Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 950 Crying little girl

Rao Qianqian, Zhou Yun and several women walked quickly to Li Fan and the three of them, Rao Qianqian said, "Mr. Li, President Liang, and Editor-in-Chief Gu, all three are good!"

The rest of the girls also quickly followed to say hello. fastest update

Li Fan laughed and said, "Miss Qianqian, Miss Xiaoyun, and four other girls, you are fine too."

Liang Yuan said, "Oh? Miss Qianqian knows us?"

Rao Qianqian smiled and said, "I heard from Mr. Li that President Liang and Editor-in-Chief Zhou also came together, so I dared to guess, and I will ask the two of you to take care of them in the future."

"I see." Liang Yuan shook his head and smiled, "I'm confused, I should have figured it out."

Rao Qianqian smiled, then pointed to the four girls, ready to introduce Li Fan, she knew that Li Fan did not know him.

However, without waiting for her introduction, the four girls suppressed their excitement and took the initiative to introduce themselves.

The four girls are called Zhou Qian, Yuan Hui, Xu Minling, and Liu Ya.

Hearing them say that their hometowns are in Funan Province, Li Fan is not surprised. Presumably, when Hu Fei recommended candidates to him, his hometown was in Funan Province.

After that, Liang Yuan opened a glass door at the end, and several people entered it. Inside was the reception hall and several offices, which had been decorated according to Li Fan's requirements.

Li Fan said: "This is where everyone will work in the future. Qianqian will temporarily be the person in charge here, fully responsible for the work here, and as my assistant, to be precise, Gu Yong's assistant. In the future, you will be Gu Yong in the outside world. spokesperson, understand?"

Rao Qianqian blushed slightly, nodded and said, "I understand, boss."

Naturally, these things have already been decided, and Li Fan is now only an official appointment. It's just that the appointment process is really too shabby.

Of course, no one thinks so, everyone is just excited.

Before, when Rao Qianqian knew that Hu Fei had recommended her to Li Fan as Gu Yong's assistant, his heart was beating wildly, one was excited, and the other was shy.

Ever since she first saw Li Fan in the Love Entertainment Studio, and regarded Li Fan as a little actor who went through the back door to ask for a role, every time she saw Li Fan, she would feel a little shy.

Seeing the blushing blush on Rao Qianqian's face, Li Fan was a little amused. Every time this girl saw him, she would be a little shy.

He could also imagine the reason for this, maybe he should be grateful for that misunderstanding, so that he could see the side of such a small woman as Rao Qianqian.

Indeed, don't look at Rao Qianqian's blush when he sees Li Fan, that's just for Li Fan alone. To other people, Rao Qianqian doesn't know what it means to be shy, and his ability is extremely strong.

Otherwise, Hu Fei would not recommend her as Gu Yong's assistant, and Li Fan would not agree.

Because, as the assistant of an "unreliable" boss like Gu Yong, his ability is a little less, and it will be difficult to be competent.

Afterwards, Li Fan smiled and said, "If there is anything you don't understand in the future, you can ask President Liang and Editor-in-Chief Gu for advice."

Rao Qianqian said: "Well, I know." Then he gave Liang Yuan and Gu Wei a little salute, and said, "President Liang and Editor-in-Chief Gu please give more advice."

Liang Yuan and Gu Wei laughed at the same time: "Miss Qianqian is very polite."

Li Fan added: "Qianqian is responsible for the lack of equipment in the office, as well as the recruitment of the rest of the staff in the office. Please ask President Liang to assist. We officially announced to the outside world on August 1 that Xiaojianghu Studio The news of the official operation. We are fortunate to suffer in the past few days, and of course, it is estimated that it will be fortunate in the future."

The girls nodded and said yes, Liang Yuan and Gu Wei also nodded with a smile.

After that, Li Fan made a series of arrangements. Rao Qianqian was in charge of all the work in the studio, with Liang Yuan assisting from the side. Rather, some help.

After all, there are only a few young girls in the studio, and no matter how strong they are, they will be powerless. I also need the help of Liang Yuan and the resources from the magazine.

It is also officially because of the presence of Liang Yuan and the magazine that Li Fan can be his hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

Indeed, after Li Fan has arranged all the things that should be arranged, he plans to be the hand-sucking shopkeeper again.

Poor Rao Qianqian followed such an "irresponsible" boss, and he was really lucky in the future.

After arranging everything properly, Li Fan looked at the time, and it was almost 1:00 noon, so he suggested to go to dinner first, and naturally a few people would not have any objections.

When they came downstairs, several people walked while looking for a place to eat.

Turning around a street, this is not a main road, there are fewer vehicles, and there are many restaurants on both sides of the street, all kinds of fast food restaurants, and high-end restaurants. It is the main place for people nearby to eat.

A few people had chosen a hotel and were about to go there when they saw a large group of people surrounding the small square next to the hotel, as if something had happened.

A few people approached, and among the crowd of onlookers, there were many people who were very dissatisfied and said something, which was also mixed with the intermittent sob of a little girl and the sound of a man's cough.

Li Fan frowned slightly. He was not a person who liked to watch the fun, but the sobbing sound of the little girl made him feel a little sympathetic.

"Let's go and have a look." Li Fan said, a few people nodded, they also wanted to go and have a look, why would there be a little girl crying?

Standing on the edge of the crowd, a few people saw through the gaps that the sobbing little girl was about fourteen or fifteen years old. She was already a half-year-old girl, and she was quite beautiful and cute. There are only two tears on his face, and there are tears in his eyes.

Next to the little girl was a middle-aged man of about forty years old. He was sitting on a stone pier at this time, his face was not very good, and he coughed from time to time, obviously sick.

Opposite the little girl and the middle-aged man, there are two young men in their twenties, one has a hair dyed crimson, and the other also has a hair dyed green, I really don't know how he is want?

The appearance of the two young men seems to be to explain their ruffian status to everyone.

Li Fan couldn't help frowning even more.

I just heard Lu Mao say: "I said little girl, are you guessing or not? This is an opportunity we gave you. If you don't guess, you won't blame us. We can leave. Tell you, this money But if we picked it up on the ground, it's useless to call the police."

The little girl just sobbed, and the middle-aged man on the side said angrily, "" and then coughed violently, and the little girl quickly wiped the middle-aged man's back with her hands.

Many people in the crowd said:

"You two boys, what are you doing to bully a little girl? It's true that you picked up the money on the ground, but you picked it up just after the little girl fell out of her body. You should return it to others. That's right, little girl."

"It's obvious that you don't want to pay it back yourself, but you put it nicely. You said that the little girl was given a chance, but the little girl didn't guess it herself. As for your question, can the little girl guess it?"

"That's right, let the little girl guess what you're thinking? Return the money to the little girl when you guess it. How do you guess? No matter what the little girl guesses? You can deny it, it's obviously because you don't want to return the money to others. You might as well just say, 'I found the money, it's mine'."



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