Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 122: Xuan Ji (17)

Yun Xiangu shook her head: "No, at least not when I was here. +++ Catino novel website But I said, on the fifth day of the fifth day, I left at 5 pm. I left. After that, I don't know if Xue Xiangu woke up and did nothing else."

Aunt Xue Xiang followed and shook her head: "I really slept until midnight. I don't know anything. I haven't asked Feng Xiangu before, and I don't know who wrote this note."

Hearing Xue Xiangu's remarks, Yun Xiangu had a distrustful expression on her face. She spread her hands and said, "You have seen the corpse just now, and analyzed it. The Feng Xiangu in the nine-story pagoda was after (sha) She was originally placed on the beam of the house, but she fell off. The rope hung on her for too long and broke."

"Previously, Xuexiang and the evil disciple said that they heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground at 4:30 pm on the sixth day of March. So, from the time point of view, it makes sense."

"If it was after I left, Xue Xiangu (killed sha), that is, after 5 pm on the fifth day of March, then it would be possible for the rope to break after nearly 24 hours."

Aunt Xue Xian has been stunned by Aunt Yun Xian, and now she is a little angry. "Why do you keep throwing dirty water on me? Looking at it this way, you are also very suspicious. You and Jin are in a conspiracy (guanguan) relationship, and you are talking about everyone's timeline. You may make up the timeline. Therefore, it is not good to say what exactly the first person died in."

"I just raised my reasonable suspicion. I am stunned by you. You don't have to be irritated, just explain clearly. If everyone doesn't say anything, how can you be logical?"

Aunt Yun Xian rolled her eyes and looked at Gu Liang again, "Detective, I have said everything I should say anyway. My story is very complicated. But its logic is logical. If I go to (kill sha) again in the nine-storied pagoda The wind, am I doing too much?"

"At present, I do have the most stories here, but relatively, I can tell clearly. There are too many stories about other people that are not clear."

Aunt Yunxian wanted to leave after saying this.

It was estimated that she was having trouble with Aunt Xuexian and didn't want to go with her again, so she didn't call Aunt Xuexian away.

But when she left, Gu Liang finally asked her: "Wait. If you admit to borrowing a knife (to kill sha), then there is a problem. The prophecy you see is actually the evil disciple. Head. Then, if Mu sees this prophecy, he may also deal with evil. Then you should borrow Mu's hand to (kill sha) the evil."

"Your goal is just to eradicate all competitors. So, of course, wood (killing sha) evil is also possible. Why do you have to change the prophecy to-'The first seat of the soil will become the next leader'?"

"In fact, I think that as long as the prophecy does not specify that your Golden Shouzu will become the head, so that others are invited to deal with the Golden Shouzu first, you do not need to change the prediction."

"So, either you lied, the first prophecy you saw was that the golden head will be the head, so you would want to change the prophecy—"

When Gu Liang said this, Aunt Yun Xian immediately interrupted him: "No. The prediction I saw was that the evil disciple would be the head. I didn't lie."

Gu Liang: "Then why do you have to change your prophecy? I asked you why you didn't (kill sha) the evil disciple, but (kill sha) the earth, you mean, because you saw the earth (kill sha) the evil, thinking about yourself No need to do it. But now I don’t think so."

"From beginning to end, you never thought about (killing sha) the evil apprentice, but just wanted to deal with the first seat, right?"

"Otherwise, you don't have to change the prophecy at that time. You will wait to see if the wood will deal with the evil, and then talk. Even, you can completely let him deal with the evil. After he (kills sha) the evil, you will Change the prophecy, induce him to watch it again, and ask him to attack the head of the soil again, isn't it over?"

When Aunt Yunxian heard this, she already had a feeling that she was unknowingly being tricked by a detective.

She stepped into the trap one by one, but she herself was still undecided before, and she didn't react until now.

——The detective asked her to admit that she was "borrowing a knife (killing sha, but admitting that "borrowing a knife (killing sha would mean that her previous rhetoric on the timeline was flawed. . She only reacted now.

Aunt Yunxian could only bite the bullet and continued: "Wood can restrain the soil. After borrowing the hand (killing sha) of the soil... Our golden head is Kemu, and the golden (killing sha) wood will be easy. Then, nothing more. It’s us competing with fire. This is my complete plan."

"But Huo's reputation is not as good as Jin. Besides, no one supports him. Among the elders, I support Jin, so Huo is not a threat."

