Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 447 The Forgotten Legend (3k)

The plan of the Austen Empire would not be successful. When the idea was spoken, the brown-haired head maid showed a surprised expression, and the black-haired girl also consciously stopped the movement of her hand.

"His Royal Highness...Although I have no intention to refute you, the current situation of the Church does not seem optimistic."

After thinking about it for a long time, the brown-haired maid hesitated to remind her again and again. She clenched her hand holding the document slightly, and organized the language and said again:

"After the incident in the Eastern Border, the turmoil in the church seems to be more serious than expected. According to our investigation, it seems that currently only the Marquis of Akate, among the five nobles, is fully supporting the royal family. The other three are not active. Bafa It seems that the Marquis of Si and the Duke of Lussen have only supported a small number of troops, and the Marquis of West is slightly better, but it is also less than 10,000."

"Although the so-called coalition army has performed well so far, most of it is due to the proper command of the Marquis of Arcatel. Once the war situation turns unfavorable, this unstable coalition army is likely to turn into a rabble, and... the opponent is The Duchy of Caesar."

The brown-haired head maid said this with a worried look on her face. She didn't expect that she would have a day to worry about the troops of other countries. Beside her, the black-haired girl's expression changed slightly when she heard the last words of her confidant.

The Duchy of Caesar, this place name has some unique meanings, and it does have an unusual position in the Austin Empire, but after thinking it over and over again, Lilian did not change her mind.

"The Caesar family is indeed strong and full of variables. As the original executor of this plan, the Duke of Berkeley was probably promised a lot of benefits, but even so, his attitude towards this war is different."

"Replacing the Holy State of St. Meister as the leader of the Shia human beings, and making the Austin Empire the only empire of mankind again, this seems to be a brilliant and great goal, and everyone will work hard for it, but what is the truth? Woolen cloth?"

Lillian calmly questioned, her purple eyes filled with coldness, and by her side, Audrey fell silent for a while. As the daughter of an earl and a member of the aristocracy, Audrey naturally Know the meaning of his Highness.

Reshaping the glory of the Austin Empire, although this is a good thing that the entire country can benefit from, but the benefits are also divided into layers. The commoners may just have more resources at their disposal, become richer, and the nobles are better off , the territory will be more open, and the status will be improved, but in this, the benefit of the royal family is qualitative change.

In the ancient Austin Empire, the Aqiman royal family, as the administrator of the entire human race, was almost infinitely close to the gods. If we return to that period, the power of the royal family will expand rapidly, completely throwing off the great dukes, the nobles and the royal family. The balance will be completely out of balance.

The Caesar family sent troops this time, it should have obtained the huge benefits promised by the emperor, but even so, the sending of troops is divided into degrees. It would be good if the victory was easy. Do your best for the Aqiman family.

Audrey, who had figured this out, looked a lot better. After all, in her opinion, as long as the first prince Lucis could be frustrated, the result would be good, but the optimistic head maid didn't notice, the black hair The girl did not come to any conclusion after questioning, and the reason was that Lilian thought of a person.

It was Lillian's judgment that the Nishizawa family would not go all out on the premise of paying a huge price to win, but in fact the family had another method that was almost certain to win.

The Caesar family's position in the Austin Empire is very special, not only because of the power of the family, but also because of the existence of a person. If this person does not take action, it will be fine, once he takes action...

Thinking about this extremely low probability event, Lilian frowned slightly. She stood up and walked to the window again, looking at the wind and snow outside the window, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"No, it's impossible..."

In soft whispers, Lilian recalled her appearance as a boy, and couldn't help but pray silently in her heart.

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In a distant foreign country, the black-haired girl stroked the name on the table with her hands, and her thoughts were flying, while under the candlestick on the other side, Roja looked at the information in her hand and thought silently about many complicated affairs.

It has been nearly a week since he left the Holy City. After Duke Caesar's family clearly crossed the border, the intelligence network of the teaching nation began to circulate a large amount of relevant information, and as more and more information was in hand, Roja also became aware of his opponents. With some specific understanding.

In general, the Caesar family doesn't seem to be doing well.

As we all know, in the Austin Empire, most of the great nobles have a long history, and they are basically inherited from the ancient families of the second era, and Duke Caesar is naturally one of the several great dukes. It can be traced back to the second Ruville Caesar, the famous general of the ancient Austin Empire, can be said to be a well-known figure.

