Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 958 Lu Fei and Ran Jing

The outside world has talked a lot about the official operation of Xiaojianghu Studio under the name of Gu Yong, but book fans who like pure love novels do not care. ?Ranwen novel?????????`???

What they care about is that tomorrow "Days of Living Together with a Stewardess" will officially start serialization.

These two days have made them feel a little hard, and the restlessness in their hearts has never really calmed down.

Now, they just need to stay up for another day.

August 2nd, 8:30 am.

Book fans who were restless in their hearts came to Gu Yong's Weibo early to squat, and in half an hour, "Days of Living Together with Stewardess" will officially start serialization.

They finally waited for this moment.

However, at this time, they were suddenly not in a hurry. Many people even hoped that the time would pass a little slower. They didn't want to reach nine o'clock so quickly.

This may seem odd, but it's not.

Because the process of waiting is hard, but as time gets closer, people will become more and more excited. To a certain extent, this is not a kind of enjoyment.

Just like now, in half an hour, they will be able to see their long-awaited "Days of Living Together with a Stewardess".

This half-hour time is exciting and exciting, and many people hope that time can pass slowly, so that this excitement and excitement can last longer.


The book fans are excited and excited, and Li Fan is also ready for the serialization.

There are seventy-two chapters in "Days of Living Together with a Stewardess". Li Fan decided to serialize five chapters a day and finish the series in about fourteen days.

This book is one of the most read and well-known books in the past life. The author is thirty.

Under the title of the book that seems to be a bit ****, the content inside is pure mess, faint pure love, like a trickle, flowing in the reader's heart, infiltrating into the internal organs, all over the nerve endings, until the end The whole body has been opened up by a touch of touch.

The text in the whole book is playful and beautiful, sometimes witty and humorous, but most of it is a touch of touch and pure love.

The main story is about the flight attendant Ran Jing, who moved into the home of white-collar Lu Fei for various reasons, and the two have lived a "cohabitation" life since then.

Living under the same roof, there will naturally be such and such things happening, or people can't help laughing, or moved to silent tears.

From unfamiliar to familiar, from acquaintance to falling in love, the ordinary bits and pieces merged into a pure and beautiful love story of Lu Fei and Ran Jing...

At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Fan uploaded the first five chapters to Weibo on time.


Although there are many book fans who hope that time can pass a little slower, the time still came to 9:00 in the morning as scheduled.

No matter how the book fans were thinking before, they are all refreshed now and excitedly opened the first chapter.

The male protagonist, Lu Fei, is a white-collar worker living alone in a rental house.

Once in the elevator, he met a very beautiful woman, whose profession could be seen from her dress, she was a flight attendant.

"This is the heroine." All the fans were thinking in their hearts.

The heroine appeared so quickly, making fans very excited. Then, I began to fantasize in my heart, for what reason and when will the heroine come to the home of the hero Lu Fei and live with her?

The imagination of book lovers is still very rich.

This time, Lu Fei's encounter with the beautiful flight attendant was just a chance encounter.

From then on, Lu Fei always looked forward to meeting her again.

However, even though they lived in the same building, Lu Fei never met her again.

Until one time, Lu Fei found her drunk on Nagasaki in the community. Since he didn't know which room she lived in, Lu Fei had to take her back to his home.

"Let me go, this kid Lu Fei is so lucky, such a beautiful woman, so he was taken home by him." Book fans complained a lot, and the reason why they complained is obviously because of envy and jealousy .

Of course, after envy and jealousy, it's time to get excited. To bring home such a beautiful woman, shouldn't something indescribable happen?

Then the next day, did the beauty leave Lu Fei? Or send Lu Fei to the Public Security Bureau?

Book fans also know that they should be thinking too much, but they still can't help thinking, their imagination is too good, there is no way.

It turned out that the book fans really thought too much. After Lu Fei brought her home, nothing happened.

And the first incident did not make Lu Fei and her life intersect at all.

Lu Fei still went to work and got off work, still wanted to meet her again but failed.

It was not until three months later that Lu Fei met her again.

It was at a celebration party. Lu Fei was surprised to meet her, and she was also surprised to meet Lu Fei. Obviously, she still remembers Lu Fei.

During the banquet, she was going to leave first. Lu Fei gathered up his courage and said that he hoped to take her home. They lived in the same building.

However, she wanted to go back to the dormitory instead of the building where Lu Fei lived, and she was still with her colleagues.

It turns out that she still has a dormitory to live in, and she doesn't often go to Lu Fei's building to live. No wonder Lu Fei never sees her.

This time, although Lu Fei failed to send her home as he wished, he knew her name, Ran Jing.

It is also a small gain.

And with the harvest, it seems that the luck of this kid Lu Fei is coming.

This is indeed the case.

One morning, the doorbell of the house that Lu Fei rented rang. When the door was opened, Ran Jing was standing outside, carrying something in her hand.

In Lu Fei's extremely surprised expression, Ran Jing entered the kitchen and put the things in her hands into the refrigerator, saying that the refrigerator at home was broken, and put these things here for temporary storage.

After finally telling Lu Fei not to touch her things, he left.

As the saying goes, it came suddenly and walked so fast that Lu Fei didn't even have to change two expressions.

And the next morning, Ran Jing came again, this time holding a big quilt, saying that she wanted to dry it on the balcony of Lu Fei's house.

This time, Lu Fei and Ran Jing finally had some communication.

Ran Jing needed to go to Lu Fei's house to get her things, so Lu Fei said when he was at home and asked Ran Jing to come at those times.

However, Ran Jing said that there is no need to be so troublesome, just let Lu Fei give her a key directly.

The beauty's request, Lu Fei's heart is too late to let go, how can she refuse?

As a result, Lu Fei's family had an inexplicable "hostess".

Well, not a real hostess yet. But Ran Jing has the key to Lu Fei's house, so she can barely be regarded as the hostess.

Of course, to be more precise, it was the hostess of the house that Lu Fei rented. There is still a big difference from the hostess of Lu Fei's house. ) Download Free Reader!!

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