Just when Li Fan was looking for news about the drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" on the Internet, he was about to start his fourth performance today in the performance hall of the Oriental Theater in the magic capital.

In the performance hall, the audience was full, and even a lot of temporary seats were added.

Most of the audience is young people, and many of them are couples. While waiting for the start of the drama, everyone chatted with each other.

Originally, people nowadays are not very enthusiastic about dramas, especially young people. They are obviously more willing to go to the cinema to watch movies than dramas.

Whenever there is a drama performance, the attendance at the scene is not high.

Of course, there is also a certain attendance rate. After all, drama has its own unique charm, and some people, including some young people, have a special preference for it.

But generally speaking, it is not as good as before.

However, the latest drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" released by the Oriental Theater yesterday has swept away the current recession. The first premiere yesterday was a scene of overwhelming popularity.

The reason for this is naturally because the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai has already spread on the Internet.

This poignant yet romantic love story is loved and sought after by countless people, especially young people.

More than ten days ago, the Oriental Theater announced to the outside world that they had successfully purchased the copyright of the drama adaptation of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai will be staged in the performance hall of the Oriental Theater in the form of a drama.

As soon as the news came out, the outside world cheered and expressed great expectations for it.

The Oriental Theater started selling tickets for the premiere of the drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" one week in advance.

As a result, more than 11,000 tickets were sold out within half an hour.

It has attracted many sighs in the industry and outside the industry. It turns out that the market power of dramas is still there, and what major theaters lack is only good enough drama scripts.

Various external circumstances all indicate that when the drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is officially staged, the popularity will never be low.

This made Gong Zhiwei, director of the artistic creation department of the Oriental Theater, very comfortable, and all the previous depression and troubles were swept away.

Every day, I happily go to the performance troupe to see the rehearsal of the actors, and communicate with the actors from time to time.

And all the actors rehearsed, but also very serious, full of energy. This is the first time they have encountered this kind of situation, and it has been very popular before the performance.

This made them a little nervous, but of course more excited, excited and anticipating.

This kind of scene at the Oriental Theater, which has not been performed before it, naturally attracted the envy and jealousy of other major theaters.

Especially the Kyoto Theater and the Southern Theater, which are also the three major theaters. They only sighed that their luck was a little worse now.

At that time, they discovered the novel "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" by Gu Yong almost at the same time as the Oriental Theater.

They were as pleasantly surprised as the Oriental Theater, and considered it to be one of the best materials for adapting a drama.

Naturally, at the same time, he tried to contact Guyong to purchase the copyright.

It's just a pity that they were one step behind the Oriental Theater. When they tried to contact Gu Yong, they were told that the copyright of the drama adaptation had been sold to the Oriental Theater.

Although the two major theaters were not reconciled, they had no choice but to watch their old rival, the Oriental Theater.

On the 25th yesterday, when I saw the performance of the drama "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", it was even more popular than expected, and the two theaters were even more depressed and unwilling.

This time, the Oriental Theater was destined to overwhelm their two major theaters, and came out on top.

Today, the hot scene continues.

In the performance hall of the Oriental Theater, there was a little noise, and the content of the audience's chat was naturally related to the upcoming "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

"I really never thought about it before. It's so hard to buy a ticket for a drama. I waited in line for four hours before I bought the ticket for this one."

"Who said it wasn't? In the past, tickets were not used on-site at all, and you could just buy them online. This time, you need to grab tickets online. We, who have been single for more than 20 years, can't grab them with the speed of our hands. You can only come to the scene to line up to buy tickets.”

"No way, who made this story so popular? Those couples who are in love will be embarrassed to tell others that they are in love if they don't come to watch a performance."

"Although you are exaggerating, there are indeed many couples at the scene. In fact, I don't quite understand. This story should be a tragedy. Why do those couples like it so much?"

"So you can only be single. Although the drama is a tragedy, the love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is enough to make any couple envied. What is love in the world? Coupled with the final romanticized butterfly, for couples, especially women, there is simply no resistance."

"Well, that's true. Hey! Look at the stage, is this about to start?"

"Well, it should really start."


At the scene, many audience members noticed the movement on the stage, and when their minds moved, they all thought, "This is about to start."

Sure enough, there was a sound indicating that the performance was about to start.

The audience was refreshed, the scene quickly quieted down, and everyone's eyes were focused on the performance stage in front.

As the curtain slowly rose, the performance officially began.

Act one.

The heroine, Zhu Yingtai, appeared in ancient costumes, with a graceful figure, a beautiful face, red lips and white teeth, and big eyes and long eyelashes.

The audience's eyes lit up, "Beauty!"

Zhu Yingtai loves poetry and reading, and wants to go out to study, but as a daughter, she cannot show her face outside.

The queen girl, Yin Xin, suggested that she could disguise herself as a man and go out to study, so there would be no problem.

Zhu Yingtai's eyes lit up and she was very happy.

Next, the second act.

Zhu Yingtai appeared again, already dressed as a scholar, with a long robe and a jade crown, handsome in appearance, with a folding fan in his hand, such a graceful and pretty boy.

This time, the audience's eyes were brighter, and this beauty dressed as an ancient scholar turned out to be so good-looking.

Next, Zhu Yingtai and the girl Yinxin went to study in Yin County, Yuezhou.

On the way, I met the hero Liang Shanbo...

The scenes unfolded one after another.

Probably the audience of the plot is already very familiar with it, but at this time they are very focused, and their eyes have never left the stage, for fear of missing a certain detail.

And with the continuous development of the plot, the expressions on the audience's faces are also constantly changing.

I was amazed by Zhu Yingtai, and amused by Liang Shanbo's slow response.

When Zhu Yingtai boldly expressed his admiration to Liang Shanbo, there were bursts of applause at the scene.

When Ma Jia and Ma Wencai said arrogantly and domineeringly that they must marry Zhu Yingtai, there were bursts of anger at the scene.

When Liang Shanbo died in depression due to the transition of his thoughts, the scene was mixed with many voices such as helplessness, sighing, grief and anger.

When Zhu Yingtai jumped into the cracked tomb of Liang Shanbo without hesitation, there were bursts of exclamations at the scene.

In the end, two beautiful butterflies flew out of the tomb and lingered on the stage, shedding a beautiful fluorescence all the way.

A low, very magnetic male voice came from the sound, "Ask what is love in the world? Straight-forward teaching promises life and death!"

The entire stage and scene turned into a romantic ocean...

The audience was already fascinated by it.

At this time, there were no expressions of anger, regret, sigh, etc. on their faces, and some were just surprises at the romantic scene in front of them.

The superb performances of the actors before, coupled with the romantic and real scenes now, have made the audience a little confused between the inside and the outside.

They only felt that they had already entered the world of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and had seen this poignant and romantic love story with their own eyes.


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