Time flies, every day at nine o'clock in the morning, "Days of Living with a Stewardess" is still serialized, and the fans are getting deeper and deeper. Burning Fiction ?????????`

In a blink of an eye, August 9th is a day that is nothing special for many people, but for some people, this day is a long-awaited day.

Because, based on Gu Yong's original novel "Dou E Injustice", the play "Dou E Injustice" adapted by the Kyoto Theater will officially premiere at the performance hall of the Kyoto Theater at 10:00 this morning.

More than 12,000 tickets for this premiere were sold out on the day of the sale.

This is also because more than half of the tickets are sold on the spot. If they are all sold online, it is estimated that they will be sold out in a few minutes.

Tickets are so hot that they haven't appeared at the Kyoto Theater for many years. This made everyone at the Kyoto Theater excited and excited, especially Zhang Xiaofei, director of the artistic creation department, who made such a grand occasion.

Although the premiere has not yet officially started, it has already revealed the meaning of commending Zhang Xiaofei, which makes Zhang Xiaofei's mood, even in this hot summer, exceptionally cool.

At the same time, I am also grateful to the mysterious Mr. Guyong.

On the Internet, the heated discussions about "Dou E's Injustice" have never stopped.

Mainly because the two sentences "Heaven" and "Earth" were too deafening. There are also three vows of "Blood Flying Hundred Refinements", "Flying Snow in June", and "Three Years of Drought", which are also earth-shattering.

Everyone wants to know what kind of grievance Dou E suffered?

It's just a pity that this is a drama and not a movie, and most people can't see it in a short time.

Only in the capital, those who grab the tickets can see the story about Dou E in the first time.

This made those who grabbed the tickets feel a sense of superiority and satisfaction, and then waved their hands on the Internet, "Don't worry, after I go to the scene to watch, I will come back and tell you in detail, To relieve the pain of your expectations."

For this kind of voice, netizens have only two words to comment, "Desire!" However, if they want to understand the plot of "Dou E's Injustice", they really have to rely on those who have seen it on the spot to come back and explain it to them.

Therefore, they had to reluctantly say some compliments, such as "fortunate", "it's all up to you", "we are waiting for you" and so on.

This undoubtedly makes those who buy tickets even more frustrated, with a stronger sense of satisfaction and superiority.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, those who were full of satisfaction and superiority entered the performance hall of the Kyoto Theater one after another.

At about 9:30, almost all the audience entered the venue, and its popularity was no less than when "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" premiered at the Oriental Theater.

The play has not yet officially started, but the audience at the scene has already entered the state, and the content of chatting with each other is all related to "Dou E's Injustice".

"What kind of grievance do you think Dou E suffered?"

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon."

"Looking at the preview, we all know that this is a complete tragedy. To be honest, I don't like tragedies. But I really want to know Dou E's story. I really want to know what kind of grievance she suffered?"

"Alas! Who likes tragedies? But there are too many imperfect things in this world, especially in ancient times, when tragedies happen at any time."

"Perhaps, tragedy can make us remember Dou E's story more clearly."

"Everyone, pay attention, the show seems to be about to start."


Sure enough, a prompt sound came from the live sound, and the premiere of "Dou E's Injustice" was about to start.

The audience was all refreshed and looked at the stage in unison.

The curtain rises slowly,

Various scene props on the stage have been arranged, and a woman who is about forty years old and dressed in ancient costumes stepped onto the stage.

"Flowers have a re-opening day,

People are no longer young.

You don't need to be rich,

Anle is a fairy.

The old mother Cai is also, from Chuzhou, the family of three direct relatives. Unfortunately, the husband and the master have passed away, and there is only one child, eight years older, and two mothers.

It turns out that this woman is called Granny Cai, which is a monologue of Granny Cai.

It was a poem at the beginning, and it was a poem that sounded very good, which really surprised the audience at the scene.

It's just that they don't have extra time to appreciate this poem now, and their minds are already following Granny Cai's monologue.

Grandma Cai's husband died early, leaving only an eight-year-old child, and the family has quite a bit of money.

A scholar named Dou Tianzhang borrowed 20 taels of silver from Granny Cai, and now with interest, he should have returned 40 taels, but Dou Tianzhang was unable to pay it back.

Seeing that Dou Tianzhang had a lovely daughter, Granny Cai asked Dou Tianzhang to make her a daughter-in-law, and Dou Tianzhang agreed.

Next, Granny Cai came off, and Dou Tianzhang came on, which was also a monologue.

Said he was a poor scholar, his wife died early, leaving only a seven-year-old daughter. He borrowed 22 taels of silver from Granny Cai and couldn't repay it, and he had to go to Beijing to take the exam without any trouble, so he agreed to Granny Cai's request and sent his daughter to Granny Cai's house to be a daughter-in-law.

After sending his daughter to mother-in-law Cai's house to be a daughter-in-law, Dou Tianzhang got 10 taels of silver from mother-in-law Cai and went to Beijing to take the exam.

Next, various characters appeared one after another, and the story continued to develop.

Grandma Cai renamed Dou Tianzhang's daughter Dou E, and ten years later, seventeen-year-old Dou E married Grandma Cai's son.

But who knew that after two years, Granny Cai's son died, Dou E was widowed and lived with Granny Cai.

On this day, Granny Cai went to ask Dr. Lu for money. Dr. Lu had no money to repay the debt, so she wanted to kill Granny Cai.

Just when Dr. Lu started, he happened to be met by Zhang Lushi and his son, and Dr. Lu hurriedly fled.

Grandma Cai's life can also be regarded as being saved by Zhang Lu'er and his son.

Granny Cai originally wanted to thank Zhang Luer and his son for some money, but Zhang Luer and his son did not want the money. Zhang Luer asked Granny Cai to marry his father, and he himself married Granny Cai's daughter-in-law Dou E as his wife.

Grandma Cai was originally reluctant, but under the threat of Zhang Luer and his son, she reluctantly agreed, and brought Zhang Luer and his son back home.

Dou E knew that she was going to marry Zhang Lu'er, so she refused.

In order to get Dou E, Zhang Lu'er thought of poisoning Granny Cai to death, leaving Dou E alone, so she could only marry him.

So he took advantage of a time when Granny Cai was sick and wanted to eat lamb tripe soup, so he poisoned the soup and wanted to poison Granny Cai to death.

But who knew that Granny Cai suddenly didn't want to drink it, and Zhang Lu'er's father, who was on the side, drank the soup completely.

Naturally, Zhang Lu'er's father was poisoned to death.

Zhang Luer poisoned his father, but he was not sad at all, but took the opportunity to threaten Dou E and let Dou E marry him.

Otherwise, he would go and report that Dou E poisoned his father.

Dou E still vowed to die, and she didn't poison Zhang Lu'er's father, so she was naturally not afraid that Zhang Lu'er would sue her.

Zhang Luer really went to the yamen and reported that Dou E had poisoned his father.

Tao Tuo, the prefect of Chuzhou, opened a court to inquire about the case. He accepted Zhang Lu’er’s favor, and let Dou E and Granny Cai explain how they would do it. .

However, Dou E still insisted on calling for injustice and resolutely pleaded not guilty. )!!

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