Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 121: Xuan Ji (16)

After saying this, seeing Gu Liang's expression, Aunt Yun Xian couldn't help but said: "Detective, you don't still suspect that I am the murderer? (Kill sha) The true murderer of Tushouzu must be the evil disciple. + + Card Tino Novel Network"

Gu Liang didn't say anything, Aunt Yun Xian frowned and said, "Okay, I will tell you my story. I saw the prophecy the day before, but I didn't do it."

"As I said before, I'm not proficient in magic, I can't beat the evil disciple. And letting the head of Jin take a shot will expose his identity. Therefore, if I want to (kill sha) evil, I can only arrange the formation slowly, just like I use a few stones, potted flowers and plants, and quietly harm the soil."

"Furthermore, I stole Yuheng's pen to tamper with the prophecy. When I knew that the prophecy could be tampered with, I had a good relationship with Xue Xiangu (Guanguan), so I stole Yuheng's pen from her and changed the prophecy. It is the best policy. (Killing sha) is the lower policy. It is a last resort choice. Although I have quietly deployed in the first seat before, it is only a backup plan."

"But the day before the incident, I didn't find the Yuheng pen. It had been stolen, so I had to choose (kill sha)."

"Come on, I did see the first (kill sha) evil apprentice of the soil, and realized that I don't need (kill sha) the evil, so I turned to the soil. Because I think he saw the evil guild as the head, twice To (kill sha) him, (kill sha) has a strong intention, so his own head is very strong, I am afraid that he will do something to me first."

"I really didn't lie. I have now admitted that I went to steal Yuheng pen. My (Killsha) machine was born after it was discovered that it was stolen."

"Even, I had read the prophecy the day before, and I had already passed the qi with Jin Shouzao. It was because I had stolen the Yuheng pen from the Nine-storied Pagoda and I left and returned to my residence, met with him, and proposed the Yuheng pen. I can’t find it. He was worried that someone would steal it from me, so he went to Xuanji Stone to see the prophecy at 8:45 pm the day before the incident."

"The logic of my story is very smooth. I didn't lie."

In order to convince Gu Liang that he did not lie, Aunt Yunxian made the logic of her whole action clear, which was indeed relatively reasonable.

After listening to it, Gu Liang thought of what was the key, so he asked Yun Xiangu: "Wait, so I said, the first person will go to see the Xuanji Stone at 8:45, you know? Because you told him about the Yuheng pen The stolen thing?"

Aunt Yunxian said, "I know he will visit. But I don't know when he will visit."

Gu Liang: "Xue Xiangu was drunk at 3 o'clock, and you left at about 5 o'clock. Whatever happened to the golden head seat, you won't go until after 5 o'clock. Because he will not know this until after 5 o'clock.

Aunt Yun Xian nodded. "Yeah. I can guarantee this."

Gu Liang asked her, "Besides Jin, is it possible for you to know who will go to Xuanji Stone? And you can probably set the time for him to go to Xuanji Stone?"

Gu Yunxian asked, "What do you ask this for?"

Gu Liangdao: "You answer my words first."

Aunt Yun Xian finally replied, "Yes. I know Mu Shouza will go to see it."

Gu Liang asked her: "How did you know?"

Aunt Yun Xian said to Gu Liang: "Only three fairy aunts know about Yuheng's pen. The four first seats, including your head, are not known. In fact, only Aunt Xue who kept it at first knew. I know, I don't know. But I know its existence. Aunt Xuexian didn't keep the secret to me, and once said it."

"Didn't I say that I saw the Xuanji Stone a day earlier than everyone else?"

"That is, on the fourth day of March, I saw it. I walked towards the mountain from the direction of the waterfall and ran into Mu Shou Block. I guess he wanted to see the prophecy."

"I raised my mouth and said that I was curious about who was the next head, and I didn't know if the Xuanji Stone was displayed. I just went to take a look, but there was nothing. I also said that I would check again tomorrow."

"He left without pretending to be interested, but I think he would definitely want to see it."

