Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 125: Xuan Ji (20)

When Yang Ye and Gu Liang heard the words, they immediately followed the direction of the voice. +++Mobile reading visit

Then they saw that the people who found Silver Needle and yelled such a sentence were the first people on fire.

And this place is located in the depths of the bamboo forest.

The waterfall, the stone pond, and the Xuanji stone are all in one place.

To the south of this place is the place where Leng Xianjun and the evil apprentice practice swords, and further south is the bamboo house where they both live.

And this place goes north, across a bamboo forest, which is the scope of the nine-storied pagoda.

Now this needle is in a bamboo forest, which is on the only way from the waterfall to the nine-storied pagoda.

Both Gu Liang and Yang Ye understood the meaning of the needle appearing here.

Before they analyzed that if the murderer was not Xue Xiangu, then someone else used another method (killing sha) to kill Feng Xiangu, and then used another method to blame Xue Xiangu.

The murderer was mostly on the afternoon of the fifth day of March, when Feng Xian Gu stopped her on the way to the nine-storied pagoda, and then hit her.

At that time, Gu Liang and Yang Ye only made this kind of speculation. After all, they did not find another method to (kill sha) Feng Xiangu, but now, this method has appeared-Silver Needle.

Only now there is a new problem.

They previously thought that the murderer was either Xue Xiangu, who used nectar to infuse Drunk Feng Xiangu and then used the sword (to kill sha).

If the real culprit is not snow, then nectar is just a means of arguing and blindfolding, and the sword wound with it is naturally an illusion. After all, it is almost impossible for someone to kill Sha Sha with one move when Feng Xiangu is sober.

Then, it was not the sword wound on her (chest xiong) that caused Feng Xiangu's death. It was after she died that someone wiped nectar on her mouth and stabbed her (chest xiong) with a sword.

In other words, when the murderer is not Xue Xiangu, there is another way to (kill sha) people, such as the one discovered now-suspected poison needle (kill sha) people.

It's just that Gu Liang and Yang Ye were the clues to the poison needles found in Aunt Xuexian's house just now, which seemed a little strange.

Yang Ye couldn't help but ask Huo First: "How did you find it? The bamboo forest is so big, but the needle is too small."

"Don't I just finish searching the nine-storied pagoda, will I continue to walk around? I thought, this bamboo forest is quite big, maybe there is something buried in it, so I'll look for it."

The fire first raised the rush grass in his hand, "I came here with this grass. Other places in the school were illuminated by it, but the bamboo forest is a bit dark after all. So I brought this grass for lighting."

"Walking in the bamboo forest, I suddenly blinked and felt some kind of reflection. Although there was only a little reflection, I caught it sensitively. Then I found the needle. It is not big, but it is not. It's very small, it's quite long."

At this moment, there were footsteps in the bamboo forest.

Gu Liang turned his head and saw Jin Shouzuo and Aunt Yun Xian. After a while, Aunt Feng and Aunt Xuexian came over.

It seems that the voice of the fire first seat is really loud, except that the wooden first seat is estimated to be surveyed a little far away, and can not hear the first roar of the fire first seat, right now, the other players have appeared.

Gu Liang (gan gan) invited everyone to the waterfall and had a brief discussion.

Gu Liang first asked Aunt Xue Xiang: "I found a poisonous needle in your room. Are you planning to use it against Aunt Feng Xiang?"

Aunt Xuexiang nodded happily, and then said, "But I haven't used it yet."

"It's useless? Then--" Gu Liang pointed to the silver needle in the first hand of Huo. "You don't admit that this needle belongs to you?"

Aunt Xue Xiang shook her head very happily. "It has nothing to do with me! I don't know. I haven't used it yet."

Gu Liang asked: "But you have a chance to (kill sha) Feng Xiangu. Because she knows about your negligence of duty. Back then, the young master’s death, traced back to the root cause, you both are actually responsible."

