Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Four hundred and fortieth chapters exposed thoughts (5k)

As the saying goes, victory and defeat are common in military affairs. For this sentence, Roja, who has fought countless battles in this life, can be said to have a deep understanding, but it has to be said that even victory and defeat are distinguished.

The victory or defeat of an individual may be related to future health and life, and the price of victory or defeat in war is the life of the soldiers and the interests that have been robbed, and the current Holy Nation of St.

In the tragedy of the Tucker Fortress, the loss of hundreds of thousands of regular troops is too great, even a country as powerful as the Church cannot bear it. This civil war can be said to be a desperate gamble. If the Eric family can be successfully defeated, then The teaching country can then be reborn from Nirvana, but if there are heavy casualties, the country's turmoil is probably inevitable.

So when Roja got the news of the failure of the second siege of Edgar City, his heart immediately became tense, siege warfare, this is the one that the attackers are most likely to suffer heavy casualties in all modes of war. If it is a fiasco , then it is likely to seriously affect the future war situation, and even turn the result of this civil war into defeat.

The black-haired boy didn't even bother to hide when he thought of this, and while frowning, he directly tore the battle report with his hand, and after browsing it quickly, Roja's hanging heart finally relaxed a little.

Although there is no specific number of casualties, according to the description in the battle report, this second attack still seems to be a tentative attack, and it has not reached the point of dispatching the main force to fight for life and death, so it has little impact on morale.

To be honest, after seeing the content in the battle report, Roja is a little strange. As the saying goes, knowing the child is more like a father. In fact, the reverse is also true. Roja and Katia have played dozens of battles since childhood. I still have some understanding of how to use soldiers.

Normally, after the first exploratory attack, Katya should not drag on for too long. After all, the exploratory attack is to collect information, and the second time is far less meaningful than the first. , there is really no need to operate it multiple times, and it does not meet the character of Katya and the needs of the teaching nation.

Quickly end the war and eliminate internal troubles and gather forces. This is the purpose of this war and the only way to revive the country. The current religious state seems to be peaceful, but in fact countless people are watching the situation. If the war cannot be fought quickly enough to show enough muscles, then the nobles in various places will definitely think that the royal family is declining, and they will have a mind of self-respect.

In this environment, what is the purpose of repeated testing?

"My lord, did something happen to the front line?"

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"...No, it's nothing, you guys have a look too."

Maybe Roja's expression was too serious, Cynthia and others couldn't help but come to inquire about the details after thinking for a long time. In order to stabilize the army's heart, Roja handed the battle report to Cynthia and other generals for circulation, but for such tactics on the front line , Cynthia et al. did not discuss any useful results.

The lack of information made Roja helpless, but fortunately, this situation did not last long. That night, the battle report from the front came again, some of which immediately caught Roja's attention and made him understand his old age. Dad's idea.

According to this battle report, during the second offensive of the Allied Forces, the mobilization of the Austen Empire almost followed frequently, and the Caesar family’s army even crossed the border and entered Eric’s territory for a time. , and later found out that this was a fake move and then went back again.

Seeing such news, Roja's thoughts on Katya are very clear. The second attack is indeed a tentative attack, but it is not the Eric family who is tempted, but the Austin Empire army that is just about to move, and It turns out that, as Katya thought, the Austen Empire was clearly conspiring to do something wrong.

For this reaction of the empire, Roja was quite puzzled at the beginning. After all, in the eyes of the young man, ending the civil war quickly and letting the main force of the teaching country move eastward is the top priority, and it is also the only choice to ensure the safety of the human world, but in the perspective of empathy After reviewing the history again, Roja seemed to vaguely understand why the Austin Empire did this.

In the end, it is a question of the right to speak.

The operation of the Austin Empire may seem confusing, but if you look at history as a mirror, you will find that such frictions also existed in the last alien war, and the purpose is the same, that is to snatch the leadership of the alien jihad status.

In addition to a few big countries, Shia now has many small countries. They have different regions and cultures, and there may even be hatreds between them. The reason why everyone has been able to join forces in the several wars of aliens for thousands of years is because there are The platform of the Holy See, in the name of the original goddess Shia, will unite the entire race to tide over the difficulties every time the Holy See is disturbed.

There is no doubt that the Holy See has played a decisive role in the continuation of the human race, but it must be mentioned that in this process, the power of the Holy See and the Holy Nation will naturally expand, and the number of believers will also increase. In fact, after each alien war, there will be a golden period of decades, and the national power and influence will increase significantly.

As an old rival for thousands of years, this situation is obviously not what the Austin Empire would like to see. In fact, in today's Shia, the country of scholars, Bulonia, is responsible for cultivating talents, and the Rose Business United Nations holds wealth. People don't have the interest and ability to be a leader even if they donate money. The kingdom of knights is introverted and powerful, but it is maverick and does not participate in power struggles at all.