Gu Liang thought for a while and asked, "Then speaking on the fifth day of March, after I was detained, you talked about things for a while, and then you dispersed. Tushou Block Hefeng Xiangu stayed in Qingyun Palace, you and Xue Xiangu went to drink, Mu Is it possible to hear the first seat?"

Xue Xiangu, who had been silent for a long time, spoke. "Possibly. We both said in front of everyone that we would go drinking. Huo and Jin said that there was something going on when we went back, and we wanted to teach the apprentice or something."

Gu Liang said: "So, Mu Shouzu heard what you said, knowing that you probably won't be able to go to Houshan Waterfall in the afternoon."

"In this way, he will go to the waterfall in the afternoon. This incident can actually be expected."

When Aunt Yunxian heard this, she seemed hesitant to speak.

Gu Liang looked at her and said, "Since you were on the fourth day of March, you specifically mentioned to Mu Shouzu that there was no prediction at that time, and you also suggested that he go to see it again the next day, that is, the fifth day, and what everyone will do on the afternoon of the fifth day. , Mu can hear it, and you can hear it, so you should actually be able to expect that on the afternoon of the fifth day of March, Mu is very likely to see the prophecy."

"You... are you suggesting something?" Aunt Yun Xian frowned very tightly, and her expression was also a little panicked.

Gu Liangdao: "I'm thinking that someone has stolen Yuheng's writing to change the prophecy. There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that he is just to change the prophecy. In this case, he writes on the Xuanji stone, a bit like a wish. It’s nothing more than he believes that Xuanjishi can turn his wish into a reality that will be born in the future."

"But there is another possibility. Did he deliberately write some prophecies in order to induce someone who knows he will go to Xuanji Stone to check the prophecy (kill sha)? Under this possibility, the prophecy he wrote , In fact, created a'(killing sha) machine.' He was inducing (killing) people, so as to achieve the purpose of borrowing a knife (killing) people."

"Just like you--" Gu Liang looked at Yun Xiangu, "Mu Shouzu will go to Xuanji Stone in the afternoon to see the prophecy, which is almost something you can be sure of. The only thing you are not sure about is when he will look at it. ."

Aunt Yunxian said nothing.

Gu Liangdao: "So, is your story really complete?"

Under Gu Liang's stern gaze, Aunt Yun Xian couldn't help but clenched her hands into fists subconsciously.

On the side, Aunt Xuexian stared at her curiously: "It's true, you first saw the prophecy that the evil apprentice will become the head, and then induced Mu Shouzu to see the prophecy the next day, and led me to eat it in the afternoon of the second day. Peach Blossom Honey is drunk... You just want to go to Xuanji Stone to make changes before Mu Shouzao goes to see the prophecy? If you are not the murderer, you can say it. Why are you so secretive."

Aunt Yun Xian's face (color) was completely pale.

She put her hands down, pinched her skirts, and couldn't help saying: "But you have no evidence. Isn't the prophecy that Mu Shouzu saw the evil disciple being the head? He was the first to speak, he It will never be edited. So, I definitely haven't changed the prediction!"

Glancing at the expressions of Gu Liang and Xue Xiangu separately, Yun Xiangu was a little anxious, she exhaled, trying to calm her mood, and then said: "If you are sure that the evil apprentice is the murderer, of course I dare to say. But are you not sure? I'm afraid to increase my suspicion, so I didn't say it thoroughly. This is the end of the matter, then I will make it clear. I do... indeed have a design to borrow a knife (to kill sha)."

"On the fifth day of March, everyone is busy, in order to make sure that Leng Xianjun can be locked up at one time (sexual xing). And everyone will take their apprentices to practice exercises early in the morning, so Mushouzuo definitely has no time to go to the waterfall in the morning . He can only go in the afternoon."

"I had the idea of ​​borrowing a knife (to kill sha), but I can't guarantee this."

