Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 926 Gu Yong really doesn't plan to write martial arts?

Everyone feels that "Mandarin Duck Knife" is not cool yet, and it is gone, which will naturally cause unanimous complaints from martial arts fans.

Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

"Gu Yong's "Yuanyang Knife" sucks people. It ended too suddenly. I was just thinking about how Qunhao would deal with the Yuanyang Knife, and suddenly the words 'complete the book' came out, Nimei!"

"The end is really too sudden. Qunhao hid in the mountains, and he probably hasn't escaped completely. It just ended, and Guyong is too pitiful."

"It seems that everyone feels a pit, but then again, the pit is a pit, but it's fun to watch, especially the four heroes of Taiyue, and the dart leader Zhou Weixin, who are full of funny cells. It turns out that martial arts works are still It can be so humorous."

"That's right, and the reason why everyone feels the pit is mainly because the "Mandarin Duck Knife" is highly readable, so everyone has such a feeling of unfinished business. We used to read too many short and medium martial arts works, but we have never I have never felt that way.”

"It's not nonsense, this is Gu Yong's work. Although Gu Yong is in trouble with his creation now, Gu Yong is Gu Yong after all, far from being comparable to those ordinary martial arts writers."

"It can be seen that Gu Yong's two recent works, "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" and "The Mandarin Duck Knife" are both trying to write new things and write different martial arts. And they have been successful, but it may be because The reasons for attempts and length make these two works as a whole, incomparable to several works before Gu Yong. I really hope to see Gu Yong's works that are better than before. "

"It is better than the previous works, it must be a long-form work, and it should be impossible in a short time. If "Yuanyang Knife" is not a martial arts masterpiece of Gu Yong, it should still be possible. If it is a masterpiece , then there is no way."

"Then let's pray that "Mandarin Duck Knife" is not Gu Yong's martial arts masterpiece."


Although martial arts fans feel that "Mandarin Duck Knife" is very pitiful, their evaluation is not low.

This is a witty and humorous martial arts work that has never appeared before. Everyone is particularly impressed by the "Four Heroes of Taiyue" in the work.

The four guys not only think their martial arts are extremely high, but the names they take are even scarier. "Our eldest brother is Yanxia Shenlong Xiaoyaozi, the second brother is Chang Changfeng with both hands open, and the third brother is a meteor chasing the moon flower sword shadow, just below. It is the eight-step chasing toad, the competition Zhuanzhu, the snow without a trace, the one-legged water-flying, the double-thorned cover and the seven-province cover."

Such a character walks the rivers and lakes, where is there less fun? It's no surprise that martial arts fans were amused and impressed.


Great Martial Arts Magazine,

The office of editor-in-chief Wang Yang.

Wang Yang and Jian Yishen also finished reading "The Mandarin Duck Knife".

Wang Yang sighed: "Gu Yong is worthy of being Gu Yong. Although this "Mandarin Duck Knife" is short, it really allows him to write something new. Like that "White Horse Howling in the West Wind", it may not be very good on the whole. But it has a unique charm that attracts readers.”

Jian Yishen said with disapproval: "Editor-in-chief, these two works may indeed have some bright spots, but that's it. Why did Gu Yong create short and medium novels instead of continuing to choose long novels? That's because he is no longer able to Create a long-form work.

Let's just say this "Mandarin Duck Knife", the end is too abrupt. Why is there such a situation? My guess is that this should be a work that Gu Yong had prepared before, and the manuscript was written before, and in his original plan, the length of "Mandarin Duck Knife" should be much longer.

So why doesn't he keep writing? It's simple, because he can't write anymore. Therefore, I simply revised the previously written manuscript a little and published it directly as a short work. As for the future, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see his shadow in the martial arts world. "

After Wang Yang listened to it, he thought about it, Jian Yishen did have some truth in what he said, and this "Mandarin Duck Knife" really might have been written before Gu Yong.

Now that Gu Yong has published it as a short work, it shows that Gu Yong will not continue to write martial arts in the future, at least not for a long time.

Otherwise, why did he directly publish "Mandarin Duck Knife" as a short story? How unfortunate is this?

He can completely continue to write the following stories while serializing "Mandarin Duck Knife".

It seems that I really can't write it, and I don't plan to write it anymore.

Thinking of this, a look of excitement flashed in Wang Yang's eyes, "Have you finally driven Gu Yong out of the martial arts world?"

From the very beginning, after Gu Yong became famous with the book "The Sword of the Yue Girl", and after rejecting the olive branch thrown by the Great Martial Arts Magazine, Wang Yang wanted to drive Gu Yong out of the martial arts world, so that he could never write a martial arts. novel.

Now, has it finally worked?

"It should be almost." Wang Yang thought so in his heart.

Afterwards, Wang Yang said with a smile: "Then Xiao Tang, it's up to you later, and strive to become the number one martial artist as soon as possible."

Jian Yishen smiled confidently and said, "The editor-in-chief can rest assured that we won't wait too long for that day."

Wang Yang nodded with satisfaction, thought about it, and then said: "However, you can't take it lightly. In the current martial arts world, martial arts authors are very active, and new books are frequently published. But those veteran martial arts masters, such as Fallen Leaves Silent, Densely Brushstroke, Meniscus, Qinsheng and others are very low-key, neither announcing the closing of the pen nor publishing a new book, which is a bit unusual. You should pay more attention to their developments in the future."

Jian Yishen smiled disdainfully and said, "Editor-in-chief, it's true that they were called the Four Great Masters of Martial Arts, but their works are already outdated. Even if they publish a new book, what threat can they pose to me?"

Wang Yang shook his head and said solemnly: "Xiao Tang, you must not ignore them. Their previous works are indeed outdated, but since they can be called the four great masters of martial arts, their strength is by no means general. As long as they can break through before The shackles of the shackles, the works they create are no trivial matter. Now that they are so low-key, it is very likely that they are preparing new works in order to wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.”

After Jian Yishen heard this, he frowned slightly and said, "Editor-in-chief, isn't that Fallen Leaf Silent an author under our magazine? Whether he has prepared a new book, our magazine should know about it."

Wang Yang shook his head and said: "Although we have always claimed to the outside world that Silent Leaves is the author of our magazine, but in fact we are just a cooperative relationship with Silent Leaves. Almost all of his works are published in our "Great Martial Arts". It's a win-win situation, but he's not limited by our big martial arts magazine."

"So it is." Jian Yishen nodded, thinking about it is normal, Silent Leaf was one of the top martial arts writers before, so naturally he can enjoy such treatment.

After thinking about it, Jian Yishen couldn't help but envy the silent treatment of the leaves.

Looking at Jian Yi's expression, Wang Yang had already guessed what he was thinking, and he couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Tang, you don't have to be envious, you can enjoy this kind of treatment in the future. This is not a secret in the industry. , Meniscus, they are treated the same in their magazines."

After Jian Yishen heard this, he was excited for a while, and said, "Yes, editor-in-chief, I will definitely work hard. In addition, I will pay more attention to the movements of Silent Leaves and Silent Leaf in the future."

"Well." Wang Yang nodded with satisfaction.


Recommend a friend's book, "Crossing Anime as God of Cookery", if you are interested, you can go and read it.


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