Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 941 The furthest distance in the world

"The furthest distance in the world?" Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng looked at each other with expressions of interest on their faces, Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Interesting, but when it comes to the furthest distance in the world, it should be It's the distance between life and death."

Liang Sheng also said: "Yes, what distance can be farther than before life and death? What exactly do you want to say? Hurry up and say it happily, don't scoff."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course there is a farther distance than life and death. As for what it is? You will find out later."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it on his own.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng laughed and scolded at the same time: "You kid, okay, I want to see what your so-called furthest distance is?"

The two old people were still very curious.

Li Fan is naturally very aware of the huge scale of rescue operations on the Internet, and this is also what he expected.

Well, it's bigger than he expected, but it doesn't matter, he's already prepared.

Gu Yong's Weibo is undoubtedly the hardest hit area, and it has long been swiped.

Some of them took the opportunity to maliciously slander Guyong, but most of the messages sincerely hope that Guyong can modify the ending.

At this time, the number of people who are paying close attention to Gu Yong's Weibo is definitely a huge number. Everyone knows that the only communication window between the mysterious Guyong and the outside world is Weibo.

If he really intends to revise the ending, or if he has something to say, it must be communicated to the outside world through Weibo.

So, everyone is watching.

And everyone didn't wait for long, Guyong's Weibo has been moving, and new content has been updated.

"Are you here?" Everyone was refreshed and hurriedly opened it, "I really feel everyone's love for Qing Wu Feiyang, like everyone, I like Qing Wu Feiyang very much, and I am reluctant to let Qing Wu Feiyang die, but The end of the story is already doomed.

Qing Wu Feiyang is dead, but the ruffian Cai is still alive. The distance between life and death is undoubtedly very far, far enough to make each of us sigh and feel sad. This is actually an important reason why everyone hopes that Qing Wu Feiyang can survive, right? "

Gu Yong's Weibo made readers feel a chill.

According to Gu Yong, it seems that there is no plan to modify the ending.

However, Gu Yong's Weibo is obviously not finished yet, so everyone is not completely disappointed.

Moreover, what Gu Yong said in the second half, the distance between life and death between the ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang is indeed an important reason why they desperately hope that Qing Wu Feiyang can live again.

Readers have expressed their approval and approval for this, and have left messages under Gu Yong's Weibo.

"Yes, Gu Yong is right, the distance between life and death is indeed very far, far enough to be called the furthest distance in the world. It is precisely because of this that Gu Yong is asked to greatly modify the ending, okay. Let them not be so far apart."

"Yeah, Gu Yongda, the furthest distance in the world is the distance between life and death. How can you bear to let the distance between Qing Wu Feiyang and ruffian Cai be so far away? Therefore, Gu Yongda Let Qing Wu Feiyang come to life, this is the common wish of countless people."

"Gu Yong is great, let them be closer."


Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

Li Fan looked at the constantly refreshed messages at the bottom of Guyong's Weibo, and smiled lightly, the purpose of his last Weibo has been achieved.

Readers have been unknowingly led by him on the distance between life and death.

That is to say, everyone has now focused on the yin and yang separation between her and the ruffian Cai.

This is much easier to do.

After thinking about it, Li Fan used Gu Yong's Weibo account to update today's second Weibo, "It seems that everyone thinks that the distance between life and death is the furthest distance in the world, but I don't. think."

"Isn't the distance between life and death the furthest distance?" Everyone was suffocated, they never thought that Gu Yong's second Weibo would say so.

The distance between life and death is not the furthest distance in the world, so what is the furthest distance in the world?

Could it be that, in order to explain that the distance between Qing Wu Feiyang and the ruffian Cai is not far away, Gu Yong is going to mess around? So that everyone will not continue to let him modify the ending?

snort! How can it be so easy? There are countless people watching us now, and Guyong never wants to get away with it.

Almost all readers feel the same way.

So, in order not to let Gu Yong's "scheme" succeed, readers decided to open their eyes to see what Gu Yong will say next?

Tang Ying, Qin Yulin, Lin Luoxue, her roommates and sisters also stared at Gu Yong's Weibo with big eyes.

Only the authors frowned slightly. According to their experience, Gu Yong's fellow is afraid of doing something else?

It's just that they don't understand, what distance can be farther than life and death?

Could it be that Guyong is really going to mess around to resolve this crisis?

That's right, if Gu Yong resolutely does not modify the ending, this is indeed a crisis, and if one is not handled properly, it will cause dissatisfaction and disgust among readers, then the loss will be big.

However, everyone also knows that Gu Yong should not be a person who will use the low-level means of harassment.

So what the hell is he going to do?

The authors felt that they were completely unsure of Gu Yong's routine, which made them very troubled.


Under the surveillance of countless pairs of red eyes, Gu Yong's third Weibo appeared, "I think the furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. Instead, I stand In front of you, you don't know that I love you!

This is the furthest distance in the world.

Qing Wu Feiyang stood in front of ruffian Cai, ruffian Cai must know that Qing Wu Feiyang loves him, and Qing Wu Feiyang must also know that ruffian Cai loves her.

The hearts of the two of them have already blended together, and they no longer need a movement or a look, and they can understand each other's hearts. It's the same even now that Yin and Yang are separated, isn't it? They are still together, and Qingwufeiyang will always live in our hearts! "

This is Gu Yong's third Weibo today. After reading this Weibo, everyone's heart trembled violently, and then they were dazed.

Just like a while ago, when they first saw the sentence, "ask what love is in the world".


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