"On that day, I only had time in the afternoon, so I could only ask Xue Xiangu to drink in the afternoon and steal Yuheng's pen. I could only (fa) give birth in the afternoon. I cannot guarantee that Xue Xiangu will eat nectar, nor can I. Promise that after I stole Yuheng's pen, Mu Shouza will go to see Xuanjishi. After all, the detective, you just said, I only guessed that he will go to see the prophecy in the afternoon, but I can't confirm the time."

"Therefore, my purpose of stealing Yuheng pen is to borrow a knife (to kill sha). Mu Ketu. I want Mu Shouza (to kill sha) to kill the soil. But as just said, I can’t confirm the specific time when Mu Shouzu saw the prophecy. So, I will try his tone. If he has not read the prophecy, I will write “Shouzu Mu will become the next head” and let Mu (kill sha) soil."

"If he had read the prophecy, I would think of another way—"

"I'll go. Your story is too rich."

Aunt Xue Xian couldn't help staring at Aunt Yun Xian suspiciously, "You didn't talk about this before."

"Where do I dare to speak directly? I'm not sure what Mu Shouzu did. In case he sees a different prophecy from mine, it's just that when Jin sees the prophecy, the prophecy is changed back to show it It is the evil disciple who is in charge. At that time, if the wood head is the real murderer, what should he do? With the help of a knife (to kill sha), I may also be beaten as a murderer."

Aunt Yunxian swallowed, and couldn't help knocking on the table again, "The problem now is that Yuheng's pen has been stolen. My plan to borrow a knife (to kill sha) has really been in vain."

"Who else might steal Yuheng's pen?" Gu Liang couldn't help asking.

"Aunt Xuexian herself. She guards the Nine-storied Pagoda. She is the best one. And..."

Aunt Yunxian whispered: "I just wanted to say that Aunt Xuexian didn't eat much nectar, so why was she drunk until midnight. Besides, Aunt Fengxian told her story before. Aunt Xuexian had already been involved a hundred years ago. , How can I get drunk by these two things..."

Aunt Xuexiang was not very happy when she heard this. "It's because that (fafa) was born more than a hundred years ago. I haven't eaten peach nectar for more than a hundred years. I really couldn't hold back this time. You brought it to me and kept boasting. How much does it eat, I just—"

Aunt Yun Xian looked at Aunt Xue Xian: "Anyway...(Kill sha) the murderer of the first seat, I think it is very simple, he is the evil apprentice. But the timeline on your side, it is impossible to be sleeping all the time. There is a sound of falling objects, how can you not know that there is a corpse hidden in the nine-story pagoda? Aren’t you going to routinely patrol the floors at night?"

Aunt Xuexiang: "My personality is the kind that is not very responsible. I neglected my duty and didn't look for it carefully. It is indeed the case. I also think my role (color) is very soy. But look at the wooden head seat and the fire head seat. , They don't have soy sauce? Except for attacking evil, Mu Shouzu never did anything."

"The fire is also very suspicious. I tried to do it twice, saw you there, and left. Then he didn't have anything (gan gan)?"

At this moment, Gu Liang Yuguang looked at something and looked up to see that it was Yang Ye who had returned.

Gu Liang immediately lowered his head, still looking very sad.

Yang Ye glanced at the two girls in front of him, walked over to sit next to him, and patted him on the shoulder. "feel better now?"

Gu Liang looked up at him without speaking.

Yang Ye took out a note and faced the two girls. "I just have a question for you. Who wrote this note?"

The words on the slip of paper are in very correct lower case, almost as if they were printed, the handwriting is hard to recognize.

And the words above are: "Feng Xiangu, on the afternoon of the fifth day of March, come to the nine-story pagoda for a drink."

What did Gu Liang think of and asked Yang Ye: "This...we discussed it before. It is suspected that someone had an appointment with Feng Xiangu for a drink and then (killed sha) her?"

Yang Ye nodded and asked Yunxue the two fairy aunts. "I want to know, if there are two Wind Immortals, one is making up memories for me in Qingyun Temple, and the other, is it drinking with you two?"

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