Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 464 It's good not to be born (5k)

In the room, the black-haired boy looked at the girl who was holding a smile in front of him, his golden pupils slowly widened, and he fell into silence for a while.

Lilian's situation is not as good as in the original work. This is a fact that Roja has already known, but the teenager never thought about it, because the close relationship between the two people exposed this, and even it was only in the stage of suspicion, it would cause such a situation to the girl. negative effect.

Going to the frontline during the xenophobic war can be quite a severe punishment, especially at this point in time.

In the early stage of the war, neither the enemy nor the enemy knew much about each other, so there would naturally be a certain degree of defense failure. In fact, according to historical records, this period is the most likely period of accidents. Most of the deaths occurred during this time and the danger was quite high.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you until now, but this is really my mistake. It has nothing to do with you, Roja, and you don't need to blame yourself."


"Originally, the area where the two of us are located is too far away. Originally, I thought that only the academy must be cherished for the past two years, but it was screwed up because of negligence..."


Looking at Lilian's face with a sad smile, listening to the words of self-reproach, the black-haired boy could not help clenching his fists, and his heart was uncontrollably burning with anger, but what was different from usual is that now the boy's heart Part of the anger is at oneself.

Due to the black-haired girl's intelligent mind, reliable character, and the level that has always surpassed Roja, the teenager rarely worries about Lillian, and even subconsciously relies on her, and her care is far from enough. If you think about it carefully, Roja has come to see Lillian for help since they met.

Whether it was Noelle or Charlotte, they were both protected by the youth who fought with their lives, but only Lillian was different. Even in that dangerous historical segment, it was Lillian herself who suffered the most.

However, even so, the girl never complained to Roja. She treated the boy as if she cherished the most precious treasure, worked hard to do everything like a real sister, and took a huge risk to accept him. , take care of him, and even make his own situation worse.

It was unacceptable for Roja to put Lilian in a difficult situation because of her own reasons. On the other hand, Roja hated the person who forced the girl to such a situation.

Lucas Archiman, no matter what the reason for the emperor of the Austin Empire, his act of disregarding Lilian's wishes and safety deeply angered Roja and made it difficult for the boy to let go.

It has to be said that no matter from which point of view, Lucas, the emperor of the Austin Empire, is not an enemy, and the huge resources under his control are not at all that Roja can fight against at this stage, but if it is for the sake of Lillian, such a young man would rather give up a peaceful life and do something that he would never have done in the past.

Roja, who was thinking silently, looked dignified, but seemed to have noticed the boy's thoughts. Lillian's purple pupils shrank slightly and then stood up, walked to Roja's face, and leaned down gently to hug the boy. A gentle smile appeared on his cheeks.

"Are you actually showing such a serious expression, are you thinking about what to do for my sister?"


Hearing Lillian's question, the black-haired boy fell silent for a while, and seeing such a young man, Lillian's eyes became more gentle, she gently stroked Roja's cheek, squinting her eyes full of joy 's soft voice:

"To be honest, I'm really happy for you to think like this, but what I have to tell you is that my only wish is for you to live in a safe and healthy life in the troubled world in the future, and I have nothing else to do. He begged."


"And just based on the current situation, it is far from a pessimistic level. Although I said that it may be difficult for us to meet in the future, it is not forever. Even if Lucas is hindered, there will be limits."

"You mean..."

Touching the black-haired boy's hair, Her Royal Highness with purple eyes narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a slightly serious face:

"Time, this is what we need most at the moment. As long as you give me time to grow up, no matter what the obstacle is, my sister will definitely break down and come back to you again, I promise."


The words like an oath echoed in his ears, causing the black-haired boy to open his eyes slightly and staring at the tender and sweet girl in front of him. He held Lillian in his arms.

Facing Roja's sudden action, Her Royal Highness was a little surprised, but after only a moment of stiffness, the girl responded. The two hugged each other for a long time, and they were immersed in this deep affection mixed with various emotions. .

"...I seem to understand why senpai wasn't born in the Akat family."


"If I was born in the Akart family, if I met you when I was young, I would definitely become a crippled person who depends on you for everything."

"Hehe, although I really want you to rely on me like that, but... even if I were born in Akate's house to be your sister, you wouldn't be that kind of person."


Hearing Lillian's comment, the black-haired boy turned his head slightly in confusion, the girl rubbed the boy's cheek lightly upon hearing this, recalling the scenes they had experienced together and said:

"Because you are such a person. If you can abandon all responsibilities, it must be much easier to live than now. It is because you can't make that choice, so you are you."


