Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 974 revitalize the drama market

It didn't take long for an intercepted version of "The Peony Pavilion" to be completed.

Li Fan checked it again and nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at the "Peony Pavilion" in front of him, Li Fan suddenly smiled, and he remembered an interesting anecdote about the creation of "The Peony Pavilion".

According to legend, during the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty in the previous life, Tang Xianzu, a talented scholar in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, offended the emperor and powerful ministers because of Shangshu.

Tang Xianzu had to travel long distances to take a post in Xuwen.

When he arrived at Xu Wenbin and Pucheng, it was almost dusk, and Xiong Min, the magistrate, placed him in the Dian and History Office.

Because of the new arrival, that night, Tang Xianzu was upset, miserable, and had difficulty falling asleep. In the middle of the night, his heart was restless, and his throat was unbearable. He wanted to find some water and wine to drink to relieve his sorrow, but the gourd had bottomed out.

So, he walked out of the courtyard in his clothes, and sighed at Hanyue alone.

Suddenly, Tang Xianzu's eyes lit up, and he found a well in the corner. The well was covered with large stones. He felt strange, and he hurriedly woke up the children and worked together to lift the well cover.

I saw the well spring is so clear, the surface of the spring is like a mirror, the moon wheel falls into the well, and the weather is unique.

So, Tang Xianzu used a spoon, spooned a spoonful of well water, and when he drank it, the spring water was pure and sweet, and it was deep in the heart.

Tang Xianzu, who was pleasantly surprised in his heart, drank heavily with Zhang Hu, and was overjoyed.

This spring is like wine and alcohol, and Tang Xianzu was so drunk that he returned to the house to rest, and immediately entered Mengxiang.

However, the night dreams are frequent and emotional, the stories in the dreams are unheard of, and the legends of the characters in the dreams are vivid.

When he woke up, Tang Xianzu pondered and searched for his dream, and immediately brought the pen, ink, ink, and paper to record the plots of the dream one by one, and keep them carefully.

Six years later, Tang Xianzu resigned and returned to his hometown Yumingtang. He dug out the signature written in that year, and after polishing it, it became a shocking work, the first dream of Linchuan, "The Peony Pavilion".

Such anecdotes and legends undoubtedly add a romantic touch to the work "The Peony Pavilion".

Of course, did Tang Xianzu really have such a dream back then? It can't be verified now.

However, we can tentatively believe that Tang Xianzu had such a dream back then.

After sending the "Peony Pavilion" document to Rao Qianqian's e-mail box, Li Fan turned off the computer, walked out of the room, came downstairs, walked out of the courtyard, and continued to wander around the village.

Well, no, I continued to care about the progress of the project.


August 12.

The official website of the Southern Theater and the official Weibo also released a notice to the outside world: Based on Gu Yong's work "The Peony Pavilion", the adaptation of the play "Peony Pavilion" of the same name will be held at the Southern Theater Performing Arts Hall at 10:00 on August 17th. The premiere, please look forward to it!

When the trailer of the Southern Theater came out, it did not surprise everyone, but smiled slightly, "It's finally out."

Obviously, everyone has long known that the Southern Theater will definitely launch a new play based on Gu Yong's work.

It's just that the announcement time was a little later than everyone expected.

Many netizens were discussing before, saying that the Southern Theater would definitely go to Gu Yong to buy a play.

No way, as the three major theaters, the Southern Theater will never allow it, only the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater will stand out.

In that way, the status and face of the Southern Theater will be affected. Not only will it provoke criticism from the outside world, but it will also make other small and medium-sized theaters secretly sneer and gloat.

Therefore, the Southern Theater will definitely launch a new play that is no less than those two works in a short period of time.

To do this, it is obviously the most correct choice to seek Gu Yong's help.

Netizens have already seen everything. Looking at it now, it is indeed the case. Today's announcement from the Southern Theater confirms the previous speculation of netizens.

Therefore, although netizens have no unexpected surprises, they are in a very good mood.

For one, they guessed the dynamics of the Southern Theater.

Second, they have a new drama to look forward to.

The internet is full of jubilation.

"Haha! The new drama of the Southern Theater is finally out. As expected, it is still Mr. Gu Yong's work."

"Gu Yong, this is the rhythm of preparing the drama to the end!"

"Yeah, this is the third drama work in a short period of time. Is this guy sure about the birth of a martial arts? I think he is creating drama works now, it's just one after another."

"Hey! It's not just a drama work, there is also a pure love work "Days of Living Together with a Stewardess", which is being serialized accurately every day. You don't understand the world of genius writers."

"By the way, what kind of work is "The Peony Pavilion" this time? In the trailer of the Southern Theater, I don't know how to briefly introduce the content of the plot, bad review!"

"I'm also very curious to know. However, it doesn't matter if you don't know now, as long as you know it's Gu Yong's work."

"That's right, as long as it's Gu Yong's work, it must be something to look forward to. It's good for everyone to look forward to it together."

"There's nothing wrong with that, but I still hope that this "Peony Pavilion" won't be a tragedy anymore. I really don't like tragedy!"

"I guess no one likes tragedies. However, who makes Gu Yong's tragic works so attractive. Let everyone always jump into it."

"In short, I hope that this time, Uncle Guyong can show mercy and make a comedy."

"Well, this can be, then let's all pray together."


Netizens are so enthusiastic about the drama that has not yet officially started, I have to say that the drama market is very active during this period.

The direct cause of this situation is naturally Gu Yong's three plays.

The beneficiary is the entire drama world.

During this period of time, theaters of all sizes across the country have successively launched a lot of new dramas, or are preparing to launch new dramas.

Affected by the current drama boom, the performance of new dramas launched by various theaters is much better than before.

Although the quality of their new dramas is far inferior to "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "Dou E Injustice".

But there are very few people who are fortunate enough to grab the tickets and see the two dramas. Most people didn't have the chance to see those two dramas.

What to do then? In order to pass the addiction of watching dramas, people will naturally choose to go to other theaters and watch other dramas.

As a result, the attendance rates of new plays in other major theaters have naturally risen steadily.

After watching those new dramas, everyone found that some dramas are not bad, although they are not as good as "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "Dou E Injustice", but they are also worth watching.

After reading it, I promote it on the Internet, and the more people who know it, the bigger it is, and more and more people walk into the theater.

Under this virtuous circle, the market for new dramas launched by other major theaters is slowly rising.

Going back to the source, Gu Yong used three drama works, two to be exact, because the third "Peony Pavilion" has not yet officially started, it has revitalized the current drama market. ) Download Free Reader!!

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