their wives and children in prison.

Xiao Yi took the opportunity to rescue the two wives and their children, and later pretended to be husband and wife with Yuan and Yang in order to hide from the Qing court.

Just as they were talking, the four heroes of Taiyue came carrying Zhuo Tianxiong, and everyone took back a mandarin duck knife that he snatched from Xiao Zhonghui.

Everyone took the pair of Yuanyang Ducks in their hands, looked carefully for a while, and finally discovered the secret of the rumors in the rivers and lakes that the Yuanyang Sword would be invincible in the world.

It turned out that the words "benevolent" and "invincible" were engraved on the blades of this pair of mandarin ducks.

"The benevolent is invincible"! It is an invincible secret.

The whole story ends here, and everyone took a long breath when they saw it at the end.

Then he muttered to himself: "So this is the secret of being invincible in the world. The benevolent is invincible, and indeed he is invincible in the world!"

After that, when I read the words "Complete the book", I felt a little unhappy and regretful.

Is this gone? Is the story too short? It looked like it was fun, but it suddenly disappeared, it was just a fool.

Short stories really can't give people the feeling of "reading good" like long novels.

However, the reason why everyone thinks that this "Mandarin Duck Knife" is unpleasant, it only shows that this short story is very distinctive and extremely readable.

Otherwise, it is impossible for everyone to feel this way.


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