"Furthermore, Tushouzuo currently has the highest martial reputation. He is indeed our biggest competitor..."

Gu Liang: "Well, this is the reason why you have always regarded soil as the primary target of eradication. But even if you saw the prophecy, you never thought about dealing with evil?"

Aunt Yunxian couldn't help saying: "The evil apprentice's qualifications are too low. In fact, Leng Xianjun's death alone is not enough to pose any threat. It is mainly behind him..."

Although Yang Ye didn't know what they had talked about earlier, he understood it here.

When Aunt Yunxian was hesitant, Yang Ye said, "I understand. You didn't know who the other deceased was at first, so I didn't dare to say a lot. Now that I found the other deceased was Fengxian, I didn't even dare to say it. ."

"Can I think that after seeing the prophecy, you feel that there is no need to deal with the evil disciple. After all, the Feng Xiangu who supports him behind his back is the real threat. If you rashly attack the evil, let the wind with the highest force value discover it? As a result, if you provoke the wind and deal with you in turn, the gain may not be worth the loss."

"So, your idea is that you don't have to deal with evil, just watch the changes, and kill the other first seats first; if the time comes, the evil will still be the head of the prediction, then you think about dealing with the wind?"

Yang Ye's eyes sank. "Therefore, you have a chance to (kill sha) Feng Xiangu. Right?"

Aunt Yunxian's face (color) was extremely ugly. She took a deep breath and said, "Yes, you can think that I have a chance to (kill sha) against her. But I really didn't (kill sha). I'm really afraid to talk about this level and draw my own against the wind ( If you kill the sha), I just lied a little..."

Aunt Yun Xian was a little discouraged, and said, "I didn't expect you to even get this out."

Yang Ye paused for a moment and looked at her: "So can you really tell your story?"

"There is nothing to say. It's like you guessed it."

"Me and Jin, the first to regard Tushouzu as their biggest opponent. But out of the five elements, wood is the best to deal with him. So we want to use wood to kill him. That's what the detective said. )people."

"Although I have seen the prophecy of the evil guild as the head, I can't beat the evil, and Jin will expose (expose) myself and provoke the enemy to the wind. If I use the formation (to kill sha) the evil, it is not It can be arranged in a day or two..."

"As for what the detective said just now, what caused Mu Shouzu to watch the prophecy twice, it would be a little deliberate and not easy to succeed."

"So, I want to make sure that he sees that the first seat of the soil will be the head first. I still want him to deal with the soil first, and I and Jin will continue to deal with the remaining first seat."

"The rest, I will see the progress of the predictions later, and the evil apprentice..."

Yang Ye couldn't help knocking on the table. "That is to say, if the prophecy still shows that the evil disciple will be the head after the death of Tushouzu, then you have to deal with the wind?"

"Yes, it stands to reason. But you have seen it. Now that the Xuanji stone is blank, so there is no such possibility as you said. Besides, I did not move my hands. After the luncheon at noon on the fifth day of March, I just I haven't even seen Feng Xiangu's face. I have never seen any Feng Xiangu."

Aunt Yun Xian has been arguing for herself, and now she is a little blushing.

At this moment, Gu Liang and Yang Ye didn't ask any more questions.

She got up and said "Think about it, I am definitely not a murderer", and then left.

When Aunt Yun Xian left, Gu Liang lowered his head and said nothing.

Yang Ye glanced at Aunt Yun Xian's back, then looked at Aunt Xuexian, and pointed to the note he found from Aunt Fengxian's room just now: "Have you really never seen this note? You have never had an appointment. Feng Xiangu drinks nectar or something?"

"Really not. I don't know."

Aunt Xue Xiang said, "The nectar, as long as you add wine, even if you eat a little bit, you will be drunk for a long time."

Yang Ye asked again: "Then you and Aunt Yun Xian, who did you make an appointment with? When did you make the decision? Does anyone else know?"

Aunt Xuexiang thought for a while and said, "On the fourth night of March, Yun found me and told me that she hadn't talked with me for a long time. She planned to come and drink in the afternoon on the fifth day. As for whether anyone else knows..."

"We were talking about the matter at the main peak. We both went to this school cafeteria for dinner. She made an appointment with me during dinner. Maybe someone else will hear it, but I don't know."

Yang Ye asked a few more questions, but couldn't ask anything.

