A sound of "opening" made all the audience at the scene jump in their hearts. Burning novel?`

Although everyone knew that this was acting and it was fake, Dou E was not really beheaded.

Well, to be precise, it should be the actor who played Dou E, who will not be beheaded. Dou E in the play is really going to be beheaded.

In addition to grief and anger, all the people were very unbearable, and some girls even lowered their heads, not wanting to see the picture of Dou E being beheaded.

However, this time the scene is the most thrilling scene in the whole play.

I saw the executioner's sword falling, and Dou E became a ghost under the sword.

An incredible scene just happened.

First of all, the blood sprayed by Dou E did not fall towards the ground, but all flew towards the white silk on the flag gun, dyeing a section of snow-white white silk into blood red.

The first vow that Dou E left before the execution was actually fulfilled. Not a single drop of her blood fell on the ground, all of it flew to the white silk on the flag gun.

Just when the audience was thrilled by the picture of "Blood Flying White Ribbon", in the hot sky, a heavy snow like a goose feather floated.

It didn't take long before Dou E's body was buried on the ground.

The second vow that Dou E made before the execution was also fulfilled.

On the stage, the supervisor, the executioner, the official and others turned pale with shock. This extremely strange and abnormal phenomenon made them a little overwhelmed. It was just that the gods had really manifested, and they were really complaining about Dou E's injustice.

So, everyone carried Dou E's body and hurriedly ended.

The scene of snowfall is, of course, fake snow realized through high-tech, but it is also shocking enough.

Even now is the hottest August day, the audience can't help but feel the slightest chill.

There are no more actors on the stage, there are only the passage of time and the background of Chuzhou under the severe drought.

This drought lasted for three whole years.

So far, the three vows Dou E made before execution have all come true.

And the drama "Dou E's Injustice" has all ended here, and the curtain has slowly fallen.

The play is over, but the audience at the scene has not yet come out of the play.

They were all thinking that Dou E used three vows to make the world understand that she had suffered great grievances.

However, what about this? She still died after all. Those who harmed her still live happily.

It really answers that sentence, "Those who do good suffer poverty and live shorter lives, and those who do evil enjoy riches and live longer."

This is indeed a complete tragedy, and there is no consolation to be found.

In fact, in the original work of "Dou E Injustice" in the previous life, the audience can find some comfort to some extent.

Because there is still a plot in the original work, that is, three years after Dou E was beheaded, his father, Dou Tianzhang, had already become a high-ranking official.

He returned to Chuzhou and learned that his daughter was wrongly executed, so he decided to retrial the case that year to clear up the grievances for his daughter.

In the end, Zhang Lu'er was sentenced to Ling Chi, Dr. Lu was sent into the army, and the prefect Tao Tuo was dismissed from his post and investigated, and will never be used again.

Such an ending can give people some comfort, but Li Fan cut off the latter part of the plot.

If you want to be sad, then be completely sad.

At the end of the play, people will end, and the audience sighs, they really don't like tragedy.

Although they kept telling themselves that everything was fake, it was just a play, and there was no need to be too sad.

However, the mood has never been happy.

"Hey! Let's go, it's over." Such voices sounded in many corners of the scene, and someone should be reminding their companions that it was time to go.

Walking out of the performance hall, the sun outside is very big and very hot. This is the weather that should be in a hot summer.

this summer,

How can it be snowing? Unless it was the same grievance as Dou E.

So, if there are people who have suffered such grievances in reality, will there be snow on such a day?

The people who walked out of the performance hall had these inexplicable thoughts in their hearts, subconsciously looked up at the sky, shook their heads, and went far away.


The premiere of "Dou E's Injustice" is over, and there will be a second performance at 1:00 pm. Today, there will be four performances in total. There are still tens of thousands of people who have bought tickets. You can go to the scene to feel the extreme sadness and anger. atmosphere of.

But more people have no way to go to the scene, and can only wait on the Internet for those who return from the scene to bring them the detailed plot of "Dou E's Injustice".

And they didn't wait too long.

Those who have gained a great sense of superiority and satisfaction before have not forgotten that there are still many people on the Internet, waiting for them to share the plot.

To be honest, they are not too willing to share the plot, because sharing the plot means that they need to narrate the plot by themselves, which is something they are not willing to do.

It's not that they are lazy, it's that they don't want to let Dou E be beheaded again in their hands. It's really pitiful.

But in the end, they still narrated the plot of "Dou E's Injustice" in detail on the Internet.

Let more people know this story and know about Dou E's grievances, this may be what Dou E wants to see.

Of course, the grief and anger that netizens felt when they watched the plot they narrated was incomparable to the scene.

Just watching the plot, you may not have too strong feelings, but at the scene, I saw the real performances of various characters on the stage, heard Dou E's heart-breaking cry, and finally "Blood Flying White Ling" and "Sky" Heavy Snowfall" and "Three Years of Great Drought". That feeling really hits the heart.

"All the plots are like this. However, I suggest that everyone must go to the scene to watch one if they have the opportunity. The feeling of the scene is a thousand times stronger than if you only read the text now. Of course, if you are afraid that you will be too sad, Then don't go there."

This passage is the last of those who shared the plot.

After speaking, they flashed. And those netizens who were waiting, just through the text, have already felt a depressing atmosphere.

Dou E, a weak woman, is really pitiful.

"Alas! This is a complete tragedy. What people see is only despair, not a shred of hope. It's already like this just by reading the text. I really can't imagine what kind of mood those people at the scene will be in. ?"

"I've decided that I'm going to watch a live show, although I don't like the oppressive atmosphere. The crew of "Dou E Injustice" should also be on tour across the country. When I get to my city, I'll definitely watch it. ."

"I'm also going to watch one live. Maybe I'll regret it after watching it, but if I don't watch it, I'll regret it even more."

"This is not something that everyone can watch if they want to. There are thousands of tickets for a performance, and at most tens of thousands. If you want to see it, you have to be prepared to grab tickets."

"Alas! Indeed, the tickets must only be robbed. You have worked so hard to get the tickets and let yourself be abused, and there is no one left, why do you feel sorry!") Download the free reader!!

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