Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Four hundred and sixtieth chapters indulge the inertia (5k)

In the Cangzhi Pavilion at night, the black-haired boy looked at the silver-haired girl who was clenching his fists excitedly in front of him, and couldn't help but think of what Alyssa looked like a few minutes ago.

When Roja told the girl that he was going to go out on a mission with Lilian, the tearful Alyssa once expressed firm opposition, but within a few minutes before and after, the silver-haired girl who got her wish had already burst into tears and smiled.

Facts have proved that the law of true incense is universal in any world, and Alyssa is well versed in the art of trading.

Perhaps when I was a child, I saw Roja knocking on the bamboo poles of the Sorophia Chamber of Commerce a lot, and Alyssa also inherited Roja's characteristics in negotiation, but even if she knew that the tears of the silver-haired girl were fake, Roja didn't care. There is no way.

The girl I loved since childhood raised her eyes, her red pupils were covered with water vapor, and the appearance of tears about to fall was too good for Roja's special attack effect, and then pulled the corner of the boy's clothes and sobbed a few times and shouted "Don't go", Roja broke the defense directly on the spot.

After so many years of experience summarizing, Roja came to a conclusion that pampering has inertia, and with the increase of time, the speed will be faster and faster, and the inertia will become stronger and stronger.

Generally speaking, children will long for independence in the process of growing up, so they will give up this pampering, but Alyssa has never had this idea so far. It is better to weld the accelerator of the car in Roja's heart to make the inertia stronger. .

The black-haired teenager lamented the rarity of a coquettish child like Alyssa, but he didn't know the true thoughts in the girl's heart. Feelings have long been a mixture. The doting of the elder brother and the doting of the lover are seamlessly handed over, and the girl naturally has no discomfort.

In fact, there is no need for Roja to follow Alyssa's advice this time to investigate the new disappearance case. As a student of St. Freya College and the main witness of the previous incident, this task is almost an obligation for the teenager. It's weird to go, but it's true that the girl will be lonely because of this, and it's already a little overjoyed for Alyssa to be able to exchange so many promises.

"Brother, that woman is definitely thinking of some bad idea, you must be careful!"

"Huh? No, Lilian-senpai is not what you think..."

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"Why not? She is completely a kidnapper, and that skill must not be used any more. That old woman is a pervert who is in estrus with children. The elder brother promised me that he would never become smaller!"

"No, senpai, that's... ah, forget it."

Looking at the silver-haired girl with a serious face, Roja stopped before the words blurted out. The situation that Lilian is about to go to the front has not been announced, so what Roja can do is to suspend the spread of the news, and For Alyssa, even if it was said that Lilian Tiroya took over this mission, it would be regarded as having ulterior motives.

Thinking of the young man here, he didn't talk anymore, and he brought up the topic, and as Roja turned his attention to other aspects, Alyssa finally didn't say anything, but after the two of you chatted for a long time, The girl was suddenly silent for a moment, and then turned the topic to Roja herself.

"Brother, do you still remember what the old man of the Caesar family said?"

"Layton? Of course I remember, after all, it's a big matter related to the Akart family."

"In that case, why doesn't the elder brother stay in the academy? No matter how important it is about the Tucker Fortress, your safety comes first, right?"


Hearing Alyssa's question, the black-haired boy fell into silence for a while. As the center of the country of scholars, St. Freya College should be one of the few places where Roja can live in peace. If Everything is normal, and Roja really intends to hide and defend here for a while, waiting for the strength to improve before making plans.

But as the so-called plan can't keep up with the changes, the changes in the overall environment have made Roja unable to continue his previous thoughts, and Lillian's safety also makes him uneasy.

After thinking for a long time, the black-haired boy reached out and stroked the girl's hair, thinking for a moment:

"Alyssa, at this moment when we are talking, the soldiers on the front line may be fighting against aliens. The joint meeting is being held, and my father will be leaving for the front line soon. I really can't stand by at this time."

"Although everything I do may not change anything, I can only do nothing. I may go on adventures in the days to come, and I will make you worry as a family member. For these, I can only advance Sorry."

"No, sir, that's not what I meant..."

The silver-haired girl who heard Roja said so hurriedly shook her hand, indicating that she did not mean to blame, but facing Roja's solemn answer, Alyssa's expression became slightly heavy, and the girl understood that it was useless to talk, so she could only hold it tightly. Fist makes a wish.

"I will work hard in the future to try to help my father and elder brother as soon as possible."

"...No, you've worked hard enough, but I hope you can play steadily."

"That's fast and steady growth in strength."

"Do you want both? You are too greedy."

The black-haired boy said this while smiling and looked around, while the silver-haired girl looked back tenderly. The two of them leaned against each other, and spent the night before departure silently and cherishingly.



The following days were a bit busy for Roja. After the mission was released, various researchers, experts and scholars also launched actions one after another. The borderland of the Austin Empire near Bray Town began to become a country of scholars. A focal point, and this naturally includes Lillian's team.

