Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 944 The official performance of Liang Zhu's drama

Sansheng Village.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng watched Li Fan use three Weibo posts to easily resolve the crisis of book fans this time.

Zheng Jie said: "I said that you looked calm and calm before, so it turned out to be well prepared. The furthest distance in the world? Well, well, this is really the furthest distance in the world, it's great to be young! "

Liang Sheng also said: "Yeah, it's nice to be young. In my opinion, that distance is not necessarily a kind of beauty, and silently guarding a loved one is not necessarily a kind of happiness. However, that kind of distance and happiness, Only you young people can enjoy it."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Why should Er Lao feel so emotional? I see Er Lao is getting younger and younger, and the years to come are still long."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng both laughed heartily after hearing this. They obviously agreed with Li Fan's words. Since they came to the village, they really feel that they are getting younger and younger.

After laughing, Liang Sheng said, "The First Intimate Contact is over, what are you planning for your next work?"

Li Fandao: "It's still about pure love. Now that "The First Intimate Contact" has opened up a certain market, I need to release a few more books to stabilize the market."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "Or serialize it on Weibo?"

Li Fan also nodded and said: "If there is no accident, my pure love works will be serialized on Weibo."

Liang Sheng said: "So, what about martial arts, when is your kid's next martial arts movie going to be released?" Liang Sheng is most concerned about martial arts works.

Li Fan smiled and said, "My next martial arts work is incredible. It will be a work with an extremely far-reaching impact, so it will take longer to prepare."

"Oh, is it?" Liang Shengrao said with interest: "What kind of work is it? Can our Mr. Guyong be so confident?"

"Cough, cough!" Li Fan coughed lightly, and said very forcefully: "Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, Zhong Shentong!"

After Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie heard this, their hearts jumped, and they ignored Li Fan's pretentious appearance.

Although they still don't understand, what do "Eastern evil", "Western poison", "Southern Emperor", "Northern beggar" and "Zhongxintong" specifically mean? But it sounds a bit like the title of a person in the rivers and lakes, and this alone is enough to make people excited and imaginative.

Liang Sheng even felt a tinge of excitement in his heart, which made him a little surprised. Just hearing a few titles that were suspected to be the titles of the rivers and lakes made him excited?

However, those titles that are suspected to be the titles of the rivers and lakes are indeed worthy of excitement.

After thinking about it, Liang Sheng didn't ask any more details, but laughed loudly: "Okay, okay! What a Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, and Zhong Shentong! I am very excited and looking forward to it!"

Li Fan also smiled and said, "I don't think it will disappoint Mr. Liang."

Liang Sheng couldn't help nodding, and said again: "Do you remember what I told you last time about the possibility of martial arts novels being awarded, and the eligibility for the Times Literature Award?"

Li Fan said: "Naturally remember, what? Now there is new news?"

Liang Shengdao: "Indeed, according to the information I have received, the jury of the Times Literature Award has gradually come to a conclusion after this period of discussion, controversy, and voting. It is very likely that martial arts novels will be eligible for the selection. Perhaps, it will not pass. How soon, the jury will officially announce it to the outside world. At that time, I am afraid that there will be a lot of upheaval."

"The wind is rising? Isn't that interesting?" Li Fan said with a slight smile.

Zheng Jie gave Li Fan a meaningful look, and said with a smile, "It will be very interesting indeed!"


Farewell to Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng, Li Fan left Yuanlaiju and went home.

On the way, I received a call from Hu Fei.

A film and television company took a fancy to the market of "The First Intimate Contact" and wanted to adapt it into a movie, and wanted to find Gu Yong to buy the copyright of the movie adaptation.

It's just that they couldn't find Gu Yong, and finally they could only entrust Hu Fei to help convey it on their behalf.

Li Fan naturally would not object to the adaptation into a film, so he asked Hu Fei to tell the film and television company that the copyright of the film adaptation could be sold, and asked them to go to Xiaojianghu Magazine to discuss related matters with the president Liang Yuan.

Hanging up the phone, Li Fan couldn't help but think about a question. There will be more and more works written by Gu Yong, and more and more copyrights can be sold.

But the outside world couldn't find Gu Yong, and in the end, he could only go to Xiaojianghu Magazine or ask Hu Fei for help. This is obviously not a long-term solution.

It seems that it is time to develop that empty "Xiaojianghu Studio" into a real studio with all the internal organs.

Xiaojianghu Studio is a film and television studio registered by Li Fan in the name of Gu Yong in order to invest in the filming of "The Sword of Yue Girl" last year.

But so far, it's just an empty shell studio.

However, the official operation and development of Xiaojianghu Studio has always been in Li Fan's plan.

After all, there are copyrights for some works, and Li Fan does not plan to take out, and plans to use his own studio to shoot.

In the previous period, Li Fan had also made some preparations.

Therefore, it is not difficult to officially operate Xiaojianghu Studio now.

After the official operation, it will slowly develop into a multi-functional studio.

As for the official opening time? Well, today is the 26th, August 1st in a few days, seems like a good day.

Li Fan pondered while walking, and suddenly remembered another thing, the drama performance of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" seems to have started.

The copyright of the drama adaptation of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" was sold to the Oriental Theater, one of the three major theaters in China.

The annual Drama Art Festival starts on the 25th and ends on the 31st yesterday. All major theaters will launch new plays in these days.

The drama that the Oriental Theater is about to launch is "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

So, it should have had its premiere yesterday, so I don't know the market effect, and how was the audience's evaluation?

Li Fan returned home, turned on his computer, and prepared to take a look on the Internet about the performance of the drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

Although the copyright of the adaptation of the drama has been sold to the Oriental Theater, how can they play it? Whether the market reaction is good or bad has nothing to do with Li Fan.

But the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is a classic love story that has been passed down for more than a thousand years in the previous life, and Li Fan doesn't want to be spoiled in this world.

Although he absolutely believed in the strength of the Oriental Theater, otherwise, he would not sell them the copyright.

But after all, you have to see it with your own eyes before you can be completely relieved.


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