"Also, although the option of growing up with you is my dream, but I am very grateful for the different blood ties. After all...some things, real siblings have limitations."


The black-haired girl blushed and whispered softly, so that Roja couldn't help shaking her body when she heard this, but before the boy could react, Lilian had already stood up.

"So, leave this task to me. I want to do something for you before I leave. Promise me, okay?"

"Huh? Uh, um, I get it."

Facing Lilian's question, which was obviously a change of topic, the black-haired boy didn't react for a while. He raised his head to meet the girl's purple pupils, and suddenly found that Lilian's face was also slightly red at this time.

Senpai, are you shy?

Under the rare embarrassment of the frosty princess, Roja's eyes widened, his psychological defenses collapsed, and he could only agree to the girl's request in a panic, and after agreeing, Lilian seemed to be unable to bear it. Intense shyness ended this secret meeting with Roja in a hurry.

-------------------------------------------------- ------

After walking out of the black-toned Linglong Pavilion, the black-haired boy calmed down slightly under the breeze, and as the temperature of his mind dropped, Roja gradually understood Lilian's strategy.

"I said that on purpose because I wanted to agree to hand over the task in a panic, but after I said it, I was shy or something..."

Doesn't this mean that there are some real thoughts in the words?

"No, no, that's not the point."

The black-haired boy who was talking to himself held his forehead, took two deep breaths to calm his mind, and thought carefully about what Lilian had said before. I have to say that this time Lillian's situation was not as easy as she said. It is rare for such a girl to use some small means, but in fact Roja really did not have a way to stop Lilian.

After the mission of the Union Army was released in the academy, Lillian could accept it directly without Roja's consent, so the situation this time was actually not under the control of the young man, but Lillian hoped that Roja would be allowed to do so in this way. Stay away from this action, but for this, the girl is destined to be disappointed.

Leaving nothing else for the time being, just because Lilian was alone, Roja had to make a trip in person.

Roja has not reached the level of Alzheimer's, nor is he amnesiac, and the warning Layton said a few months ago is still echoing in his ears, especially the fact that the fallen may attack other Akart blood. Roja pays special attention.

Now that the emperor of the Austin Empire, Lucas, suspects Lilian, the girl's bloodline may have been exposed, and it is not impossible to be targeted by the fallen. On the other hand, after the completion of this task, Lilian Will go to the front line, it can be said that the time for the two to be together is running out.


Thinking that Lillian was about to go to the dangerous Eastern Territory, Roja couldn't calm down for a long time. The danger in the early days of the war is well known. It is hard to imagine that a person with normal feelings can do this. the behavior of.

Of course, the disadvantage in the early stage of the war is also accompanied by opportunities. If you can get through this period smoothly, even if it is just unknown, you will definitely be a high-level coalition army until the end of the war. This is the so-called seniority. People who have experienced the war from beginning to end There is bound to be a higher reward at the end of it all.

Lillian broke through again recently and has reached the source level 2. This kind of strength is also one of the top leaders in the combined army. As long as she can make achievements on the battlefield, the situation in the Austin Empire should also change.

Compared to the worst-case scenario, it's still too late.

Thinking of the black-haired boy here, he prayed secretly in his heart, and for the next task, Roja also began to prepare.

-------------------------------------------------- ------

In the early morning, a black-haired boy was drinking tea silently in one corner of the hall of St. Freya College's credit assignment center, while on the other side of the hall, it could be said that there was a lot of voices.

"This mission is..."

"Is it actually investigating the mystery of the disappearance of that fortress?"

"It's enough to find clues, the reward is very high."

In front of the kanban where the tasks were announced, many idle students without tasks had gathered at this time, and as people were talking, more and more people were rushing to the side after hearing the news. The same students are not surprised by this situation.

Almost as a matter of course, the investigation mission jointly signed by the Tucker Fortress Search and Rescue Committee and the Joint Army Command caused a huge sensation when it was released. Faced with this new disappearance that may be related to the mysterious Tucker Fortress incident, the students He showed strong curiosity, but there were a lot of fun, but very few really had ideas.

Curiosity killed the cat. People who have performed dangerous missions in the unknown field know this. The disappearance of more than 100,000 extraordinary people in the Tucker Fortress shocked the world.

great courage.

And on the other hand, many of the hard requirements of the task are too high for the students, the most important of which is strength, and this is the only content that Roja has modified.

As the saying goes, under the reward, there must be a brave man. This time, in order to investigate the truth of the incident, the coalition army issued a very attractive task reward. However, in fact, such a professional investigation layman is basically not helpful, but a drag. .