Since the mission conditions of St. Freya College have been modified by Roja, there are not many participants in the student survey, and there are no outsiders, but there are many applicants from the teacher side, and most of the school figures who travel with Lilian have become famous. After a long time, the overall strength of the team members is around source level 3, which can be said to be strong.

This time, because Lilian opposed Roja's participation in the investigation, the black-haired boy did not sign up on the bright side, but decided to follow up after the team set off. In terms of process, this behavior is also more appropriate. Because of the number of people, Serena and the others, who had not reached Source Level 3 as students, were placed in the second team, and the schedule was about a day later than Lillian and the others.

The second team, to put it bluntly, is the team responsible for the response and support in the event of emergencies. Of course, it also needs to provide complete logistical support for the first team. Such an arrangement like an army is not unique to this mission, but Saint Frey Roja also agrees with the standard of Ya Academy’s outing missions.

Everyone knows that eggs are not in one basket, but very few people actually practice it seriously. However, at St. Freya College, due to the unknown dangers in the mission, the students strictly abide by this rule. It has been maintained as a school rule, and the fatality rate of expatriate assignments that occur every year is always low, almost thanks to this.

The only student who did not reach the source level 3 but was in the first team was Paul Aqiman. This is not because there is anything special about the youth, but according to the academy system, a contact person is needed between the first team and the second team. Paul As the only student in the team who had acquaintances in both teams, he was naturally arrested as a strong man.

Roja was also quite helpless about this. In fact, Paul was supposed to perform other tasks, but after hearing about Roja's plan, he decided to come and help, and by the way, spread some private news for Roja and Lilian, but I didn't expect to be selected as the contact person for direct private use.

However, it is worth mentioning that with the recent efforts, Paul's strength has reached source level 4. Although he is not really strong in the team, he is indeed not too cumbersome.

After a day of preparation, the team of Lillian and others set off first as usual, because Paul was also among them, so Roja was able to see off for this reason. In public, teenagers and girls could not actively communicate with each other, and could only communicate with others. Say goodbye with your eyes when you're not paying attention.

Paul was well aware of this, and he was covering the whole process, but this short period of time would eventually pass. After all the faculty members had arrived, the team set off and looked at Lillian's disappearing figure. After a long silence, Roja turned around and started. prepare yourself.

The members of the second team are Serena, Juliana and Stewart. Since they are only a support group in case, there are not many people, but the equipment is quite good. The most precious of them is the remote contact spell. It's quite large, and it feels like a radio station in a previous life.

Of course, in addition to the removal of various abnormal state potions, spells and healing-related spells are also essential, and food, drinking water and other materials are also well prepared. In fact, in terms of equipment alone, it is Roja. Things are more complete here.

Because the inventory of various items was too troublesome, and Serena had no patience, so the whole work continued until late at night, Roja also participated in the middle, and did not completely hand over this troublesome errand to the people in the Kingdom of Knights, after all Luo Ya This is also the first time for Ya to go out on a mission, so be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years.

Early the next morning, the second team of the investigation team officially set off. The black-haired boy did not leave in public, but followed up after an hour after Serena and the other three set off.

After entering the second-year practice period, there is no course, and Roja's departure will not be exposed in a short time. Stealth action is the premise of the boy's plan this time. If those damn fallen people really have the idea of ​​​​taking action against Lilian, then Roja will not be exposed. Will transform into a dark arrow to completely destroy the enemy, if nothing happens, then Roja will not come forward.

After this mission, Lilian will go to the front line, where the girl is basically completely safe, and Roja is no longer worried, and can let go and fight the Fallen.

The young man, who was thinking about this, looked solemn, looked at the road ahead and quickly approached the waiting three people, and officially started his first mission journey.

-------------------------------------------------- --

On the border of the Austin Empire, summer comes a little later, and it is not as hot as other places, but the corresponding temperature difference is very large, and in the camp of four people at this time, the boys and girls are surrounded by bonfires Looking at today's ingredients and looking at each other.

"Today, it's a fish."

In the silence, the black-haired boy looked at the food on the ground and said with a slight surprise in his tone, but upon hearing his words, Serena narrowed her eyes happily and commented.

"Yes, it's different from usual. I want to change some new ingredients. The nearby river is very clear, and the fish should be good too."

The excited Serena shook the tail formed by the magic power, and was restless like a greedy cat. Obviously, judging from the blood of the holy beast in Serina's body, fish is obviously her favorite food, but this This situation was a disaster for the other two in the team.

"I really don't understand, what's so delicious about this kind of thing, it doesn't even have a bit of blood, and the taste is incomparable to flesh and blood, right?"


The red-eyed vampire girl looked at the food on the ground and sighed, showing no interest in this food without blood. On the other hand, Stuart, whose eyes were wrapped in black cloth, was also slightly embarrassed, and thought for a while and said helplessly:

"I'm fine with fish, but with limited vision, the fishbone is really..."

"Huh? That kind of thing just bites into pieces."

"No, I don't have the bloodline of a holy beast. Normal humans will not bite fish when they eat..."

In the camp under the moonlight, the three nobles of the Kingdom of Knights were arguing about dinner, and looking at the three people, Roja was very calm. After all, the black-haired teenager was basically used to such a scene. .

