Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter four hundred and sixty second sister is used to bully (5k)

The master bedroom of the Cangzhi Pavilion is elegantly decorated with high taste, and it is a private space specially prepared by the academy for ring-bearers.

The so-called private space is precisely because there is no other person to call it a private space, but in fact this word is quite far away from Roja.

Looking at the girl sleeping in pajamas on the bed, Roja stood at the door for a while, not knowing what to do. Normally, Roja would go to the vacant room upstairs to avoid trouble, but after the expansion of the faction, the students living there There are too many, and being seen is likely to arouse suspicion.

Then there seems to be only one choice left, and that is to wake up Alisa and tell her to go back quickly, and by the way, seriously criticize the girl's behavior of violating her personal space at will.

"What nonsense, I've already become a ring-bearer, how can I..."

The boy who made up his mind walked to the bed, frowned and prepared to act according to the plan, but just seeing the girl's sleeping face, Roja's slight anger disappeared like ice and snow melting.

At this time, the silver-haired girl was hugging Roja's pillow in her arms, lying on her side with her back to the door. Obviously Roja had already walked in front of her, but Alyssa didn't move. Her breathing was steady, and her cherry-colored lips moved regularly. Fluttering slightly, the eyelashes like a small brush are beautiful and lovely, but there is obviously no sign of waking up.

There's no need for the silver-haired girl to pretend to be asleep, but at such a close distance, Alisa didn't notice Roja's return. This can only mean one thing, that is, the girl's condition is not good and she has accumulated a lot of fatigue.

How can it be? In the evening, Alisa's body should recover due to her blood, that is to say... Is this mental exhaustion?

Thinking of Roja's face changing for a long time, a distressed expression appeared on his face, and he sighed secretly that he was a little careless. If he thought about it carefully, it was the first time for Alisa to deal with so many people every day. Whether it was at Akater's house or The army and girls don't need to bother so much.

Coupled with the exhaustion from fighting in the secret realm and the changes in the environment, it is normal for this series of changes to cause the girl to be fatigued. When thinking of these, Roja's decision in his heart naturally changed.

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The boy sighed and walked to the other side of the bed to prepare for the night. However, just as he lay down on the bed, the vibration of the bed immediately caught Alisa's attention. The silver-haired girl finally opened her eyes slowly. The big green eyes looked at the boy with some confusion.

"...Big Brother?"

"Um, you're awake. I just came back. I didn't expect you to come. The words are different from before. Now you are also a ring-bearer. You can't be so nonsense..."

"My lord brother, hug..."


Hearing Alisa's murmur, the black-haired boy couldn't help interrupting his words of admonition. After being stunned for a few seconds, Roja took a closer look at the girl in front of him, and found that Alisa's red pupils were only half opened, still in the In half asleep and half awake.

This is, are you sleepy?

Thinking of this, Roja blinked, wondering if he should wake up the girl completely, but on the other side, Alisa couldn't wait any longer. The silver-haired girl got up and crawled on the bed for a few steps, and then directly bumped into Luo Ya. Ya's arms.

"Love, Alisa?"

"Sleep, so sleepy..."

"Sleeping is fine, but what about your dormitory? You're gone, won't it cause commotion?"

"Over there... there's Juliana..."

After the silver-haired girl finished speaking, her red eyes closed again, and she leaned into Roja's arms and fell into a deep sleep. After hearing Alisa's last name, the black-haired boy relaxed after a moment. tone.

It turns out that it was handed over to Juliana to deal with the aftermath, so there should be no problem.

Thinking of the blood race girl in Rose Dawn, Roja felt a little relieved. The dark night is not only the home field of Alisa, but also for the blood race. They who are proficient in dark spells and illusions should not show their feet.

Caressing the hair of the sleeping girl in his arms, Roja's golden pupils glowed with tenderness, his heart's desire to protect was high, and he fell asleep with Alisa.

-------------------------------------------------- ----

No, fell asleep alone.

Early the next morning, Alisa, who went to bed early, woke up first from her dream. The silver-haired girl realized her mistake before her consciousness was fully clear, and she became more and more regretful as she woke up.

After the commotion caused by the entrance exam and she became a ring-bearer, more and more people paid attention to Alyssa, and the time the girl could spend to see Roja was naturally shortened. Alyssa was very dissatisfied with this, but there was nothing she could do about it. .

Giving up on becoming a ring-bearer will lead to being inferior to several other girls in the academy. This kind of thing is unbearable for the silver-haired girl, especially for Lilian, Alisa has a strong sense of confrontation, so she fights with the shadow of the ring-keeper It took extra effort.

Last night, the silver-haired girl who managed to find Juliana to replace her in the dormitory and sneaked into Roja's room with ease, unexpectedly, she was caught in vain. While waiting, she was lured by a quilt with a youthful atmosphere. I got more and more relaxed and finally fell asleep directly.

