Alien invasion, this is a word that no one wants to mention, and no one likes it.

A short word is far more heavy than expected for Shia's human beings. Several wars over the millennium and countless national destruction and family destruction have left vivid memories in the human community, and have also brought Huge psychological trauma.

Whether they are in the Church State or the Austin Empire, all the people will tell their children about the horrible past. The invasion of aliens is like the most widely spread horror legend. During that time, people's lives disappeared. The sky, but for the extraordinary, it is a certain degree of disaster.

An atmosphere of panic quickly swept across the human world as the news spread, and people in different places reacted differently. In some countries, huge riots occurred, and in some countries, stability was quickly restored under the management of the rulers. In St. Freya College, a silent sense of tension quietly began to spread among the students.

The Land of Scholars is the training center for supernatural beings in Shia. The students in Leinster, as reserve soldiers, know more information than other places. , many people are still unacceptable.

Alien invasion is the worst era for most theorists and researchers. In this era, all resources must serve the safety of the race, and they are thrown into war. For students, it is involuntary. In this era, one's own destiny cannot be grasped, and one's life is likely to be easily ruined by another person's decision.

Of course, in the eyes of careerists, this is also an era of crisis and challenges. Under the test of war and the test of life and death, the old system is likely to collapse, and new forces may also rise. , all have opportunities.

Roja is not a careerist, and he doesn't think that the racial disaster of alien war is an opportunity, but it is inevitable that the life of the teenager has also been greatly affected. The missions of the army began to appear in large numbers, and the members of Rose Dawn had to go out to complete various missions.

Naturally, the black-haired boy has no objection to this point, not only because it is related to the credits of the Knights of the Kingdom and others, but more importantly, the commissions of these combined forces belong to the military, and every task completed is a contribution to the front line. a kind of support.

As the president of Rose Dawn, Roja can be said to be completely busy because of this, and after the selection of teenagers, the students of the country of knights have also obtained the tasks assigned to them, but they are the same as others because of sudden practice. Unlike the second-year students who couldn't adapt to the time, Geert and others completed the tasks with ease.

One of the reasons for this is naturally that the transfer students from the Kingdom of Knights are more powerful, but what is more important is the role played by Roja. The tasks that the black-haired boy arranged for everyone are suitable for their strength and specialties, and It will continue to adjust over time, which is the most important reason.


Of course, not only the members of the Rose Council, the Blue Rose faction also gained a lot under the assignment of Roja. Paul, Jerlock, Britney and others have successively completed tasks such as exploring the secret realm and sweeping the forest, and achieved good results , The strength has also made great progress.

Witnessing the rapid growth in strength of Paul and others, Roja had to lament the huge potential of the protagonist group in the original work, but he was not too surprised, because the young man discovered that it was not just Paul and others, but everyone from the kingdom of knights to the sky. Almost all the faction members of the pavilion and the people around Roja are making rapid progress, and scholars have also explained this.

According to research, every time aliens invade, Shia's magic essence level will increase to a certain extent, and this time it seems that the effect of the short awakening of the mother goddess will be added. The magic element in him seems to have reached several times that of peacetime, and it has also risen to the highest point in the millennium.

The emergence of superhumans, in the final analysis, is the alienation of the body produced by the magic element, just like cause and effect. When the level of magic essence increases, the strength of human superhumans will almost passively improve. premise.

Regarding this point, Roja himself also has a deep feeling about this point. Since he has read a lot of ancient books recently, with the cooperation of the right time and place, Roja has made great progress. Under the general environment, some people's growth rate is far beyond others' expectations.

That's right, it was the girls who could be called the chosen ones headed by Lilian and others.

During this period of time, Lilian and Roja have hardly met each other, so the black-haired boy is not clear about the specific situation, but there are indeed rumors in the academy that the girl has broken through to source level 2, and most of the students are shocked by this point After all, even in St. Freya College, there are only a handful of people in the history who can break through the source level 3 and advance to the source level 2 in the fourth grade.

Of course, neither Lilian herself nor the Purple Rose faction has acknowledged this rumor yet, but as a person who has the same bloodline as the girl, Roja has no doubts about it, because no one knows Lilian's truth better than Roja. Gifted.

Lilian is using the [Kingdom] of the Aqiman family. This genius who has reached the pinnacle of her peers with the source quality of the king's blood is much lower than the [Crown], and even comprehended the source quality of the [Kingdom]. Profound meaning [Ten Cities].

