Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 940 A huge petition action

After this post, a large number of similar posts appeared on the Internet one after another, the central meaning of which was to let Gu Yong revise the ending and give everyone a healthy and healthy dance.

These posts made the eyes of readers who didn't think of this and thought there was no other way but to be sad and sad, "Yes, we can unite and ask Gu Yong to revise the ending, as long as there are enough people, Gu Yong will see For the common petition of so many book fans, maybe they will agree. Because, just modifying the ending is really a very simple thing for Gu Yong. "

More and more readers are starting to be affected, and more and more people are starting to think that way.

Then, act.

As a result, a mighty petition to save Qingwufeiyang quickly spread on the Internet.

"Thousands of thousands of people are begging for the kindness of Gu Yong's writing, and they will give everyone a healthy and healthy dance, so that she can continue to dance like a butterfly."

"It is the wish of 100,000 readers that Qing Wu Feiyang can be discharged from the hospital in good health. We also have to see her smile like a child in the 'perfume rain'."

"Qing Wu Feiyang is only 22 years old, and she is still too young. It is too cruel to let this beautiful girl die like this. I hope Gu Yongda can let Qing Wu Feiyang continue to dance. This is a million people. A common voice!"

"Friends who like Qingwufeiyang, everyone should take action, let Gu Yong see my heart, and let him understand that this is the common wish of millions of readers."


Weibo, post bars, forums, qd social tools and other places are all saving the voice of Qingwu Feiyang.

Everyone believes that as long as the place where the author Guyong is located is not disconnected from the Internet, he will be able to see the voices of countless book fans.


Beijing University, a female dormitory.

Lin Luoxue's three roommates and sisters cheered excitedly when they saw such an exciting rescue operation on the Internet. With so many people jointly petitioning, maybe it will really succeed.

Even Lin Luoxue's eyes lit up. Could it be that he really has a chance to succeed?


Tang Ying snorted softly and muttered, "That cruel man."


He also posted a Weibo about saving Qingwu Feiyang on his own Weibo.

Although she is still only a third-tier star, her influence as a third-tier star is comparable to that of a second-tier, or even a first-tier superstar.

She is also the absolute goddess in the eyes of countless men in China, and the power of her Weibo is undoubtedly huge.

Among her fans, some have read "The First Intimate Contact", some have not read it, and some have not even heard of the book.

However, it doesn't matter if you haven't seen it or haven't heard it.

The people the goddess wants to save is what they want to save people.

Therefore, they also joined the army that rescued Qing Wufeiyang. Although, they didn't know who Qing Wu Feiyang was at this time? I don't know the story of Qingwufeiyang either.

Tang Ying is not the only star who saved Qingwufeiyang on Weibo, there are more and more stars, or they have really watched "The First Intimate Contact" and really want to save Qingwufeiyang, Or for some other purpose, whether to rub the heat or something, they all posted relevant information on their own Weibo.

Celebrities more or less have their own fans, and when they act, their fans follow suit, even if they don't know Qing Wu Feiyang.

As a result, the team that rescued Qing Wufeiyang grew stronger and stronger, and they were no longer just ordinary readers, but also many stars.

Although some of them were just watching the excitement, most of them really wanted to save Qing Wu Feiyang.

Such a large-scale rescue operation also made writers in various fields a little dumbfounded, some envy, and some envy.

Among them, martial arts authors and romance novel authors are the most important. They witnessed the whole story with their own eyes, and they also guessed that there would be a lot of readers who would be reluctant to die, and maybe there would be readers who asked Guyong to revise the ending.

But they never thought that such a huge momentum would be formed in a short period of time.

They were dumbfounded and gloated, but they were more envious, even jealous.

There is only one reason why this rescue operation has formed such a huge scale in a short period of time.

That's why readers love Qing Wu Feiyang more than they thought.

Qing Wu Feiyang, or the popularity of the work "The First Intimate Contact" is even higher than they thought.

How good would it be if they could also write such a popular work and such a popular character?

At this time, no author spoke with the language features of the popular, straightforward, and slobbery in the book "The First Intimate Contact".

At least not at this time, there is no way, the work is written for readers, and the popularity is the king, it is to make people envious and jealous.

The circle of martial arts authors.

"Hey! I didn't expect that when Gu Yong entered the romance novel world, he was still the focus of the outside world. I can only be envious and jealous here."

"The influence of his first novel of pure love, although it can't be compared with the influence of his first martial arts novel "The Sword of Yue Girl", is not trivial, and it is indeed enviable."

"Let's see how he ends now. If this kind of large-scale petition is not handled well, the consequences may be serious."

"So, will he modify the ending?"

"It should be. After all, this is not a shameful thing. It should be something to be proud of when tens of thousands of people request to modify the ending."

"I guess not. That kid always surprises people everywhere. I guess it will be the same this time. Everyone thinks he will revise it, but he doesn't revise it."

"It's really hard to say. If it was another author, he would definitely modify it. Maybe he would take the opportunity to interact with the readers and ask them what kind of ending they would like to see? But Gu Yong Well, I can't say for sure."

"Then, let's wait and see how Gu Yong will deal with it."


Not only martial arts writers think this way, but also romance novel writers, as well as writers in other fields.

While they are envious and jealous, they are also paying close attention to Gu Yong's dynamics. They are very curious about how Gu Yong will deal with such a large-scale petition of readers this time?


Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

Zheng Jie said: "I guess your kid will not change the ending. But this time the petition is huge, what are you going to do?"

Liang Sheng also looked at Li Fan with inquiring eyes.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "It's very simple, I told them that the furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death."


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