Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 938 It's not a miracle, but bad news

"Qingwufeiyang, you must be healthy and safe. Then, like a beautiful butterfly, fly freely." This is the expectation and call of every reader at this time.

Then, he continued to look behind him very anxiously. Although they still believed very much that Qing Wu Feiyang would definitely not have an accident at this time, they were still uneasy in their hearts.

On the other hand, Tang Ying, Qin Yulin, Lin Luoxue and others were even more afraid and uneasy in their hearts. They didn't want to continue watching, but they chose to continue.

The ruffian Cai spent two weeks in unforgettable thoughts.

Two weeks later, the ruffian Cai finally found out where Qingwu Feiyang is now from Xiaowen, a roommate of Qingwufeiyang.

In a ward of a hospital in another city.

The ruffian Cai rushed to the ward and finally saw the beautiful butterfly again.

Qing Wu Feiyang was sleeping soundly, her long hair was scattered on the outside of the quilt, and there were already butterfly-like erythema on her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

Qing Wu Feiyang is no longer as beautiful as before, but in the heart of ruffian Cai, she will always be the most beautiful butterfly.

The same goes for readers.

After a long time, Qing Wu Feiyang slowly opened her eyes, and then stared blankly at the ruffian Cai.

Suddenly turned around again, sobbing softly, and after a while, Qing Wu Feiyang turned around, no tears in her eyes, but said with a smile: "Ruffian! You're here!"

Just like when they first met, however, the mood of the readers at this time was already very different.

"Ruffian, sit down! Why are you standing all the time?"

"Bitch, you've lost weight!"

"Ruffian, are you hungry? Do you have anything to eat at noon?"

From Qing Wufeiyang's words, readers can feel that this beautiful woman is still the happy butterfly.

Or, she wants to be a happy butterfly forever.

The ruffian Cai was flying with Qing Wu in the ward, a few days later.


Why are you looking at me all the time? And don't speak? " said Qing Wu Feiyang.

Why doesn't the ruffian Cai speak? Because he already felt that Qing Wu Feiyang was getting weaker and weaker, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

When the readers saw this, their hearts thumped violently, "What do you mean? Could it be... No, no, this is impossible, Qing Wu Feiyang will definitely be able to recover and be discharged from the hospital."

The readers all thought so stubbornly in their hearts that they would never believe that Qing Wu Feiyang would die.

"Ruffian, you know that coffee is not good. So please drink less in the future, okay?"

"By the way, promise me not to stay up late in the future."

"And don't reverse day and night in the future."

"And breakfast must be eaten."

"And don't be too obsessed with blue, it will make you look somber."

"and also……"

Qing Wu Feiyang said several "more" in a row, but was finally interrupted by the ruffian Cai. Because, the ruffian Cai felt that Qing Wu Feiyang seemed to be explaining the funeral, and he didn't want Qing Wu Feiyang to continue.

"I'll pour you a glass of water." This is what the ruffian Cai said.

"Ruffie, is the water dispenser far away? If it's far away, I won't drink water." This is what Qing Wu Feiyang said. She seemed to have some kind of hunch, and she didn't want ruffian Cai to leave her for too long.

"No, it's very close," said the ruffian Cai.

"Ruffian, come back quickly. I don't want to be alone, okay? I'm afraid of being alone." This is what Qing Wu Feiyang said.

When readers saw this, when they felt that Qing Wu Feiyang was distressing, they kept reminding themselves in their hearts, "Next, it should be the moment when a miracle happens, Qing Wu Feiyang's illness will be caused by a certain A special cause and a miraculous recovery. From now on, she will never be alone again."

Readers pray in their hearts for a miracle to happen, and believe that a miracle will happen.

However, what they were waiting for was not a miracle, but the news of Qing Wufeiyang's death, "At a quarter past three in the morning, a brown butterfly flew away in Ward 98."

And, Qing Wu Feiyang's last letter to the ruffian Cai.

It's a letter, not an email.

That letter was sent by Qing Wu Feiyang's roommate Xiao Wen to the ruffian Cai. At this time, it had been two months since Qing Wu Feiyang passed away.

The cover of the letter read: "To: ruffian Cai (my prince)."

This is the first time that ruffian Cai has seen Qing Wu Feiyang's handwriting, dancing gently, very beautiful.

The coffee-colored envelope contained a photo, two movie tickets, and a piece of blue stationery.

The photo is of Qing Wufeiyang, standing on a green grassland, wearing the coffee-colored clothes they had when they first met, smiling brightly.

There are words on the back of the photo, "Brown is the me of Pisces, and blue is you of Scorpio. The brown envelope contains blue letter paper, do you know what I mean? Seeing my cup of fragrant coffee, you will want to drink it. Do you? Be sure to absorb the saliva, don't drip it!"

The two movie tickets are the two movie tickets the two had last time they watched a movie.

And on the blue stationery was written:

"If I have another day to live, I will be your girlfriend that day.

Do I still have a day to live? No.

So, unfortunately, I am still not your girlfriend in this life.

If I had wings, I would fly down from heaven to see you.

Do I have wings? No.

So, unfortunately, I will never be able to see you again.

If you pour out the water in the whole bathtub, it will not extinguish the flame of my love for you.

Can the water in the entire bathtub be poured out? Can.

So yes, I love you. "

This is the last letter that Qing Wu Feiyang wrote to the ruffian Cai.

The format of the content of this letter is the "" of the former ruffian Cai, but now it has been borrowed by Qingwu Feiyang, and the content has been modified.

The ruffian Cai's chest was easily torn, and tears poured down like the Yellow River burst...

But the readers unexpectedly didn't cry, they just stared blankly at the end, Qing Wu Feiyang wrote the last letter to the ruffian Cai.

They don't believe that Qing Wu Feiyang is dead, and they don't believe that this work is over.

They comforted in their hearts and looked forward to the fact that this work was not over yet, and that there would be new chapters in the future.

Qing Wu Feiyang will miraculously appear in front of the ruffian Cai, and in front of them, still wearing that set of brown clothes, still so pretty, smiling so happily.

However, the words "complete the book" are so dazzling and annoying.

These three words ruined the expectations in their hearts, and it seemed to remind them that Qing Wu Feiyang was dead, and it was impossible to live again, and no miracles would happen again.

That beautiful butterfly can never fly again.

If you want to cry, let the tears flow.


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