Her talent is also rare in the history of the king-chosen family. If the source quality is correct, I am afraid that even Roja will not be her opponent. Roja is not surprised at the promotion of this kind of son of heaven, but Lilian's recent Staying away was also understood by the teenager as an act he had to do in order to concentrate on breaking through.

Lilian's news did not bring Roja much shake and surprise.

Surprised, but the black-haired boy was not completely calm. For example, Alisa's progress on the other side really made the boy dumbfounded. Although it was only a faint feeling, Roja always felt that the girl with silver-white hair would also be able to break through soon.

Naturally, the young man couldn't express this feeling, but he felt mixed feelings in his heart. After all, even Roja himself had just broken through, and excluding the self-esteem of being an elder, Alisa's progress speed is indeed too abnormal , no matter how minors have the hope of breaking through to source level 3, this is a bit too dreamy.

"Alisa, do you feel that your strength has improved too fast, and your strength is not well controlled?"

"No, I don't feel that way, what's wrong?"

"...It's nothing, just nothing."

Facing Alisa's answer, Roja didn't know what to say. He could only shake his head and bring up the topic after staring at the girl in silence for a while. After all, as the initiator of everything, the boy has the last right to ask others to slow down their progress.

The original "Eye of the Recorder" did not have such a plot of the world's magic element concentration rising, which means that this unprecedented magic element frenzy is caused by the butterfly effect caused by Roja's awakening of the blood. It is inseparable from attracting the attention of the mother god, so it can be said that the rocket of Arisa was ignited by Roja himself.

If it's not a troubled time, Roja might really ask the girl to postpone the progress, but in the context of the alien war, the boy has another worry, hoping that Alyssa will become stronger as soon as possible.

In this situation of mixed worry and joy, the strength of Roja and others began to make a further leap by riding the historical wave of the increase in the concentration of magic essence. Following this general trend, the students in St. Freya College also began to Everyone knows that this period of time may be the best opportunity for them to set foot on the battlefield.

In this tense and time-consuming practice, Roja continued to collect data while managing Rose Dawn and the Blue Faction, and hoped to find clues to [Six Disasters] while further strengthening, but he did not expect that Unfortunately, a sudden news and the ensuing tasks broke the peace of the meeting.


"Mr. Roa Arkart, what do you think of this document?"

"Sorry, after careful study, I don't think it has anything to do with the disappearance of Fort Tucker."

"So that's the case, why?"

"According to the situation at the Tucker Fortress, it can be inferred that the characteristic of [Hidden Fog] should be to swallow space. In that case, there should be no traces of the original place. However, according to the content written in this document, it is obviously not so......"

In the conference room, the black-haired boy read the letter from the front and analyzed it rationally. His expression was calm and his tone was calm. However, at this time, the black-haired boy had already had some bad premonitions in his heart.

This morning, an urgent news from the front line appeared in front of the members of the Fort Tucker Incident Seminar like a bolt from the blue, that is, there were cases of group disappearances in some areas of the front line again.

When they heard the news, the seminar members were extremely excited and angry, feeling that they had finally caught the enemy's tail. Even Roja reflexively thought that [Hidden Fog] had appeared again, but with the detailed information and some After the details were disclosed, the black-haired boy found that this was not the case.

The disappearance occurred in a town near the east border of the Austin Empire. As a small town on the border, the whole town was not big and was originally in a semi-abandoned state, but because it was close to the marching route to the east border, it was Temporary requisition by the military.

After the Tucker Fortress incident, all countries increased their troops to the east, and this town became a place similar to a transit point. However, a group of Austin Empire troops passed by here recently but failed to find the location of the town. The lost officer went back the same way and hired a local guide to set off for the second time. As a result, the location was indeed there, but there was no shadow of the town.

That's right, this small town named Bray just disappeared, together with the townspeople and the garrisoned army. The only thing people can find on this land are some traces of buildings that are not much left on the ground. .

The same large-scale disappearance, the same silence, and the same army, so many similarities make it difficult not to think of the Tucker Fortress incident, so the frontline headquarters immediately sent these materials to the responsible The Country of Scholars asked for immediate action, but after careful research, Roja felt that this was not the work of [Six Disasters].

First of all, the most important point is that although the incident occurred in a mountainous area, there was no abnormality in the fog, and no one witnessed a terrible fog monster, and there was no restlessness or migration of animals. Secondly, the ground level of the incident occurred There are traces of human life, which is contrary to the ability of [Hidden Mist].

