Xiaojianghu Studio is downstairs. r?a??nw?en??????????`???

Tang Qiuyun, director of the artistic creation department of the Southern Theater, and Yuan Hong, assistant, just came out of the Xiaojianghu studio.

Yuan Hong said excitedly: "Director, Gu Yong really didn't reject us, but I don't know what kind of story Gu Yong will create for us? It's really exciting to think about it."

Tang Qiuyun was also in a good mood, and said: "It's just a pity that we didn't have the chance to see Mr. Gu Yong, so we can't thank him in person. He has helped us a lot this time. As for what kind of story he will create? It's hard to say. , However, judging from the first two films, this time is likely to be a tragedy."

Gu Yong did not refuse, so Tang Qiuyun breathed a long sigh of relief, and was full of gratitude to Gu Yong.

At this time, his face was also full of smiles, but there was a hint of bitterness hidden in this smile.

Yuan Hong didn't notice the bitterness in the director's smile, and continued: "Tragedies are good. Sometimes tragedies are more likely to become classics. Although the audience doesn't like tragedies, they can't help but want to watch them."

Tang Qiuyun said: "Having said that, but now there have been two tragedies, if the drama for us can end with a comedy, the effect may be better. Of course, I just hope so, if it still ends in tragedy, there is no Anything, as long as it's Gu Yong's work."

Yuan Hong nodded and said: "What the director said is, in addition, Mr. Gu Yong said that he would send us his works tomorrow. Wouldn't this be too hasty?"

Tang Qiuyun shook his head and said, "No, the quality of a work cannot be simply measured by the time it takes to create it. Some people can create classic works in a very short period of time. Some people spend a lot of time creating them. His works are always unsatisfactory. Gu Yong clearly belongs to the former."

Yuan Hong nodded and said again: "In this way, it is really exciting!"

Tang Qiuyun smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it too."


Leaving from Zheng Jie's fate, Li Fan did not do any other delays, but went home directly.

The big carp with a record-breaking weight was kept by Zheng Jie in a small pond next to the hut, ready to take good care of it to see if it can continue to grow.

Continue to grow up, that's for sure, but how big can it grow in the end? Now it is unknown.

Li Fan is also a little curious, how big can it eventually grow?

Back at home, Li Fan began to ponder in his mind, which one should he choose for the works he promised to the Southern Theater?

It has to be a classic first. In this way, it will make sense for Li Fan to bring it into this world.

Moreover, it can't be worse than "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "Dou E's Injustice". Otherwise, Li Fanke would have smashed his own brand.

In addition, the first two works both ended in tragedy, although at the end of Liang Zhu, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai both turned into butterflies and lingered romantically.

But Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai died after all, and their love did not come to fruition during their lifetimes, so their ending should be considered a tragedy.

Two consecutive works have had tragic endings. Li Fan pondered that this time, there should be a comedy ending.

A tragic ending is easy to become a classic, but it cannot always be a tragedy.

The audience "said" twice in a row, which should also make the audience happy.

The comedy ending can also become a classic.

So, which one is better to use?

Li Fan first thought of "The Story of the West Chamber", the work of Wang Shifu, a famous dramatist in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the play, the beauty of simplicity and the pursuit of freedom are reflected everywhere.

The lyrics of the whole play are gorgeous and beautiful, full of poetic artistic conception. It is a masterpiece of realism in the classical plays of the previous life, and has a great influence on the creation of novels and plays with love as the theme later.

One of the phrases, "May all lovers in the world be married," has become a beautiful vision of love for countless boys and girls, which has a far-reaching impact.

Then, Li Fan thought of "The Peony Pavilion", the representative work of Tang Xianzu, a famous playwright of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life, the first dream in "Four Dreams of Linchuan", and the dream with the most influence and the highest achievement.

At the same time, it is also the most proud of Tang Xianzu's works. He once said, "I have four dreams in my life, and the only place I am proud of is "Peony".

"The Peony Pavilion" is a masterpiece full of romanticism, which has a great influence on later generations.

The main point is that there was a poor scholar, Liu Mengmei, who dreamed of a beautiful woman standing under the plum tree in a garden, saying that she had a marriage relationship with him, and that she has been missing since then.

The daughter of Du Bao, the prefect of Nan'an, was named Liniang, and she was talented and beautiful.

One day, after Du Liniang came back from the garden, in a drowsy dream, she saw a scholar holding a half-branched weeping willow to woo, and the two had a tryst by the Peony Pavilion.

Du Liniang missed the scholar in her dream, she was depressed and thin, and she was sick until she died.

When she was dying, she asked her mother to bury her under the plum tree in the garden, and instructed her maid Chunxiang to hide her self-portrait under the rocks of Taihu Lake.

His father Du Bao built a "Plum Blossom Temple" where Du Liniang was buried.

Three years later, Liu Mengmei went to Beijing to take the exam. She stayed at the Plum Blossom Temple and found a portrait of Du Liniang under the rocks of Taihu Lake, and found that Du Liniang was the beautiful woman he had seen in his dreams.

Du Liniang wandered in the back garden and found that Liu Mengmei was the scholar in her dream. In addition to being pleasantly surprised, she had another tryst with Liu Mengmei.

The next day, Liu Mengmei excavated the tomb and opened the coffin, and Du Liniang actually came back to life. The two became husband and wife and went to Lin'an together.

Du Liniang's teacher, Chen Zuiliang, saw that Du Liniang's tomb had been excavated, so he reported Liu Mengmei's crime of robbing the tomb.

After taking the exam in Lin'an, Liu Mengmei was imprisoned by Du Liniang's father, Du Bao.

After the list was released, Liu Mengmei took the test and won the championship and became the current champion.

Du Bao had to let Liu Mengmei out, but he still refused to admit his daughter's marriage and forced her to divorce.

Later, the dispute came to the emperor, and the emperor lamented the unparalleled love between the two. So, Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei finally got married.

From life to death, and then from death to life, it is very romantic. Such opera works have never appeared in this world.

As soon as Li Fan's mind moved, that's it, "The Peony Pavilion".

Compared with the realistic "West Chamber", he decided to use the romantic "Peony Pavilion" this time.

He believes that such a drama full of romanticism will definitely be popular in this world.

It's just that "The Peony Pavilion" is very long. It's a long play. This time, the work for the Southern Theater should not be too long.

Li Fan decided to choose one of them to let the audience in this world have a good time first.

In the future, if there is a chance, it will not be too late to launch the whole drama.

After deciding to use "The Peony Pavilion", Li Fan no longer hesitated and prepared to create the selected passage while it was still hot.

The original work of "The Peony Pavilion" is a drama work, and Li Fan also decided to adapt it into a novel, and then the Southern Theater will adapt it into a play.

With the original work as a reference, it is easy to adapt it into a novel. ) Download Free Reader!!

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