Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 969 Why don't you want to ask Guyong for help?

As soon as "Dou E's Injustice" came out, after today's premiere, it won a great w..lā

Many netizens from all over the country, after learning the detailed plot of "Dou E's Injustice" on the Internet, as well as some relevant details of the live performance, very much hope to go to the scene to watch it.

Although they all knew that they were looking for guilt with themselves, they still couldn't restrain the idea of ​​going to the scene to watch a show.

And the crew of "Dou E's Injustice" is definitely going to tour all over the country. In addition to the "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" that is currently on tour across the country, there are two dramas on tour at the same time across the country at one time, and tickets are hard to come by. Such a scene has not appeared for several years.

This excites those who have a soft spot for dialogue and drama, and the market for drama seems to be alive again.

The Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater are now in the limelight and have received rave reviews from the outside world. This made the Southern Theater, one of the three major theaters, unable to sit still.

Originally, after the Oriental Theater's "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", the executives of the Southern Theater also immediately ordered that a work must be produced as soon as possible, and the quality is not under "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". Task.

It was almost a task assigned by the top management of the Kyoto Theater at the same time.

Now, however, "Dou E's Injustice" at the Kyoto Theater has been a huge success. However, the works handed in by the artistic creation department of the Southern Theater have always been unsatisfactory.

Originally, the executives of the Southern Theater also knew that it would be extremely difficult to create works whose quality was not below that of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

Therefore, they did not urge the following.

But now, seeing the Kyoto Theater, it will soon join hands with the Oriental Theater to tour all over the country. The only thing missing is the Southern Theater. How can the executives of the Southern Theater still be able to sit still?

Therefore, the top management of the Southern Theater has ordered the Art Creation Department to produce a work of the same quality as "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" or "Dou E Injustice" within a week.

This puts the pressure on the entire artistic creation department sharply.

The office of Tang Qiuyun, Director of the Art Creation Department.

Assistant Yuan Hong looked at Director Tang Qiuyun's unsightly face, hesitated for a long time, but said cautiously: "Director, why don't we try to find Gu Yong?"

Tang Qiuyun frowned and said, "Do we have no other way than to find Gu Yong, and come up with works whose quality is not under "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "Dou E's Injustice"? "

Yuan Hong sighed in his heart and thought to himself, "Could there be any conflict between the director and Gu Yong before? Why is he unwilling to ask Gu Yong for help?"

Yuan Hong had already proposed to Tang Qiuyun to ask Gu Yong for help.

He can go to Gu Yong for help at the Kyoto Theater, why can't we go to the Southern Theater?

Moreover, since Guyong didn't reject the Kyoto Theater, he probably wouldn't reject our Southern Theater either.

It's just that Tang Qiuyun didn't seem to have any plans to ask Gu Yong for help.

This made Yuan Hong a little puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more, after all, he was just an assistant.

Moreover, he thought that even if they didn't ask Gu Yong for help, they should be able to come up with works whose quality is not below those of the two dramas, but the time may be slightly delayed.

However, today, the above suddenly limited the time to one week, Yuan Hong clearly felt Tang Qiuyun's pressure increased sharply.

I thought in my heart that the director should not refuse to ask Gu Yong for help, right?

Then I mentioned it again carefully, but who knows that the director still doesn't want to ask Gu Yong for help.

After listening to the director's question, Yuan Hong said in a deep voice: "Director, I believe that even if we don't ask Gu Yong for help, we can still create works whose quality is not below those of the two dramas. It's just that time may not be in a hurry. If you ask Gu Yong for help,

As long as he doesn't refuse, time should be enough. Moreover, Guyong did not reject the Kyoto Theater, nor should he reject us. "

Tang Qiuyun did not speak after hearing this, but frowned tightly, thinking about what?

In fact, he also knew in his heart that what Yuan Hong said was correct, and it was indeed the best way to go to Gu Yong for help.


Tang Qiuyun sighed in his heart and frowned even more.

Yuan Hong observed Tang Qiuyun's expression for a long time, gritted his teeth, and said, "Director, I dare to ask, is there anything between you and Gu Yong..."

Tang Qiuyun naturally understood what the assistant meant and said, "There is no grudge between me and Gu Yong. On the contrary, I still appreciate Gu Yong's works very much. The previous martial arts works are, and so are the two current drama works."

When Yuan Hong heard this, it was strange, and he couldn't help but say, "Then why is the director..."

Tang Qiuyun sighed softly and said, "So, Xiao Yuan, go out first, and let me think about it."

The director didn't want to say anything, and Yuan Hong didn't dare to ask any more, so he quickly said, "Okay director, then I'll go out first. I'll discuss it with the editors to see if there is anything else I can do?"

Tang Qiuyun nodded, and Yuan Hong left the director's office.

After leaving the office, Yuan Hong went straight to the editing room.

As soon as he appeared at the door of the editing room, an editor couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Yuan, how is it? Did the director agree to go to Gu Yong for help?"

No wonder the editors were so impatient, mainly because during this time, the whole theater was staring at their artistic creation department, and the invisible pressure made them a little breathless.

Although they are the editors who wrote the script themselves, it is a shameless thing to only expect others to help.

But the other party is Gu Yong, then it doesn't matter. Not only them, but the editors of the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater, didn't they rely on Gu Yong's help to adapt such a classic drama?

It's normal for them to look forward to Gu Yong's help.

Only Yuan Hong shook his head gently, which disappointed them for a while.

One of the editors said: "The director doesn't want to ask Gu Yong for help, maybe he is too embarrassed to speak, or there are other reasons. Otherwise, should we ask Gu Yong for help ourselves? This way, the director will not be embarrassed."

Another older editor immediately shook his head and said, "No, first of all, we don't know the reason why the director refused to ask Gu Yong for help. If we go directly to Gu Yong for help, it is very likely to make the director unhappy. The days after that will be sad.

Second, Zhang Xiaofei, the director of the Kyoto Theater, personally went to ask Guyong for help, but we went directly to Guyong. This status is obviously wrong, and it might make Guyong mistakenly think that the shelf of our Southern Theater is too much. Gao, he actually only asked one editor to find him. So, it's not right. "

Yuan Hong and the editors heard it, and sure enough, it was really only the director who went to find Gu Yong in person. ) Download Free Reader!!

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