Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 957 Kyoto Theater

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the book fans on the Internet, laughing and laughing, and things were as he imagined, and the title of the book became the best means of publicity.

Only an hour has passed now, and "The Days I Lived With A Stewardess" has spread all over the Internet.

Not only pure love novels all know about it, but also some people who have no interest in novels.

Also, there were some small jokes. Mainly those nerdy otakus, who suddenly saw such a book, were both puzzled and excited.

The question is, when did the yellow book become so blatant?

The excitement is, no matter what the reason is, since it is so blatant and popular, then every bookstore should sell it. People dare to blatantly sell, and we dare to blatantly buy.

Well, just because they're not interested in novels doesn't mean they're not interested in yellow books.

So, under the excitement, I didn't know more about it on the Internet, so I ran into the nearby bookstore excitedly.

"Boss, do you have the book "Life with a Stewardess"?"

Many people have asked such a question, but the responses from the bosses vary.

"No, no, I am a regular bookstore here, and I don't have the kind of books you want."

"No, no, you can do it, you can be so blatant when you buy a yellow book."

""Days of Living Together with a Stewardess"? You are too impatient, Gu Yong hasn't started serialization yet, where will there be a physical book for sale? Buy it later, there should be a physical book."


While the answers were varied, one thing everyone figured out was that things were not what they thought they were.

When I got home, I found out after a closer look on the Internet that I had made a big oolong, and I couldn't help but blush.

At the same time, in my heart, I slandered the author named Gu Yong, "Can't I choose a more normal book title? The purpose of this book title is to make people misunderstand."


Li Fan smiled proudly in front of the computer,

A resentful voice came from behind, "Laughing like a thief, it's like a trick."

The voice naturally came from Su Qing. After speaking, the person had already walked to Li Fan's side.

Li Fan pulled Su Qing into his arms and let her sit on his lap, hehe smiled and said, "How can this be called a trick? This is called the art of naming, do you understand?"

Su Qing gave a "cut" and said again, "Do you like flight attendants?"

Li Fan said: "If the flight attendants are as beautiful as you, then I..."

"Huh?" Su Qing looked at Li Fan with a bad look.

"Then I still like famous teachers, what a sacred profession."

"You can still talk." Su Qing snorted softly.


August 1st.

Gu Yong officially announced to the outside world through Weibo that Xiaojianghu Film and Television Studio under Gu Yong's name will officially operate from August 1st.

At the same time, it also officially announced to the outside world the address, office phone number, official Weibo and other information of Xiaojianghu Studio. The identity of Rao Qianqian Gu Yong's assistant was also exposed at the same time.

As soon as the news came out, various entertainment media rushed to report, and the entertainment media in the provincial capital of Funan was even more excited. Guyong's Xiaojianghu studio was actually in the provincial capital.

As a result, the media, large and small, gathered at Xiaojianghu Studio, and it would undoubtedly be the most perfect if they could interview Guyong. In that way, the mysterious veil of Guyong will be revealed by them first.

If you can't interview Guyong, it doesn't matter. Interviewing Guyong's assistant Rao Qianqian will definitely bring unexpected gains.

Moreover, as long as they know the address of Guyong's studio, as long as they are willing to wait diligently, they will "catch" Guyong sooner or later.

In Xiaojianghu Studio, Rao Qianqian had already anticipated and prepared for today's situation.

Therefore, in the face of a large number of media reporters with long guns and short cannons, although she was a little nervous, she was able to deal with it calmly.

What she can reveal to the media, she talks eloquently. The content that cannot be disclosed to the media for the time being, no matter how the reporters scrutinize them, they have not mentioned a word.

The reporters saw that she was just a young girl, so they did not give up and tried their best to get more of what they wanted to know from Rao Qianqian's mouth by asking such intrusive questions.

However, she still failed to do so. In the end, she had to sigh with emotion. Although this girl was young, she was very experienced in answering questions. She was completely a battle-hardened old fox.

But thinking about it is relieved, if not, how can Gu Yong take a fancy to him and hire him as an assistant?

Although there is no more secret content, the media are still very satisfied.

With the continuous reports of the media, there are also many discussions about it in the industry and outside the industry.

Everyone understands that with the establishment of Xiaojianghu Studio, the mysterious veil of Guyong will be removed.

In this way, it is convenient for the outside world to contact Gu Yong, although Gu Yong himself cannot be contacted, but at least Gu Yong's assistant can be contacted.

To a large extent, there is not much difference between contacting Gu Yong's assistant and contacting Gu Yong himself.

After all, even if Gu Yong's identity is exposed, if the outside world wants to contact Gu Yong, generally speaking, they can only contact his assistant.

Therefore, for the outside world, it is enough to be able to contact Gu Yong's assistant.


Kyoto Theater.

The office door of Zhang Xiaofei, director of the Art Creation Department, was knocked on. Assistant Wang Ke said excitedly: "Director, good news, great news, the film and television studio under Gu Yong's name has officially opened, and his personal assistant has also been exposed."

When Zhang Xiaofei heard this, his face showed surprise and said, "Tell me the details."

"Okay, Director." Wang Ke agreed and explained what he knew in detail.

After listening, Zhang Xiaofei nodded and said, "Are you in the provincial capital of Funan Province? Xiao Wang, immediately book the two fastest tickets to Funan Province, then prepare and go with me."

Wang Ke wondered: "Director, do you want to go there in person?"

Zhang Xiaofei nodded and said, "Yes, go get ready."

"Hey!" Wang Ke agreed and went out to prepare.

Zhang Xiaofei sighed and said to himself, "I hope it goes well."

He went to Gu Yong's assistant, naturally, for the drama script.

The annual drama art festival ended yesterday. Unsurprisingly, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" by the Oriental Theater won the "King of Popularity" work of this drama art festival with an absolute advantage by virtue of its excellent reputation.

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is much more popular than the new drama launched by their Kyoto Theater, which has never happened before.

As the three major theaters, the high-level executives of the two theaters are in harmony on the surface, but in fact they are secretly competing.

This time the Oriental Theater won so cleanly and without any suspense that the executives of the Kyoto Theater were very dissatisfied.

As a result, the high-level executives assigned a deadly task, and asked the following to come up with a work as soon as possible, whose popularity quality is not worse than that of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

The tasks assigned by the high-level are simple, and the people below will suffer.

The most painful thing is the Art Creation Department. They create the script, and the task above is equivalent to that assigned to their department.

Zhang Xiaofei's head is so sad that his popularity quality is not worse than that of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". How can it be said that there are works?

Unless it is a work created by Gu Yong himself, there is such a possibility.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofei really wanted to invite Guyong to create another work suitable for adapting a drama. This was the only way he could think of.

However, it is not easy to contact Gu Yong.

Fortunately, his luck seems to be pretty good. Guyong's studio is officially operating today, and the identity of his assistant is officially exposed, which is much simpler.

This matter only needs to contact its assistant, it is enough.

For the sake of prudence and to show respect and sincerity to Guyong, Zhang Xiaofei decided to go to Xiaojianghu Studio in person.

At the same time, he also hoped in his heart that things would go as smoothly as he thought.


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