That is to say, the only thing standing in front of the Austin Empire is the Church, and now, this country is still in an unprecedented weakness, which is a good opportunity to replace it.

As long as it can seize the opportunity to replace the position of the Patriarchate in the holy war, then the Austin Empire will get an unprecedented opportunity, that is, in its own right.

In this holy war he led, he led the entire race under the banner of the ancient Austin Empire's human orthodoxy, replacing the faith-led system of the Holy See.

Once successful, not to mention that the national strength will be further strengthened. The Austin Empire with the largest territory and population may even start with this, and once again establish a unified human empire like the ancient Austin Empire thousands of years ago. This should also be the emperor of the Aqiman family. 's long-cherished wish.

As for the risk of aliens, it seems that in the face of such huge interests, it is not impossible to temporarily ignore it. After all, the past several alien invasions have been survived by humans. In the eyes of many people, this time will not be an exception. Of course, there is another kind of It may be that the Austin Empire used some means to make sure that the aliens will never be detained during this time.

"Now, things are in trouble."

In the tent at night, the black-haired boy couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he looked at the various news he received in his hands. Now that the Austin Empire is on the verge of making a move, it may be difficult for Katya to use his fists, and the most important thing is that if Luo Ya guessed right, the Holy See John may have to come back.

Although Edgar City is sturdy, it is only a matter of time before it can be broken with the help of a powerhouse of Source Level 1. In the original battle plan, the Holy See John should have been dispatched at this time, but now the army of the Duchy of Caesar is on the way. Interfering in this war on the grounds of "blood relationship and alliance treaty with Eric's family", then the Holy See John must never show his face, because this is a trap.

Holy See John represents the Holy Nation and the Holy See. As long as he does not show up, then this is at most a war between nobles. If Holy See John shows up, then the situation will immediately escalate to the national level, and the army of the Austin Empire is ready to go. I'm afraid it will be dispatched immediately.

"Either the Holy See will come forward to trigger a full-scale war, thereby grabbing benefits at the negotiating table, or delaying the time will make Edgar City unable to attack for a long time, so that the Church State will completely lose the possibility of revival... Yang conspiracy."

Looking at the map in the tent, the black-haired boy sighed, and behind him, Rodney and the others looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Yangmou is different from a conspiracy that can be broken at once. Even if everything is figured out, it will be in vain, because there is no easy solution to Yangmou from the beginning, which is why there is no need to cover up.

There is only one solution to the problem given by the Austin Empire today, that is, the Allied Forces led by the Akart family resisted the pressure of the Caesar family and captured the heavily guarded Edgar City, and it was before the spring.

For this kind of task, even Roja, who has confidence in his father and the army, thinks it is too difficult, but as if he is really blessed by the gods, the current situation of the teaching country is not completely incomprehensible, because unintentionally, He shone a light on this dark future with his own hands, and that was Brian's death.

Brian, the head of the Eric family, died in a different place, which made the capture of Edgar City less difficult. This should be something that the Austin Empire did not expect. As long as the war starts normally, the coalition forces under the command of Katia should be able to win. Yes, then the problem is only the Caesar family.

"Sure enough, we still need information."

Looking at the Duke of Caesar, who occupies a huge territory on the side of the Austin Empire on the map, the black-haired boy muttered to himself, his golden eyes filled with coldness.

-------------------------------------------------- --

Austen Empire, Imperial City.

In the retro-decorated room, the black-haired girl looked at the snowy scene outside the window, her amethyst pupils seemed to freeze silently, and behind her, a brown-haired maid was bowing her head, Quietly reported the information collected today.

The head maid, Audrey, is Lillian's most trusted and capable officer, and she is also a maid who has been with the girl since childhood. During her absence in the empire, Lillian has been a confidant to help her handle various affairs and run the forces that support the princess.

The personal maids of the upper-level nobles are not a position that everyone is capable of, but are often held by the female relatives of the lower-level nobles. This is the tradition of the empire, and the personal maids of the royal family members are even more carefully selected. Lilian is a talented person. The noble princess, her maid Audrey came from the count's family, so although she is a maid, her status is not low, and she is quite talented.

However, it was such a head maid who was inseparable most of the time before Lillian went to school. She was calm and decisive in her work, and she was quite a master maid. At this time, looking at the girl's back, her eyes revealed a little worried color, and she was quite puzzled at the same time. , The reason is also very simple, that is, today's report has been completed for more than ten minutes, but Lilian has not issued any orders.

As a personal maid, Audrey is familiar with almost everything about Lillian, and she has a deep understanding of the wisdom of girls far beyond ordinary people. Normally, let alone waiting, Lillian's speed in handling various affairs is not even Audrey's. Lily can keep up, even if she encounters a problem that needs to be considered in detail, Lilian will not take more than five minutes to make a decision.

