Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 956 Book fans are very restless

Qin Yulin regretted it very much, but she didn't have time to regret it now. She hurriedly found a cotton cloth and wiped the water just sprayed on the display.

After wiping, Qin Yulin looked at Gu Yong's Weibo and took a sip. What is the title of the book?

It caused her such a beautiful woman to do such an indecent thing. Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise, she would be embarrassed.

In the days when I lived with the space, the name became more and more "excessive".

Qin Yulin didn't even know how to evaluate Gu Yong's fellow? Why do you like to use this kind of book title that is easy to misunderstand? Can't you choose a good title for the book?

Of course, Qin Yulin also knew that although the title of the book looked like that, the easy inside was absolutely healthy.

However, even so, the "scared" he had just received was not small. Thinking of the scene just now, Qin Yulin shook his head and suddenly made another "puchi", but this time he couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Qin Yulin posted a post in Romance Pavilion, "Gu Yong's new book title has been announced, everyone go and watch Gu Yong's Weibo. Friendly reminder, girls with pure minds, don't be frightened. Hoofs don't get excited either, because the content will be different from what you think."

As soon as the post came out, it immediately blossomed in the forum.

"The title of the book has been announced? Great, I've been waiting for a few days. But what does this friendly reminder mean?"

"Hey! I don't understand this? It seems that there is a pure girl upstairs. The landlord's reminder must be because of the title of the book, which can make people think of some indescribable things."

"Tsk tsk, it's definitely an old driver upstairs, most people really can't see it."

"I'll go, the title of Gu Yong's new book... It's really getting more and more 'saucy'."

"Really? Then I have to hurry up and watch."



Like Qin Yulin, many book fans have set it up, and Gu Yong's Weibo has a reminder when it is updated.

Therefore, many book fans came to Gu Yong's Weibo for the first time and saw the long-awaited answer.

And this answer, just as Li Fan thought, made the book fans who were originally very restless, wild, and full of desires become more restless and wild in an instant.

Nature is also more eager.

Especially a group of male readers who are agitated in their hearts.

Airline stewardess? cohabitation? Want to be so cool? Is it so exciting?

Of course, they also know that Guyong is a headline party again this time, and the content of the book should be very pure.

But no matter how pure the content is, "stewardess" and "cohabitation", these two elements are always indispensable, right?

This alone is enough to make them screaming in turmoil in their hearts.

Moreover, to write pure content under these two elements with such "arrogance", this is enough to make people look forward to it.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, no matter how you think about it, the title of Gu Yong's new book is enough to make people's hearts become more restless, eager and anticipating.

Therefore, as soon as the title of the new book came out, it immediately showed a spark that could start a prairie fire, and it quickly ignited the entire Internet.

Countless pure love novel fans are talking and discussing excitedly.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Gu Yong's new book made me very agitated, what should I do?"

"Hey! You are the only one who is disturbed in your heart? So, don't be afraid, let's all make a fuss together."

"Living with a flight attendant! Tsk tsk, it is conceivable that the male protagonist in this book is absolutely happy to die."

"It's no nonsense, it's absolutely unbelievable happiness."

"So, the heroine of the new book is a flight attendant. But don't be like... blah blah blah! Absolutely not."

"What do I admire the most about Gu Yong? That's the ability to get the title of the book. Look, there's not a single word in the text, just the title of the book, and you all become so sassy one by one. That ability is simply a means of art. Well, I'm bouncing right now."

"Haha! It seems that the upstairs is very reasonable, but I am speechless."


A group of book fans became very excited because of the title of the book "The Days Living Together with the Stewardess". The people who are always concerned about Gu Yong's new book are far more than ordinary book fans.

A group of martial arts writers are also paying attention, although they have now basically determined that Gu Yong will not return to the martial arts novel world again, and everyone will not have any intersection in the future. But he couldn't help but pay attention to Gu Yong's dynamics.

Just like now, Gu Yong just announced the title of his new book on Weibo, and it has already spread throughout the circle of martial arts novel authors.

This made all the martial arts writers a little surprised, why do people still pay so much attention to that kid? He just announced the title of the new book. In such a short period of time, everyone knows it?

Why is there such a situation?

I am afraid there is only one reason, that is, everyone is still under the influence of Gu Yong, which is why they will unconsciously pay attention to Gu Yong's new book at any time, even if it is no longer a martial arts work.

It seems that everyone can't get rid of Gu Yong's influence in a short period of time.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, not because everyone couldn't accept it. It's just that everyone has some emotions in their hearts.

Since they can't get rid of it, everyone just goes with the flow and regards Gu Yong's pure love novels as a kind of talk, which seems to be good.

This time, everyone's attention is naturally also on the title itself.

"The title of the kid's new book is like this again, and it's even more 'excessive'. I found that the kid has completely changed his strategy since he entered the romance novel world, and always uses such a title to increase his popularity."

"This method seems to be very successful. Look how long it has been since it came out? The words 'the days of living together with the flight attendant' have even rushed to the hot search list on Weibo. This is simply faster than any publicity method. I'm thinking, when we open a new book next time, can we learn from it?"

"I'm not attacking the upstairs. You will only die miserably and scold you for borrowing from the past. This method is not suitable for all works."

"Well, that seems to be the case. I'm thinking too simply. Alas! There are examples of success in front of us, but it's really depressing that we can't replicate them."


Martial arts writers are depressed, and writers of romance novels are even more depressed.

Gu Yong just released a new book preview, or only a preview of the book title, with no other content, not even a brief introduction, so there was such a sensational effect. This makes them, who are also authors of romance novels, so depressed?

What is even more depressing is that the reason for such a sensational effect, in addition to Gu Yong's own fame and influence, is largely due to the title of the book "Days of Living with a Stewardess" itself.

In the eyes of the writers of romance novels, this is completely an improper method. They are very dissatisfied and disdainful by using this method to attract attention.

Just on the left side of the door.

But in the end, the romance novel writers sighed.

Whether it's a matter of other ways or unscrupulous means, they succeeded again.

And for a successful method, everyone will only praise its ingenuity, another way and so on.

The writers of romance novels, in addition to being helpless in their hearts, can only watch helplessly. Gu Yong used a book title to tease the readers.


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