It has been more than a month since leaving St. Freya College, and the season has also changed from early summer to midsummer. Roja and others came all the way from the country of scholars to the border of the Austin Empire, and officially started with a team. Incident investigation.

As a support team just in case, Roja and others spent most of the month in separate actions with the main team, independently conducting search and investigation, and information exchange mainly depended on regular daily contact. Paul would come over to talk about each other's progress, and the two sides would also set a location for a meeting every month.

In general, the safety and security measures are strictly followed by everyone, and there is frequent contact with each other, but according to the survey results, at least there is no progress at present, but this is also not related to the team. related to the core area.

After the disappearance of Bray Town, the scholars who came to investigate found that there was an abnormality in the magic element in a certain area nearby, and drew the core investigation area based on this. At present, Roja and others have not entered this area, and there is no investigation result. is normal.

But aside from the investigation of the incident, Roja has gained a lot on the other hand, that is, interpersonal relationships.

Although the black-haired boy was the chairman of Rose Dawn before, the people of the Kingdom of Knights also respected Roja because of his strength and good task distribution ability, but they were not familiar with each other, but now, after more than a month of getting along day and night After that, the sense of distance between Roja and these problem children has long since disappeared without knowing it, which is represented by dinner.

"What do you say you don't want to eat, this is a rare fresh ingredient. If Roja makes it, the fish will be delicious."

"So what's your opinion, President? What do you want to eat? If it's meat, I can bring some back by the way. After all, it's easier for me to move around at night."

"If that's the case, let me use my eyes to lock the prey, so it can be faster, can I use my abilities, President?"

After the usual dinner disagreement, the three problem children left the decision to Roja, which also interrupted the teenager's memories of this time. The black-haired teenager looked at Juliana and Stuart, who were about to move, and then looked at the other. Serena, who puffed up her face, could only sigh and give the order.

"Fish can't be wasted, and I also want to change the taste. It's up to me and Serena to solve this."

"On your side, Stuart will find the target first, and Juliana will be responsible for the action, but the blood must be cleaned up, otherwise it will attract monsters. If you go back and forth, one hour is enough for you? Bring some firewood by the way."

The black-haired boy gave the order, the two of the meat group cheered, and Roja, the craftsman, officially started cooking.

As the saying goes, if you want to grab the heart of your sweetheart, you must first grab his stomach. Although Serena and others are not the targets of Roja's strategy, but in terms of food, Roja has indeed earned enough of their favorability.

Shia's nobles basically don't have the skill of cooking, especially for the troubled children in the kingdom of knights. At the beginning of the journey, everyone was barely chewing rations to survive, but since Roja couldn't stand the meat once , the situation is reversed.

From that day on, Serena and Stewart turned into hunters, one positioning and one attack, and Juliana was responsible for the night vigil instead of Roja, on the condition that the dinner was in charge of the teenager, so that everyone could satisfy their cravings. Since then, every night There will be three green heads around the bonfire, which regularly generate a large amount of favorability points.

In one month, Roja completely became the commander of the four-person squad, and everyone became familiar with each other thoroughly.

"Roja, give me one of the fish!"

"Selina, aren't you a little ladylike? How can you grab something from the president's bowl."

"What does it matter, don't you still ask Roja for blood?"

"I, I can't do it..."

At dinner time, the bickering between the two girls, Juliana and Serena, began again, and Stuart was watching the battle while waiting for Roja to cook together.

"President, won't you come to dinner? The fish are almost gone."

"Ah, sorry, you eat first, I'll take a look at the map."


The blindfolded boy tilted his head and asked suspiciously, but the black-haired boy did not answer. After a busy time, Roja naturally wanted to enjoy dinner, but some inexplicable feelings made him very concerned.

He frowned slightly and stared at the map. Recently, as the team got closer and closer to Bray Town, the young man occasionally had some bad feelings. It was an intuitive heart palpitation, as if a fish was about to fall into a big net. , For this feeling, the teenager who has experienced several lives and deaths attaches great importance to it, but he has not found any other findings.

Just when he was about to eat, Roja had that feeling again, and it was unprecedentedly strong, but after observing the neighborhood, the teenager had no clues. This area was very calm, and it was no different from ordinary mountain forests. Everything seemed Just Roja's


Could it be that it is too nervous to be close to the core area? No, it shouldn't be...

Thinking of this, Roja was confused, so he could only go back to the bonfire and picked up the grilled fish absentmindedly, but before he could taste it, Stuart's doubtful voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Huh? That's..."

"What's wrong? Stewart."

Looking at the boy whose eyes were wrapped in black cloth, Roja raised his eyebrows and asked questions, but Stewart did not answer immediately, looking in one direction and seemed to feel something, after a while, he put down the plate and gently pulled down the eye-covering cloth, An eye that was constantly changing color under the black cloth was exposed, and after staring into the distance for a few seconds, his complexion suddenly changed, and he turned his head and hurriedly reported to Roja:

"President, it's foggy over there!"

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