Five minutes, no matter whether it is to make a decision directly or temporarily put aside the collection of information, Lillian will clearly inform Audrey, but ten minutes have passed today, but the girl is still motionless, and the strangest thing is that the shrewd and capable head maid has an intuition. It was felt that Her Royal Highness did not seem to be thinking about her words.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened several times since the girl returned last winter. The most common manifestation is that Lillian is standing by the window and looking out, as if thinking and reminiscing about something.

Since the girl's expression did not change at all, it was difficult for outsiders to see what Lilian was thinking, and Audrey didn't dare to disturb it easily, but this time, the head maid inexplicably saw from the girl's figure.

I can see the feeling of missing someone.

and many more! A girl of this age misses other people or something, could it be, Your Highness!

No no, not possible.

After a short period of suspicion, Audrey hurriedly deleted the disrespectful thoughts from her mind. For the time being, let’s not mention whether Lilian has such feelings in her heart. Audrey simply doesn’t believe that there are people in the world who are worthy of her Royal Highness. .

"Your Highness, do you have any orders?"


After waiting for another five minutes, Audrey, who was really helpless, finally couldn't help but ask questions, and when she heard the maid's question, the black-haired girl showed an appearance of just returning to her senses, her purple pupils shrank slightly, and her line of sight was reduced. Also turned back inside.

"Sorry, Audrey, I just lost my mind about other things, can you say it again?"

"Of course, then, let's start with the Duchy of Caesar..."

The conscientious lady maid did not hesitate. After receiving the order, she immediately reported everything again. After listening to the report, Lilian also responded one by one. At the same time, she couldn't help but think back to the day of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Game of Emperor Lucas.

On the day of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the separate summons of Emperor Lucas, Lilian tried her best to hide her close relationship with Roja. Although the girl's response was appropriate in the face of various problems, Lucas didn't seem to take it lightly. Let go of the doubts, and instead plan to let Lilian go to the East, completely cutting off the possibility of two people meeting.

According to His Majesty the Emperor, this was Roja's response after he became famous. After winning the Challenger Cup, even Lillian couldn't have no contact with each other in the academy. In order to avoid embarrassment for the girl, he simply stayed away.

Lilian naturally couldn't question Lucas's statement, and from an attitude point of view, His Majesty the Emperor did not intend to seek her opinion. As for the reason for prohibiting contact with this order, he also did not intend to explain it. As a result, Lillian obviously couldn't accept it anyway.

Going to the far east to guard against aliens is almost an exile for those who have always been at the core of the empire, but Lilian doesn't care about it in the context of jihad, but she can't meet the people she loves anymore. , the only thing that Lillian could not bear no matter what.

"...Father, I have only the last year of my study life at St. Freya College. Can I go to the East Territory so that I can complete it in the form of a mission outside the school? In this case, it can be done. If you stay away from that person, you can reap the fruits of the past three years."


Under great pressure, Lilian said such a sentence, Lucas was silent for a long time after hearing the words before agreeing, and then ended the summoning.

After this incident, all kinds of news came one after another, but I don't know if it was the last paragraph that made Lucas aware of something. Among the many news, it was not beneficial to Lillian, but was suppressed in disguised form.

The Duchy of Caesar is currently in a military dispute with the Church against Eric's coalition. This incident is obviously a military act instructed by the empire's high-level officials, in order to expand the situation and allow the Austin Empire to have the opportunity to intervene, thereby attacking the Church. The power of the country prepares to seize the leadership of the jihad that will follow.

Seize the status of the leader of mankind and re-erect the banner of human orthodoxy in the Austin Empire. If it succeeds, the Austin Empire will hopefully return to the glory of a thousand years ago. If it succeeds, this will be the first step of the plan to lead the situation after the situation expands. Royals whose imperial armies go to war with the priesthood will receive unprecedented honors.

However, the candidate who was waiting for the war was tentatively designated as the first prince Lucis Aqiman.

One is the prince who is about to embark on the glorious road to revival, and the other is the princess who has been transferred to the distant frontier at this critical moment. Lucas's different arrangements for the two children immediately attracted everyone's attention, and in fact Since this decision was made, some nobles who were originally inclined towards Lillian have also become detached.

The situation seems to be unfavorable to the girl before, which is why Audrey has worked so hard in the past few days. However, what makes the maid strange is that her Royal Highness does not seem to care about this, and does not even have any counterattack.

"His Royal Highness, are we really doing nothing? Now we still have the advantage. As long as we unite with the second prince, it may not be impossible for His Majesty to change his decision."

The brown-haired lady maid said this with a slight urgency on her face. The combination of the first prince and the honor that may create an era is too dangerous. Compared with the second prince, Aubrey is stronger. Audrey was surprised that the princess who heard her words shook her head lightly.

"No, we don't have to do anything."

The black-haired princess said so, stretched out her hand to caress the document on the table, pointed her fingertips on the familiar surname, and gently caressed it like a gentle caress. After a long time, Lilian said calmly:

"Because of the results of this plan, there is only one way to go."

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