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How long has the system not been active? This question is a question worth pondering and remembering for Roja. Why does Roja often ridicule that his system is the French system? Not only because of this system - it smells of surrender, but also because it has a French aristocratic slouch all over her body. Yes, as a passive system, it basically only has special reactions when some obvious events appear in Roja's life. I remember the last time Roja returned from the holy city two hundred years ago, and then the boy's Life has fallen into tranquility, and every day I only stay at home to study and engage in infrastructure construction, and Roja's system is no longer active. After returning from the sea this time, Roja originally thought that there would be an event waiting for him, but the system released his pigeons again. From then on, he suspected that it was because of the loan problem. Until today, this guess has been obtained. confirmed. [Ding]

[Detected that the loan has been repaid] [The activity system is restarted] Is[0%, 20%, 30.%.. ][Start completed, open new activities][Debt crisis end commemorative event][Courage and wisdom are to overcome difficulties But wealth can also save people from water and fire, tide over the waves of financial crisis, your future will be a peaceful harbor] .... Oh, yes, you can't avoid children and do nothing, that is to say There was no activity before because I owed money?" [The system will be closed if the loan cannot be repaid. In order to help the host get rid of the temptation from all aspects and successfully repay the loan, the activity page will be temporarily closed during the loan period, I hope the host will understand]

Facing the rare and large-scale explanation of the pit father system, Roja fell into silence after thinking about it. Indeed, the discount was too strong when the system opened an event. For a person like Roja who likes to buy toilet paper at a discount in his previous life, it is very attractive. It's not a big one, Wan- couldn't help but owe the money to buy other things, and the system died, that's why there's no place to cry. "Okay, anyway, it was really unintentional to open it at that time...but it's different now. Roja put down the tea cup in his hand and stretched his waist while looking at the bright sunshine outside the window. Since the early summer It's been an hour since Lot's meeting gift Jinshan. The brown-red-haired girl didn't dare to delay after checking Roja's status. The magic power in the small golden bottle was nearly exhausted, proving that this simple spell was activated at least once at night. In fact, because of the overnight journey, Charlotte did not sleep all night last night, so she left Roja for about three hours. Three hours There will be one or one attack every time. This frequency makes Charlotte's face gloomy when the teenager can't see it. After thinking about it, she can only drag the desire with Roja back and focus In terms of his illness, Jing immediately started to increase the production of golden souls. During the time when Charlotte left Roja, the young man did not idle. After washing, bathing and burning incense, he drank morning tea with the help of people. And instructed to put a cart of gold coins in front of the open balcony. When the golden sunlight entered the room in the morning, birds fell on the golden mountain of Nagangyao, and the scene of three or two playing back and forth was deeply imprinted on the room. In Roja's mind, it was an illusion that the wish of a previous life had been fulfilled, a kind of self-satisfaction with financial freedom. Elegant, leisurely, overlooking the world. In this comfortable and peaceful morning, Mr. Luo's self-indulgence was overwhelmed. It went on like this...until the birds started flying away with gold coins in their mouths. "Huh?" Roja's face turned when he saw the war pigeons in Sorophia Bird Park - biting away two gold coins. I stayed for a while, and then I no longer had the leisure to watch the scenery. What's the situation? I was robbed by Wu?

Don't worry about people, you Sorophia's birds dare to rob me? Roja, who was inexplicably beaten by the autumn wind, was full of anger, and the sound of the birds chirping immediately caught the attention of the nearby servants, one-time steward, servant, Guards rushed to disperse the flock and fought with the pigeons. The entire battle lasted less than ten minutes, and then several responsible persons immediately apologized to Roja who suffered property damage, and promised to recover it. The leading housekeeper looked anxious and sweaty on his forehead. Roja thought about it and decided to shake his head and take it over. Some birds like to collect glowing things. This is their nature, not the responsibility of servants. In the final analysis, it was the fault of Roja who basked in the sun for gold coins. The young master of the Akart family did not pursue it. This incident made the leading responsible persons breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but raise his evaluation of Roja. a segment.

