Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 951 Little girl, just take a guess

After listening for a while, Li Fan and the others figured out the whole story. fastest update

It turned out that the little girl and the middle-aged man were in a father-daughter relationship. After the two ate at a nearby restaurant at noon, when they passed by, for some reason, the purse on the little girl fell out and contained 2000 dollars.

After the little girl's purse fell, she immediately noticed it after taking two steps. She turned around in a hurry, and happened to see Fei Mao and Lu Mao, who picked up the purse she just dropped from the ground.

Fei Mao and Lu Mao, when they first saw the wallet fall from a little girl, they thought there was no money in it, but they planned to return it to the little girl.

Of course, before returning it, they need to open the wallet to make sure that there is really no money in it?

After they opened it, a stack of red 100-yuan bills made their eyes light up. The other party was just a little girl and a sick man. How could they have any intention of returning it?

As the saying goes, if you find it, you can buy it, and no one can control it. They won't steal or rob it when they get this wallet. The two young men are quite at ease.

It's just that the little girl who lost the owner was right in front of them, and naturally they wouldn't let them pick up the wallet just like that.

The little girl kindly asked the two young men to return the wallet to her, saying that it was money for her father's medical treatment. Dad was hospitalized in a nearby hospital and just came here for lunch.

The two boys ignored it and were about to leave.

Fortunately, it's meal time. There are a lot of people coming and going here, and a lot of people have just witnessed the whole process.

Naturally, they didn't want such a poor little girl to lose her wallet like this.

So they surrounded the two young men and persuaded the young man to return the wallet to the little girl. Two big boys, bullying a little girl for what?

The two young men were a little guilty in the first place, and now they are surrounded by so many people and can't walk, and they can't help but feel guilty. It's just that I was really reluctant to return such money to the little girl.

On the surface, these people are unrestrained and wanton, but in fact they have little money. So much money makes them very excited.

It is often said that when people are in a hurry, they often have a flash of inspiration and come up with a good idea.

This is really the case. The two young men thought of a way, that is, let the little girl guess what they are thinking? If they guessed correctly, they returned the wallet to the little girl. If you guess wrong, then sorry, the wallet will not be returned.

However, to show their kindness, they can return the wallet to the little girl. Well, just the wallet.

Then, how will the little girl guess this question?

No matter what he guessed, the lad could deny that he guessed wrong. This is clearly a helpless means.

Of course the little girl understood, how could she dare to guess? In desperation, I could not help crying.

The middle-aged man wanted to talk to the two young men for a theory, but he was not feeling well. If he spoke in a hurry, he would keep coughing, and he couldn't help but be very anxious.

"Young man, how can you be so unkind at such a young age? Look at how pitiful the little girl is, please return the money to her." Someone in the crowd said.

Lu Mao now has some confidence and said: "Why is it not kind? This money was originally picked up from the ground. I didn't see it, it fell from the little girl. The little girl said that it was hers and it was hers? It makes sense for me to take it directly, and now I give her a chance to guess, which is obviously very kind, okay?"

The onlookers suffocated, and Lu Mao denied that he saw the wallet, which fell from the little girl. Everyone knew he was lying, but they couldn't do anything about it.

If the young man found the wallet and didn't return it, it was just a moral problem. Other than persuading people, there was nothing else to do.

Seeing that the crowd had no way to take them, the two young men became more courageous, and a triumphant smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Lu Mao urged: "Little girl, can you guess? We can leave if you don't guess."

After knowing the whole story, several girls couldn't help but be filled with righteous indignation. Rao Qianqian said angrily: "Two scumbags bully a little girl, it's really abhorrent. Such a person should beat him up and then be honest." After speaking, he kicked two angrily.

The other girls nodded, and Zhou Yun even said, "I think we should mobilize everyone to beat those two boys and see if they don't return the money to them."

After hearing this, Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little funny. These girls have a strong sense of justice. Well, they seem to have some violent tendencies.

Gu Wei frowned and said, "In addition to persuading those two people to take the initiative to return this kind of thing, there really seems to be no good way."

Liang Yuan said: "If you don't learn well at a young age, such people should indeed suffer a few losses."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "I think the boy's method is good. The little girl guessed right, and the wallet is returned to her. If she didn't guess correctly, the wallet boy took it away. It's fair."

"It's fair to you..." Rao Qianqian's voice stopped abruptly, then her face was a little blush, and she gave Li Fan a very embarrassed look.

Obviously, she wanted to say "fair your size", but halfway through, she suddenly remembered that the person who said that was Li Fan.

Li Fan glanced at Rao Qianqian with interest, he always felt that this girl was very cute. Afterwards, he said, "I really think it's fair. If you don't believe me, look at it."

After that, squeeze into the crowd.

"What does the boss mean?" Rao Qianqian asked blankly.

The girls shook their heads blankly. Liang Yuan and Gu Wei also shook their heads. They couldn't understand what Li Fan meant.

However, Liang Yuan said: "The boss should have a way to get those two boys to return the wallet to the little girl obediently."

"Is there a way? What way?" Rao Qianqian's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "Could it be to beat those two boys?"

She knew that Li Fan's skills were very strong.

Liang Yuan smiled a little and said, "I don't know what to do, but it's definitely not a fight. We'll just watch it carefully."

"What else can I do if it's not a fight?" Rao Qianqian muttered.

The crowd of onlookers were still persuading and scolding the two young men, asking them to return the wallet to the little girl quickly.

The confidence of the two young men has become more and more strong, and they are even more unwilling to pay back.

Lu Mao said very proudly: "It's not that we don't want to pay it back, it's the little girl who doesn't want to guess our problem, how can you blame us."

Fei Mao also said: "That's right, this is a very fair question for us. You can't blame us if the little girl doesn't guess by herself."

"Fair shit!" The more eager people in the crowd couldn't help shouting.

The two young men did not change their expressions and were unmoved.

"I think the idea of ​​the two handsome guys is indeed fair, little girl, you can guess. If you guess correctly, they will naturally give you the wallet." An abrupt voice suddenly came out from the crowd.


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