Now that he has decided to carry out the mission with Lillian, Roja naturally aims to complete it successfully, and to achieve this goal, a partner who acts together is essential.

With the Rose Dawn and the Blue Rose faction, Roja actually has a lot of optional targets, and after some careful consideration, Roja also has some ideas.

Considering that the incident happened in the wild, Serena is a must first. The bloodthirsty cat is not only strong, but also has high survivability in the wild. Most importantly, it has a wild intuition that belongs to the holy beast, which is very important for this dangerous trip. A survey with a relatively high coefficient is undoubtedly necessary.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Due to the bloodline of the holy beast, the girl may need to be suppressed by the bloodline from Roja, just in case she can't leave the boy too far, but originally Roja didn't mean to disperse, so this is nothing.

After Serena, Roja's second thought was Juliana. Similar to Serena's reasons, the most dangerous time period during the mission is undoubtedly the night, and the ability to arbitrarily dominate the darkness and fight at night The proliferating vampires are the best night watchmen.

Although Roja personally has less contact with Juliana, as the president of Rose Dawn, Juliana has always respected him and should not refuse this task assignment, but this matter However, it is necessary to discuss with Alyssa first, because Juliana is now not only a transfer student of the Armored Mansion, but also Alyssa's right-hand man.

"However, do you have to tell Alyssa about this? It always feels troublesome."

The black-haired boy sighed with consideration, and took a sip from the teacup.

The relationship between Alyssa and Lillian has always been tense. This is one of Roja's most troublesome problems. This time, the two of them will perform the task together, and the silver-haired girl might get emotional again.

Shaking his head and putting Alyssa's possible protests behind him, Roja thought about the candidate for the mission again, but unlike the past, this time Roja thought of a person who was not familiar but had interesting abilities. .

That is the boy who has been wrapping his eyes with black cloth, Stuart.

Stewart is the most normal person in the kingdom of knights without his appearance, but he is also the most uncharacteristic, and is often ignored by people subconsciously. In addition, his strength is not so extraordinary, so he rarely attracts the attention of others.

But in fact, this is a very good talent, a genius specializing in one aspect, yes, the secret is his eyes.

The Thousand Eyes Race, this is the name of the race to which Stewart's alien bloodline belongs. It is a very peculiar race that has been handed down from ancient times. It is said that it was transformed by Shia's tears. Its appearance is basically the same as that of human beings. In general, the eyes of the Thousand Eyes are said to have thousands of abilities.

To put it bluntly, this race should be regarded as a human with specialized eyes, so it is rarely mentioned in myths and legends. Instead, many famous pupil users in human history are their descendants, and in the long history, they are regarded as human beings. mixed up with each other.

Stewart is an atavistic bloodline, so there will be various problems with his small eyes, such as when he opens his eyes in the morning, his parents become X-ray skeletons in his eyes, and a glance at the distant mountains suddenly turns into telescope mode, and so on. The situation often happens, and as a last resort, it can only be controlled by external objects, that is, the black cloth wrapped around the eyes.

Although there are thousands of spells in theory for the eyes of the Qiantong clan, in fact, everyone will be different. Some people may only use ten kinds, and some people are talented and can awaken hundreds of spells. Sturt This is exactly the case, but unlike ordinary clansmen, he is still awakening, and the spells that can be used are still increasing, which is why it is even more difficult to control.

In terms of combat ability, Roja's specific strength after opening his eyes is not clear, but skills such as reconnaissance are enough to let him enter the team, and more importantly, as a member of Rose Dawn, he has still zero mission credits so far. The results are really bad.

After deciding the task personnel in his heart, Roja immediately launched the action. On the other hand, Lilian finally appeared in front of the public after being absent for more than a month, and publicly stated that she would participate in the investigation.

In the whole city of Leinster, scholars and experts from all walks of life are also recruiting personnel, and for a while, this task that is inherently topical has reached the point where everyone knows it, but it is worth mentioning that other people The recruitment standards are much lower than St. Freya College, and from their recruiting numbers, it seems they want to conduct a carpet search.

Roja did not express any opinion on this, and still insisted on the elite team line, but one thing made him a little big, and that was Eliza's reaction.

"My brother went out with that old woman or something, I firmly disagree."

Looking at the girl who said so with a crying voice, Roja was silent for a long time and let out a helpless sigh.

"I will accompany you on three tasks next year."

"That doesn't work either, it's the principle..."

"I won't drive you out of the room at night."

"make a deal!"


Looking at the girl who clenched her fist excitedly with tears in her eyes, Roja's face

Cheeks twitched, and after selling the future, everything was finally settled.

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