After Roja came back, she would probably go to sleep in the guest room by herself again, Alisa regretted thinking that this rare opportunity was wasted like this, but she noticed the warmth around her before she opened her eyes.

"Wait, this is... my brother?"

The muttering girl slowly opened her red pupils, and was shocked when she saw Roja hugging her to sleep, but unfortunately the sudden surprise was not restrained by the girl, causing the leaked sound to wake her up juvenile.

Feeling the movement, Roja frowned and opened his eyes lightly. He saw the girl with a flushed face, and the boy who felt a bit strange quickly sobered up, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Good morning, Alisa, what's the matter? Look at me with such a surprised look."

"Brother, you are the master brother, you didn't go to another room this time, it scared me a little..."

"Last night, you slept very deeply. As long as you don't mess around, I'm not too lazy to change places. Besides, there are a lot of new students coming to the Cangzhi Pavilion recently. It would be bad if you were misunderstood."

"This, that's it."

The black-haired boy answered in this way, looking at the girl whose face was blushing and looking away, he didn't expect Arisa to be the type who is not very good at emergencies, and Roja, who felt the girl's shyness, was rarely interested in playing pranks, He reached out to touch Arisa's head, but was avoided.

"Huh? What's the matter? It doesn't matter if your hair gets messed up when you wake up."

"It's okay, but, that, it's not good for the heart..."

Thinking of the two girls who slept next to each other all night, the deer bumped in their hearts, and the heartbeat felt clearer than ever. The girl didn't know what to do, and hurriedly got up from Roja's arms, but Roja's pursuit It didn't stop there.

"Last night, but you hugged me first."

"Huh? Me? How is it possible..."

"It was indeed you, and you said that you have asked Juliana to deal with the aftermath, and you fell asleep in front of me, don't you remember?"


Hearing the black-haired boy faintly explain his series of arrangements, the silver-haired girl was momentarily at a loss for words. She looked down at the pajamas she had changed in advance, and her face turned redder.

After spring, Leinster, where St. Freya College is located, gradually became hotter. The two of them hugged each other for one night, which caused the girl to sweat a little, and her clothes became more transparent. Alisa might think it was nothing before, but for some reason, she feels it now. Very shameful.

"I, I'm going to take a shower."

"Huh? Didn't we stay together for a while longer? After becoming a ring-bearer, Miss Bai Qiangwei can spend a lot less time with me, right?"

"...Brother, please don't tease me like this."

Hearing Roja's teasing, Alyssa got into the quilt. It was rare that she had no power to fight back. She seemed to have returned to the state she had been in a few years ago. Feeling this long-lost cuteness, Roja couldn't help but smile. I can't help but feel better.

In the following time, Alisa and Roja took turns to wash up, and then had a rare breakfast together. The staff of the mansion who were used to Alisa's arrival didn't react at all, and Paul and Jeroke were also absent due to the recent new students. , so there are only Roja and Alyssa.

The girl's shyness has not disappeared since she got up in the morning and continued to the dining table. As for why Roja knew about it, it was mainly because of the girl's complexion.

Because of Alisa's fair complexion, her blush would be obvious, especially those small shell-like ears. Roja has always used this as a weather vane to judge some of Alisa's emotions, and it is the same now.

"Alisa, open your mouth."

", sir, didn't you say before that you won't do this in the future?"

"It's invalid, I suddenly want to feed you something, what's the matter? It's been like this for several years when I was a child, are you embarrassed now?"

"No, no."

The retorting girl blushed and held Roja's fork in her mouth, stared at Roja with red eyes, and pursed her mouth after swallowing the food, talking weakly to herself.

"...My elder brother is bullying people."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Alisa, how could I do that."

"Obviously there is..."

Looking at the smiling Roja, the silver-haired girl puffed up her face angrily, but the black-haired boy remained unmoved, enjoying the little dissatisfaction and embarrassment that Alyssa rarely had.

By the end of the whole breakfast, Alisa's face was flushed, and she left the Cang Mansion as if fleeing. With this booster, Roja continued to work with full motivation.

-------------------------------------------------- -------

After more than a week, Alisa decided on her residence, which was the white building complex closest to Luo Yacang's Pavilion among the existing options, not far from the lake and the beach, which was different from the deep mountain Roya chose. One of the most popular places among students in St. Freya College.

Roja did not interfere with Alisa's choices at all, but the outside world expressed understanding. After all, the relationship between the two is well known now, but unlike outsiders who think it is easy to communicate, Alisa's real purpose It shortens the distance traveled at night.

But to put it this way, ever since the girl was discovered by Roja when she was shy and chased after her, Alisa would turn red when she saw Roja, so she didn't come rashly for many days.