Just like the servant organization in Akart's mansion, Soofia's birdhouse has its own group to some extent. They are the team that takes care of Charlotte for many years, and has been with Charlotte since she was a child. Growing up with this child who lacked parental care, Lu grew up, and these people were also full of curiosity and concern for the fiancé who was suddenly brought home by their eldest lady. There is no doubt that, through this small incident, Roja left a good impression on the servants of the Birds Museum. The identity of the young master of the Akart family, his handsome appearance, gentle temperament and tolerant attitude, such a set. Combining punches, even the servant team of Sorophia's family, who are used to seeing young talents, gave unanimous praise. The only drawback is that this master Roja's body seems to be a little weak. The beautiful maids were worried about this, but Roja was unaware of his unintentional popularity, and now he was seriously looking at the list of active items in the system. [The power of the Hydra (5 disabled) [The king of evil born from non-prime monsters in ancient times, its toxins are more terrifying than gods, and its regeneration ability is difficult to limit, when all its nine heads fall Thousands of years later, people can take out its poisonous sac and use the safest part to make a leader.] [Equipment effect: Injecting magic power, giving birth to snake heads for attack and defense, strong regeneration ability, and poisonous effect]

[Side effect: Movement speed reduced] [Selling price:

00000 Gold Coins][Debt Crisis End Commemorative Event][Audience 70\u000fF][Hydra Power (Disabled)][Price: 300000 Gold Coins]

At the round table at the end of the balcony, the black-haired boy watched the system seriously while drinking tea, constantly comparing the pros and cons of each item and the price. I'm ready to move. Maybe it's the welfare after a long time of no activity, maybe it's a rare conscience discovery in the French system, in any case, the discount for this event is very powerful, and Roja has seen it. It is also the lowest level, although as the saying goes If you don’t buy it, you will save 00%, but Roja’s purchase is not for consumption and entertainment, but to become stronger in essence. There is no output without input. The reason why Roja can look at Jinshan and drink tea now is because of his strength. He shared weal and woe with Charlotte in the world of historical fragments and successfully left. If he was holding those gold coins back then, he was unwilling to let go. , I don't want to take the risk of taking out loans to awaken the blood, then it is estimated that people will be cold if they don't die.

And this time, Roja took a fancy to this system item called [Hydra Power (Remnant), for no other reason, this is the most expensive in the audience, and it is a piece of equipment that Roja has hardly touched Such items. Either do not buy, buy expensive, although this sentence is not entirely true, but it is indeed quite tempting when it comes to discounts. Ashamed to say, it has been several years since he got the system, and Roja has not spent too much money in the gold coin purchase area. One reason is that Roja is really poor, and the other is that compared with equipment, Roja pays more attention to himself. Training, basically all the limited money was invested in the potions to strengthen the body and upgrade, and the equipment that was supposed to play a major role was naturally bought very little. But the situation is different now. Roja is now weak, and his state has declined compared to usual. Although Sorophia's family is very well protected, Roja has always been the principle for the safety of his own life. Never give your life to others. This is the truth that every wizard understands when he goes to the battlefield, and it is also the wake-up call of the Akart family for future generations. Roja takes this very seriously. So when his own strength is not enough, he wants to buy a piece of equipment that can protect himself, and this [Hydra Power (disabled)] that can attack and defend is a good choice, but he is also very good about this introduction. something a little suspicious. "This 'residual character means...

The black-haired boy pondered to himself, according to this introduction, this frightening monster in myths and legends should have been taken away from some parts of his body many years after his death, so he took control. From this point of view, at least one thing is known. The material is not fresh. As we all know, after the death of a monster, it is necessary to obtain materials as soon as possible, otherwise the magic element in the body will gradually dissipate. Normally, if it is placed for + a day and a half months, it will be no different from ordinary beasts. Of course, as a poisonous beast in mythology, nine The head snake has a unique toxin, but even if it does this for a hundred years, it will definitely have a great loss. The word 'can' should refer to this. To change or not to change? Roja, who has been clear about his thoughts many times, pondered this question. He raised his head and glanced at the pile of gold coins in front of him, put down the teacup and extended his hand to clench his fist. After a long time, he sighed indifferently. System, give me only [The Power of Enemy Snake].

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