The ancestors of famous generals, the descendants are basically the military mouths, and the fact that the sons inherit the father's business is almost a common phenomenon in aristocratic families, and the same is true for the Nishizawa family. One of the big families, it is also the elder family who founded the current Austin Empire.

It's just that different from the other big families, the Caesar family has not been involved in the power struggle for thousands of years since then, but the army has developed very carefully. It can almost be said to be the most powerful noble in the Austin Empire. It is because of this that Emperor Lucas will give them the task of guiding them at the beginning.

I have to say, looking at the information of the Caesar family, Roja can be said to be full of sense of disobedience, quite a bit like reading the history of the Akart family. In fact, many parts of the two families are indeed very similar, which makes the teenager Be wary.

It is not a noble soldier of a cat and a dog, and now it should be a good fighting division at the border of the country. This is the common judgment of Roja and the front-line command.

Of course, if this is the case, then Roja will be vigilant, but he will not pay attention to it, which makes him feel that something is wrong. It is another piece of information that is quite legendary.

Although the Caesar family is a big family, it is like the ebb and flow of the tide. It is not that there is no decline. About 400 years ago, the Caesar family actually encountered a crisis and was suppressed, and the one who led them out of the crisis was a A young man named Layton Caesar, it is said that he was a famous juvenile genius in the mainland at that time.

Under the leadership of such a genius, the Caesar family revived little by little, and Layton Caesar's strength continued to improve, eventually reaching the highest human level of Source Level 1, becoming the strongest in the Austin Empire. the extraordinary.

But what makes people puzzling is that after being promoted to Source Level 1 and serving as the patriarch to lead the family for more than a hundred years, Layton did not serve as the leader of mankind like Antonio and other Source Level 1 powerhouses, but resigned. The position of the head of the family gradually faded out of people's sight.

There are different opinions on why he did this. Some people say that it is to leave a chance for his descendants. After all, if Leighton has been the duke, his descendants will not be trained. If he dies, his family will collapse. The rule is that he is tired of the intrigue of the high-level human beings, because during that period, the relationship between the Austin Empire and the church country was very tense, and there was a sense of war.

All in all, it is a fact that this source level 1, the highest human combat power, has been reclusive, and no one dares to force him to come back. Life goes on like this. The Caesar family has such an old ancestor, and naturally no one dares to provoke smooth sailing. , and as the years passed, new talents gradually began to emerge in the family.

In the world of Roja in the previous life, people joked that the memory of netizens was only seven seconds. This was the result of the explosion of information. In the world of Shia, where information is not developed, people's memory is still relatively long, but even so, after Layton went into seclusion It is also true that the influence fades little by little over the long years.

In the past two hundred years, people gradually forgot this name. The invitations of the empire no longer wrote about this legendary figure who was never present, the greetings among nobles no longer mentioned him, and the playful children in the village shouted. The name has been changed to a new hero. Except for the recitation when reading the history books, Layton Caesar seems to have no longer appeared in people's lives.

This situation has continued. The Caesar family has never held a funeral, but no one cares about Layton's life and death. However, what everyone did not expect is that the legend still has a time to wake up.

Eighty years ago, at the most difficult stage of the Fourth Alien War, when the human race was on the brink, Layton Caesar returned.

After more than 200 years, this white-haired old man crossed the vicissitudes of life and became the pillar of the human race. In front of the warriors who had long forgotten him, he silently raised his fist and smashed it to pieces. He overcomes fear and despair, shatters the inflated ambitions of alien races, and leads people in desperation to fight back against the trend and make great progress, becoming a hero again.

I have to say that when I saw this record, even if I was as calm as Roja, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of blood and emotion in my heart. Still there.

Even if it is forgotten, even if no one expects it, he still stands up when human beings face the danger of survival. This kind of spirit makes the young man move. In fact, Layton's comeback has indeed greatly changed the situation of the battle, boosted morale, and will Humanity pulled back again from the edge of the cliff.

After the end of the Alien War, Layton already has the title of God of War, and has a high reputation in both the Human Union Army and the Austin Empire. However, it is surprising that after the crisis, Layton chose again. In seclusion, faded out of people's sight.

Naturally, no one can object to the old man's decision, but this time people did not forget him, but wrote a book and erected a statue for him, and worshipped him as a military god. This is why Roja can see so much information, but Unfortunately, this is not a good thing for Roja.

Because now he is not a friend of the Caesar family, but an enemy.

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