As a monster that devours everything, what [Hidden Fog] has done is to erase all traces of civilization, and it is impossible to leave any redundant things, and it is not right in terms of conditions. Roja's sleep quality during this time is not bad , obviously did not feel the breath of the mother god, and from the perspective of the sky, the area where the incident occurred is no different from other places.

And most importantly, this town doesn't seem to have that much value as a target.

"The entire Bray Town and its residents together are less than a thousand people. No matter in terms of number or strength, they are far from Tucker Fortress. [Six Disasters] are civilization killers. There is absolutely no need to attack this kind of people deliberately." Borderlands."


The black-haired boy basically denied the possibility that the two disappearances were related based on the available information, but many scholars present did not care about what he said, and began to raise objections one by one.

"Although the two incidents are indeed different in subtle ways, they are probably of the same nature overall."

"Originally, there was a dispute that the Tucker Fortress incident was caused by those legendary monsters. Naturally, it will not matter if it is used as a judgment standard."

"We have no other clues now, and this is the request of the joint army ahead..."

At the meeting, several representatives refuted Roja's point of view one by one, and finally established the decision to release the investigation mission in ignorance of the boy's objection. However, hearing this, the black-haired boy's face sank, because he had experienced conspiracy for many years. The unique sense of smell is telling Roja that everything seems to be not simple.

It has been several months since the symposium was held, but no rescue plan has been formulated. There is an impetuous atmosphere among experts and scholars on this point. There must be a monster if there is an abnormality. The details of this incident made Roja feel like it was bait.

After all, these extraordinary people in Leinster have been pampered for too long, and they have long lost their sense of danger. In their eagerness for success, they finally passed the decision to send an investigation team, but for Roja, this is a huge one. trouble.

Most of the students who are capable of carrying out this task are members of Rose Dawn or Roja's friends, and the boy who was in charge of assigning the task naturally couldn't easily send someone to such a suspicious task.

The decision made at the meeting was difficult to overthrow. In desperation, Roja could only visit Lilian. He wanted to discuss using the authority of the Rose Council to ban the recruitment of this task in St. Freya College. However, after hearing the boy's thoughts, The black-haired girl thought for a long time but denied it.

"I know that you want to cancel this mission because you don't want the students in this school to take risks, but in fact, the effect of doing so will not be good, and you may even be suspected of intentionally blocking the investigation."

"...Indeed, it seems that I can only go there myself."

The black-haired boy let out a helpless sigh after thinking for a long time. Facing such a potentially dangerous task, there are actually only two choices, either not contacting at all, or trying to solve it with all his strength. Now Roja is undoubtedly doing it for more people I chose the latter for my safety.

And on the other hand, although the possibility is extremely small, if this matter is really related to [Six Disasters], then the existence of Roja is necessary, and only the ability of a young man can make [Hidden Mist] feel worried , dare not act arbitrarily.

Roja spoke out his thoughts, but was opposed by Lilian. The black-haired girl insisted that she didn't want Roja to take risks, and proposed an alternative plan.

"Let me go, I have recently been promoted to source level 2, and I can just take this opportunity to try my skills."

"Senior sister, what are you talking about? This is my business, and there is danger..."

Roja frowned when he heard Lilian's words, and immediately denied it. Just like Lilian's thoughts, Roja also attached great importance to the only "sister" with the same blood as himself in this world, and he firmly didn't want the girl to participate in this mission with a bad taste. Lilian also smiled when she heard Roja's answer, but she didn't speak.

The black-haired girl just looked at Roja silently, as if she wanted to imprint the whole figure of the boy in her mind. This abnormal behavior naturally attracted Roja's attention. Looking at Lilian, the boy felt inexplicable. A sense of illusion, as if the almost omnipotent senior in front of him would disappear at any time.

"Sister, you..."

"...Roja, I have something to tell you."

After a long silence, Lilian gently parted her vermilion lips and said this, causing the black-haired boy to sit up straight. After thinking for a while, the girl said softly:

"I'm afraid our matter has been noticed by the Austin Empire."

"Huh? You mean..."

"It was me who showed my feet in front of Lucas. It has nothing to do with you. He is just suspicious for the time being, but he doesn't know the specific situation. But as a result, I must go to the front line according to his order."

Lilian said so in a somewhat difficult voice, forced to show a reluctant smile, her amethyst-like pupils looked at Roja with unspeakable reluctance and a touch of sadness, and said softly:

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to meet again in the future."

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