Aunt Xuexian looked at him and Gu Liang a few more times, and then went to other places to search for evidence.

Yang Ye turned his head, looked at Gu Liang, who bowed his head to the side and raised his chin. "Gu Liang? Don't you want to ignore me?"

Gu Liang glanced at him and said, "I'm fine. I'm angry with the system, not with you. If I ignore you, I really don't know what is good or bad."

Yang Ye said, "Then before I come back, did you tell me anything from Aunt Yun Xian?"

Gu Liang also told Yang Ye all the information he had received from Aunt Yun.

In the end, Gu Liang said: "The deceased's body has many small scars, and there are also lumps on the back of his head. If he is trapped in the formation, it may cause these scars. At this point, Yun and Jin should not lie."

"The formation (killing sha) people, I don't think that after the incident, there will be no exposure (exposure). Moreover, once the formation is formed, it may harm the innocent. Disciples of various veins may also walk in. Therefore, Yun Xiangu said, Going to the step of using formations (to kill sha) is the next step and an alternative plan. Her first choice is to use Yuheng's pen to change the prophecy to borrow the sword (to kill sha). This is my approval. "

"And you asked Xue just now, and Xue said that it was dinner time on the fourth day of March, and Yun asked her to drink on the fifth day of the fifth day. The story with Yun Xiangu can also get together."

"Because she should have met Mu Shouzu during the day on the fifth day of March, thinking that she had successfully induced him to see the prophecy the next afternoon, so that she would really make a plan to steal the pen and make an appointment on this evening. Xue Xiangu was drinking in the afternoon the next day"

"Aunt Yun Xian said that her plan is not entirely in her grasp. Because she can't accurately grasp the time when Mu Shouza went to Xuanjishi, Mu Shouza might see Xuanjishi before she changed her prediction. This statement, I also agree."

"But in fact, even if she did not succeed in changing her prediction, Mu Shouza turned to (kill sha) evil, for her, there was no loss."

"At that time, she will tell the story to Aunt Feng, letting Feng (kill sha) kill all the people who are threatening to the evil apprentice... Actually, it would be a clever plan. Of course, if we continue to talk about it in detail, it is a bit far away. . Back to what Yun Xiangu is doing now--"

"Therefore, Yun Xiangu’s story is summarized as-her primary goal is always the first seat. After borrowing the knife (to kill the sha), she uses an alternative plan to take advantage of the dead of night when there are no others involved in the formation, ( She killed the soil. After that, she will check the prophecy again. If the prophecy is still related to evil, maybe she will start to seriously consider dealing with evil, or more accurately, considering dealing with wind."

"The logic of the whole story is established."

Yang Ye let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help saying: "So, in the end, the only thing that actually did something to me was probably the soil, and he was shot to death by the rebound curse——"

"As for the rest of the people, after Mu's first blow was unsuccessful, he didn't get entangled; the fire first came twice, and after no results, he didn't continue to deal with me; Jin even had a cloud on the side planning, and he didn't even think about it. Deal with evil..."

"Everyone said the timeline before, and there is still a reservation. They didn't see the prophecy of the evil guild being the first, they must make a comprehensive plan to (kill sha) the evil. They just tried (kill sha) first, (Kill sha) If you don't get rid of it, they won't put too much effort into this matter. Because they actually have the same idea as Yun Xiangu, and the status of the evil itself is lifted by the wind."

"If you don't kill the evil once or twice (kill sha), it's fine. If you really use magic techniques, you will expose (expose) yourself; and the matter of murdering (killing sha) many times is also prone to flaws. Then, If the wind finds out, the gain will not be worth the loss. Therefore, instead of trying to (kill sha) the evil apprentice, it is better to arrange (kill sha) Feng Xiangu and it will be over..."

"When the others talk about the timeline, the reason for retaining this is actually the same as Gu Yunxiang."

"They don't want to expose (exposure) their chance to (kill sha) Feng Xiangu."

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "Yes. So, behind the evil disciple's prediction, what really points to is actually everyone's chance to kill Feng Xiangu. But there is only one person, Xue Xiangu."

"At present, we don't have the chance to kill the wind, nor did we find the chance to kill the first seat. She was drunk, dreaming of death, neglecting her duty, is she really competing with the whole thing, including the boss? , There is no (guanguan) system at all...this is indeed questionable."

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