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Roja is a tolerant person, which is the definition he has given himself recently. In Shia, a world full of extraordinary power and bizarreness, too many things are different from Roja's previous life, and the power of money is actually limited, but there are some things in this world that are the same as the previous life, such as Luo Ya's previous life. Asia is poor. When the black-haired boy saw the golden mountain shining in the sun in the early morning, the desire for wealth from two lifetimes was like a flood of open water. It was not just so many years. The desire to oppress profit, as well as the ease of being able to pay back the money. The loan is a mountain, it moves wherever you go, you don't have to look at it, it's always there, and it's even getting higher and higher. The system loan with monthly interest of 3,000 gold coins has always been a shadow in Roja's heart. As for the initial loan that may cause the system to shut down, it is even more of a hand holding Roja's throat. As long as these two big troubles can be solved Go, Roja has almost nothing to forgive for Charlotte. In the end, he didn't really hold a grudge against the eldest miss, it was just that he couldn't live with face and this matter was really outrageous. But with this car Now that the gold coins are present, Roja has changed his mind. What? Kidnapped to Rose?\u003e Nonsense! Mr. Roja, the acting lord of Akka's special price, now thinks this is not outrageous at all, and he has even begun to consider whether to classify this incident as emergency diplomacy. Ask him to come over to Rose, anyway... the dark-haired boy gave in. I wanted to say no, but she gave too much. Roja silently accepted Charlotte's compensation with this thought in mind, and taking this as an opportunity, his face couldn't be tensed any longer.

Living. "Say this" of course no problem, if you like it, my dear, just put these here. "That's not necessary. It's cool to get up every day to see Jinshan, but when I think about returning more than half of Roja, I feel a pain in the flesh. Roja got up and got out of bed thinking so, Charlotte waved her hand to let the servants who pushed the cart back out of the room, the boy strolled to the gold coin cart with the help of the girl, and silently stretched out his black hole hands I can't take it away, but I can take it. The young man sighed in pain, and the next moment, the well-informed Charlotte couldn't believe it. In the time that is too late, less than half of it is left. It’s a physical miracle.??? The brown-red-haired girl looked at the gold coin mountain that was half shorter, and after thinking about it, I still can’t understand it, Shia World It is still very stable, the space magic is mysterious and has no application at all, and most of the related items are blank.

Although she was very confused, Charlotte did not come out. The girl understood that everyone has their own secrets. As a descendant of an ancient family, Roja is so willing to do this in front of him, to a certain extent. It was trust in her, but trust was trust, and Charlotte didn't want to ask. The girl was thinking about it, but she didn't know that Roja was actually not thinking about these things at all. [Gold accepted]

[According to the loan restrictions, give priority to repayment of mortgage loans] [mortgage loans have been released] [host balance is detected, continue to repay [interest loans have been released] [loan repayment has been completed, a total of 650,000 gold coins are consumed] [host credit Level up

[There are borrowed and returned, it is not difficult to borrow again, it is better to know each other for a long time, this system will walk with the host-lu]

After reading a lot of prompts in the system after the gold coin repayment was completed, Roja's brows couldn't help jumping, and it took a long time to barely suppress the overwhelming power in his heart. What's going on? You're lending usurious loans to express your feelings? If it weren't for Charlotte, I would pay you the interest of 30,000 gold coins a month? Watching the Jinshan tent, which was more than halfway down at once, was lost, but soon the young man overcame his own selfish desires and thought about it.

Money may be very important, but Roja made money to save his life in the first place, in order not to lose his family. From this point of view, the money is worth the money, and he will continue to increase his efforts in the future! Yes, after this one-time After the adventure, Roja's body collapsed, but his realm was higher. The strength that he had obtained from reading books at home for a long time was digested in this life-and-death crisis, and it really became his strength. For the current Luo For Asia, the bottleneck of source level 5 no longer exists.

K-like, all require practical application exercises, and the progress in this kind of cloud application is indeed far more than safe at home. "Charlotte, about my body, what can you do? The rise in strength is the source of Roja's stability, but until the injury is cured, Roja will not break through for the time being. The teenager who has endured this for more than half a year is anxious, and Charlotte looks at her suddenly serious lover. Understand the importance of this matter." I can solve the side effects of [Touch of the Frozen Ground], but I can't do anything about the remaining life failure and immortality, and I need Ender to tell Uncle and their help. "Andrew?

"Well, she was a member of my father's adventure group in the past, a great wizard of source level 2, and the rest are Uncle Parker, Aunt Rowling can also, although she is a source level 3, but full-time treatment. Charlotte Lin Lin always said. There was a long list of names, many of which were superhumans who had heard of Roja in the Akate Territory. The black-haired boy nodded when he heard the words. He was very satisfied with the composition of this medical team. There is no doubt that this time Charlotte It's the lineup that Rose's pressed the bottom of the box. Under the joint diagnosis of this level of extraordinary people, it is estimated that a dying person with only -0 qi can be cured and alive. Roja does not believe that his injury can still be cured. So weird? Isabella

After all, it is a person from hundreds of years ago. Medical methods are improving. This is not only applicable to Roa's previous life, but also the current Shia. Sir, times have changed.

The boy who thought so was relieved, but he didn't know that although Isabella was an ancient person, she was the top genius of that era, and things were far from being as simple as he imagined.

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