I feel a little sorry for the boy, but it doesn't matter

See, you can only devote most of your energy to tasks and studies.

The collection of materials in the library was in full swing every day, and the Tucker Fortress Rescue Conference was held several times in the following month, but there was very little substantial progress, although Roja and other archaeologists proved [6 Calamity] exists, but there is no evidence as to whether it is related to Fort Tucker, and most importantly, there is no solution.

According to Roja's speculation, [Six Calamities] should be able to be killed, just like his ancestor Vincent did, but whether the people in Fortress Tucker will come back after killing is a question. Questions that can be answered, and more importantly, no trace of [Hidden Fog] can be found.

In this regard, Roja and the archaeologists can only continue to search for historical materials, trying to find some clues from past experience, and in order to speed up the efficiency, Roja also recruited a large number of people.

Because this is a big issue related to the entire Dawn of Rose, so whether it is Golden Rose, Red Rose or Roja's own faction, they have sent a large number of people. These students are the first process, screening out the materials with relevant records, The second step will be taken over by Geert, who is more familiar with foreign languages, for further analysis, and finally handed over to Roja.

What the black-haired boy needs to solve is the issue of authenticity, which is real and which is fake, and which are recorded separately, and the useful information is sorted out one by one.

Undoubtedly, this is a boring and boring job in people's eyes, but its significance is very important, even related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people. Roja especially emphasized this point when he was looking for someone, so the students who participated were relatively Serious and responsible, under this kind of unity and cooperation, after nearly a month of hard work, Roja and others finally found some suspicious clues.

The traces of [Six Disasters], even if this kind of content is not mentioned many times in many ancient books, and most of them are groundless guesses, but one of these books has attracted Roja's attention.

It was an ancient book collected by the ancient Austin Empire in the second era. The author is unknown because it is only a fragmented page, but it does contain the content about [Six Disasters] and the Mother God, and it is related to what Roja knows relatively consistent.

This book puts forward a point of view, that is, although the awakening of [Six Calamities] is related to the Mother God, there are other reasons besides this, such as celestial phenomena and a certain cycle. After analyzing this point of view, Roja thinks It is very possible, and the reason is very simple.

Even now in the third era, the Mother Goddess is still in a dormant state. She may wake up for a while, but it is definitely not long. If the [Six Disasters] are active with this time, I am afraid that they will go away until the extinction of human beings. Not within a hundred miles.

Something else must have been a sign of their activity as well, and in this ancient book it is the moon's changes.

The moon has been considered as a symbol of women since ancient times, and it is also a symbol of mystery. Many of Shia's blood and spells are inseparable from the cooperation of the moon. It can be said that a moon determines half of the sky, and the moon in Shia's world Color does not play cards according to common sense, and often has many different tricks.

For example, the double-moon scene that appears once every ten years is the most common strange celestial phenomenon. Many countries even set up festivals for it. During this period, there are many other environmental factors that change with the moon, such as the density of magic element. wait.

Research on the moon has always attracted many scholars, but so far there is no proven theory, which belongs to the mysterious and unknown field, and once there is a change, it will affect all corners of the world, which is why Roja thinks it is very possible Become a signal for the activation of [Six Disasters].

But the problem is that the ancient book that Roja found only pointed in one direction after all, and there was no detailed search method. The meeting like a debate was full of loopholes.

Of course, as important information, Roja asked Gert to use the source quality to trace it, but what this strong man saw was of little value. It must have been read by someone hundreds of years ago. But unlike Roja, because he didn't know much about [Six Disasters], the reader hundreds of years ago quickly lost interest in this incomprehensible book.

After going around and around, Roja still failed to find conclusive evidence, but as the investigation progressed, more and more records about those ancient monsters were found, and in the Royal Library in the holy capital of the Holy Kingdom, the Holy See led Similar operations are also in progress. So far, two of the world's three major libraries have launched operations, and only the Austin Empire has not moved.

Roja is not surprised at this point. Anyway, it is normal for Austin to oppose whatever the Holy See wants to do. Originally, Roja wanted to contact Lilian and find another reason to search the information in the Millennium Glory Library, but After careful consideration, I feel that it is not appropriate.

Lilian's current situation in the country is not good, Roja doesn't want to cause her trouble, but on the other hand, I don't know if it is the illusion of a teenager, he always feels that Lilian is avoiding him recently.

But no matter, the scale of the investigation and search is already very large, which can be said to be rare in a hundred years. It may only be a matter of time before other important clues are discovered. However, when everything is going smoothly, a piece of news that shakes the entire human world follows. The emergency contact from the Eastern Territory was sent back, casting a layer of uneasiness and fear on the world.

The alien invasion has begun.

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