Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 937: The Desire to Become More Urgent

Li Fan is naturally clear about the voices of readers on the Internet. Even if he doesn't read it, he can probably guess it.

Netizens are not wrong, the person who masters the fate of Qingwu Feiyang is indeed the author. Li Fan can indeed change his pen, so that the beautiful woman who likes brown color will no longer die, and can continue to dance lightly.

It's just that Li Fan is not going to do this. If he does, this story may not be called "The First Intimate Contact".

In this world, Li Fan is the author of this work. No one knows that he is actually a reader of this work.

Like most readers in this world, he didn't want and was unwilling to accept Qing Wu Feiyang's death, but it turned out that Qing Wu Feiyang really died, and no miracle happened.

Readers can sigh, sigh, and grieve. They can keep this story in their hearts forever, but they cannot change its ending.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this ending that this work became a classic in the previous life.

In this world, too.

Li Fan sighed. At this time, he received a short message on his mobile phone. Li Fan took a look and it was sent by Tang Ying.

Tang Ying sent a short message at this time, and Li Fan could guess that it should be related to Qing Wu Feiyang. Tang Ying is one of the few outsiders who know that he is Gu Yong.

Sure enough, Tang Ying's short message said, "No miracle will happen, Qing Wu Feiyang will die, right? Oh! Why are you so cruel."

Li Fan pouted and muttered to himself, "It's not that I'm cruel, okay?"

Of course, this can't be said to Tang Ying, he can only be a ruthless author silently.

As for Tang Ying's ability to guess that Qing Wu Feiyang would die, Li Fan is not surprised, that should be her own hunch and feeling. And, it is correct.

"Indeed, there are some regrets, but that's the end." Li Fan replied to Tang Ying with a short message.


The vast majority of readers believe that there will be no accident in Qingwu Feiyang in the end, but some readers are keenly aware of the tragic ending of Qingwu Feiyang.

For example, Tang Ying, who just texted Li Fan, and Qin Yulin.

After she watched the serialization of the first day yesterday,

I already had a bad feeling in my heart.

Now, the bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger, almost to the extent that it is acceptable.

This made her feel very uneasy, and she was afraid to see the end of tomorrow. Although she could almost certainly guess the ending, she was still afraid to see it. It was so sad and sad.


Beijing University, a female dormitory.

Lin Luoxue and her three roommates and sisters also watched "The First Intimate Contact".

They are also worried about Qing Wufeiyang's fate.

"Qing Wu Feiyang will be fine, right?" a girl asked softly, as if asking others, but also asking herself.

"Of course nothing will happen, she will be safe. Now everyone on the Internet is saying this." Another girl said.

"Yes, no matter how cruel the author Gu Yong is, it is impossible to write the heroine to death." Another girl said.

The three girls were talking in low voices, only Lin Luoxue frowned lightly, dazed.

"Luoxue, what's wrong with you? Don't you like Qingwu Feiyang very much? Why don't you talk to us?" a girl asked.

Lin Luoxue sighed: "I have a feeling that Qing Wu Feiyang will eventually die, no miracle will happen."

This shocked the three roommates, and one of them said, "Luoxue, how can you feel this way? That's impossible."

Lin Luoxue shook his head and said, "I don't know why I feel this way, but I hope my feeling is wrong."

The three roommates looked at Lin Luoxue, and the feeling in Lin Luoxue's heart suddenly made them feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

"I hope it feels wrong." The four girls said in their hearts at the same time.


In a somewhat depressed atmosphere, the time came to 8:50 in the morning the next day.

The latest chapter of "The First Intimacy" will be updated soon.

"I can finally see the news that Qing Wu Feiyang is safe." This is what many readers are thinking at this time, and they can't wait for the upcoming chapters.

On the other hand, a few people such as Tang Ying, Qin Yulin, and Lin Luoxue felt more and more uneasy in their hearts.

Unlike other readers who can't wait to see the new chapter, they don't want to see the new chapter so soon.

They were afraid of seeing that ending, and if they could, they would rather know the ending later.

However, they thought so. When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning and Gu Yong updated the new chapter on time, they couldn't help it. Together with other readers, they clicked on the chapter that was just updated.

Qing Wu Feiyang also said in the email left to the ruffian Cai, let the ruffian Cai log in to her own e-mail, which records the bits and pieces since they met.

He also said that after the ruffian Cai read those, whether to delete or keep it, let the ruffian Cai decide for himself. Because, she may not have the opportunity to use the e-mail again.

The ruffian Cai used the account number and password that Qing Wu Feiyang told him in the email, and logged into Qing Wu Feiyang's mailbox, which contained dozens of emails, which were recorded by Qing Wu Feiyang.

The ruffian Cai read Qing Wufeiyang's emails one by one in chronological order from the very beginning.

The email records some of Qing Wufeiyang's usual life, as well as the bits and pieces since she and the ruffian Cai met.


My illness prevents me from exercising vigorously and avoiding too much sun, but what's the point of being young if you can't sweat on the dance floor or smile in the sun?


It's a pity that we still have to go to the movies in the afternoon, otherwise we can chat until dawn like before, go to sleep, I don't want you to see me haggard.

I woke up around 12 noon, let's take a shower first.

However, when I put on my clothes, I saw a red spot on my right arm. I stared blankly at the red spot, my whole body seemed to be frozen, and the moment after the thawing, I squatted in the bathroom and cried. .


Ruffian, I hope you will always remember that I am the most beautiful now. Because after today, I may no longer be beautiful.

You remind me that the movie is over, yes, my movie is over, but your life has to go on. ruffian, isn't it?


I hope in my heart that you will sign your real name, so that my thoughts in the future will be more specific, if there is any 'after'.

Maybe as you said, the web is fast, but not perfect. I can send you my thoughts quickly, but I can't attach the teardrops that fall on the keyboard.


After reading the emails, the heart of the ruffian Cai became heavier and heavier, and it also made the hearts of the readers heavier and heavier.

Feeling more pity and distress for Qing Wu Feiyang, Qing Wu Feiyang's wish to be safe and sound is even more urgent.


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