Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 967 3 vows

Dou E was sentenced to be executed. The contradictions and conflicts in the whole play have become more and more obvious, and the scene is filled with an extremely depressing atmosphere. fastest update

Seeing that the weak Dou E was under severe torture, but still fought to the end and never confessed his guilt, the audience only felt distressed and angry.

Seeing the wicked smile on the face of the prefect Tao Tuo, there were many people with strong vigor who just wanted to rush to the stage and beat the Tao Tuo violently to save Dou E from the fire.

Fortunately, in addition to their extreme anger, they still maintained a sense of reason, knowing that although the dog official on the stage was hateful, he was just an actor.

What they should really be angry with are those corrupt officials who carelessly waste their lives.

Moreover, the more the audience at the scene wants to beat the dog official, the more successful the performance of the actor who plays the dog official.

It stands to reason that the audience should give applause.

It's just that now the audience's eyes and hearts are full of grief and anger, and where will there be any applause?

This is also thanks to the audience who knew that today's drama would be a tragedy, and that Dou E would be sentenced to death, so they were prepared in their hearts.

Otherwise, when suddenly seeing such a scene, would the audience really rush to the stage and beat the peach tree wildly? It's hard to say.

After Dou E was sentenced to be executed, she was dragged off the stage by officers and soldiers. Many of the audience at the scene were breathing in and out, obviously forcing their anger to be suppressed, and kept telling herself that this was just a matter of time. In a play, they are all just actors.

"So, should Dou E be beheaded next?" The slightly calmer audience thought so in their hearts.

However, when they thought that the poor and helpless Dou E was about to be beheaded, the audience only felt the anger in their hearts, and they rushed up again.

Just as the audience thought, Dou E was about to be sent to the execution ground. This is the most acute and prominent contradiction in the whole play, and it is also the most provocative part of the whole play.

As the curtain rises, the supervisor and the executioner appear.

Immediately afterwards, Dou E, wearing a torture device, was taken to the execution ground.

On the execution ground, Dou E knew that she could not escape the fate of being beheaded no matter what.

Even if there is a huge grievance, who can you tell it?

She is just an ordinary weak woman, who will wash away her grievances?

Is Dou E willing? Of course she won't be reconciled. She wants to ask this day, she wants to ask this place, why won't she open her eyes to take a look? Look at the present world.

She shouted to heaven and earth: "The sun and the moon are hanging in the morning and evening, and there are ghosts and gods in control of life and death. Heaven and earth! Only the turbid and turbid can be distinguished. Those who do good are poor and have a shorter life, and those who do evil enjoy wealth and longevity. You do it for fear of bullying the soft, but it turns out to be pushing the boat like this! Earth, you don’t know what is good or what is earth! Heaven, you are wrong about sages and fools! Hey, only two tears are left.”

The scene was silent except for Dou E's heart-wrenching and helpless voice.

"Those who do good are poor and live short, and those who do evil enjoy wealth and longevity." Those who do good are poor and short-lived, while those who do evil enjoy all the glory and wealth and live a long life. Dou E's unwillingness is also the injustice of the world.

"Earth, you don't know what is good or what is earth! Heaven, you are wrong and foolish to be heaven!" The audience is already familiar with this sentence.

But now, looking at the weak woman wearing torture equipment on the stage, surrounded by grimly smiling prisoners, executioners, officials, and listening to the heart-piercing voice.

The audience only felt that an emotion called anger was about to erupt, and they seemed to have some indistinguishable distinctions between inside and outside the scene.

This is a drama, all the background arrangements and props on the stage are real on the scene, and the actors are also real people performing on the stage.

This is obviously easier than the movie, and people can't tell the difference between the scene and the outside. This is undoubtedly an advantage of drama.

It's just this advantage, and sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing.

As now, the audience seems to be rushing to the stage at any time.

They were going to rescue the weak and poor woman so that she would not suffer like this.

In fact, they really rushed up and could really rescue Dou E, but the actor who played Dou E was rescued.

This kind of emotion spread throughout the scene, not only the vast majority of the audience felt it, but even the actors who played Dou E, the prisoner, the executioner and other roles on the stage also vaguely felt it.

Their hearts were filled with joy at first. If the audience had such emotions, it means that everyone has been completely brought into the play.

This is not only because of the excellent script itself, but also because of their good acting skills and great performances.

But soon, they were shocked again, especially the supervisor and the executioner. If the audience really rushed up, they might really be beaten.

The current mood of the actors can be described as a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Of course, the main mood is still joy. As long as the show can be recognized by the audience, what does it matter if they get beaten once?

And as the performance continued, what the actors worried about just now did not happen, and the audience finally knew that they were just watching the play.

Dou E's piercing voice, after all, could not let her escape the fate of being beheaded.

Before the execution, Dou E told the supervisor that she had something to do, and if she agreed to her, she would die without regret.

The superintendent of execution agreed to Dou E and asked Dou E what was the matter?

Dou E said that she wanted 200 feet of Lian, which is Bai Ling, to be hung on the flag gun.

If she is really wronged, when her head hits the ground, the blood sprayed will not fall to the ground, but will fly upward to Bailian hanging on the flag gun.

When Jian Zhanguan heard it, he scolded: "Blood falls to the ground, how can there be a reason to fly into the air? This is up to you, and what else can you say?"

Dou E said: "It's not that I, Dou E, are making trouble unreasonably, but that my grievances are not shallow, and I must leave some way to let the world know. I don't want half-starred blood and red dust, and I only practice and hang on the eight-foot flag."

The slain officer did not believe Dou E's nonsense, and asked Dou E what other last words did he have?

Dou E said again: "Sir, now it's the dog days of heaven. If Dou E was wronged, after his death, three feet of snow fell from the sky, covering Dou E's body."

Jian Zhanguan scolded again: "When it's hot in June, you will have soaring grievances, and you won't be able to summon a piece of snow, and you can't talk nonsense."

However, Dou E said, "If there is a resentment that bursts like fire, you must feel that the six ice flowers are rolling like brocade. My lord, I am really wronged for Dou E's death. From now on, I will suffer from drought in Chuzhou for three years."

The officer in charge of beheading was furious and said: "Breaking! It's just nonsense. Beheading!"

"Blood does not fall to the ground, but flies into the air."

"It was originally the June of the dog days of heaven, but snow fell from the sky to cover its corpse."

"If you are wronged, Chuzhou will suffer a severe drought for three years."

These are the three vows that Dou E made. Each of these three vows is incredible and contrary to common sense.

The audience at the scene was palpitating for the three vows that Dou E made.

The word "open chop" in the mouth of the supervisor, but it made their hearts jump violently. ) Download Free Reader!!

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