Aunt Xuexiang explained: "But it's been more than a hundred years, and I haven't (killed sha) her. I have felt this way, but I haven't really made up my mind yet."

Hearing this, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and then looked at Aunt Xuexian: "When Aunt Yunxian asked you to drink, did you think that she intended to get you drunk?"

——Only when you think about this, can you have the thoughts of pushing the boat along the river and going to (kill sha) Feng Xiangu.

Aunt Xuexian still shook her head: "I don't know. You can go and look up the "History of the Blue Sky", which is in the library at Qianshan. There is no special evidence in it, I have seen it all. But it tells the story of my master. Yes, and why everyone chose me as the elder."

"You should also know by now. She was the only elder who guarded Xuanjishi. For her own desires, she tampered with the prophecy and almost caused a catastrophe. Therefore, everyone selected me from her apprentices to take over her. Position."

"I first became the elder Xue, and watched the Xuanji stone alone for a short period of time. Then Feng Xiangu suggested that the Xuanji stone should be placed behind the waterfall."

"The reason why I mentioned the order of this matter is for a reason. The reason is that they chose me as the elder Xue because they think that I am different from my master, and that my master caused trouble because of her great ability and ambition. Also big."

"But I am not the same. I am a person who is playful and delicious. I didn't grow up. They chose me as the elder because they thought I had no ambition. Even if I was alone in guarding the Xuanjishi, I would not (gan) like my master. Thing."

"Not only am I not self-motivated, I am not yet smart. I am the worst in the division. I can't have the brain to plan anything."

"I have prepared something that can (kill sha) Feng Xiangu, because she has my handle. I have no real ability. This elder's seat is inherently unstable. If she leaks, I will definitely be dereliction of duty. Deposed collectively."

"It's just that although I have touched (killing sha) her mind, I have been hesitant. Feng Xiangu has always been okay with me, so I have never really done anything in the past 100 years."

After Aunt Xue Xian had said this, Aunt Yun Xian, who had been attacking her before, said something to her: "My story also mentions this. When Aunt Xue Xian was elected as the elder, I was very strange. Because In terms of cultivation base and organ skills, she is inferior to her senior sisters and sisters. She has always been quite useless, so she can actually become an elder?"

"It turns out that what everyone liked was her lack of ambition and stupid brains."

So, if this is the case, the truth of the matter should be closer to the second possibility Yang Ye talked about earlier.

——Someone intercepted (killed sha) her on the way to the Nine-storied Pagoda. The nectar and the sword wound were just a means of putting on blame.

It now appears that this ‘road’ refers to this bamboo forest.

As for the real murder weapon, it is the poisonous needle.

The murderer may have brought more than one poisonous needle, one of them entered into Feng Xiangu's body silently, (Killsha) she was poisoned to death, and the other poisonous needle accidentally fell into the bamboo forest.

However, this poisonous needle did not come from Xue Xiangu, but from someone else.

Feng Xiangu's force value is too high, and the other first seats and the elders can't face her (killing sha), so she can only think about it. So, Aunt Xuexian can think of using a poisonous needle (to kill sha), and maybe others can.

Gu Liang looked at Aunt Xuexian and asked, "Who did you ask for the poisonous needle in your room?"

Aunt Xuexian said: "Well... About 70 years ago, Qingqiang held a competition meeting. At that time, many people came here, and there were people from all walks of life. There was a person named [Hidden Weapon Master]. He was quite ostentatious and had molested me. I had a scene with him and spent a while, drinking and chatting every day. After I got acquainted with him, I asked him if I wanted to (kill sha) a magic technique What should I do with someone taller than me."

"It didn't take long for the discussion meeting to end and he left. He only said that he would help me find a way when he returned."

"After that, I received a letter from him. There were three silver needles in the letter. The clue you saw was his letter, right?"

"Anyway, the letter says that by putting the needle together with the thing that I think (killing sha) people, the needle can recognize his breath, and thus have the function of chasing souls for life——"

Gu Liang recalled a moment and asked her: "The whole Qingqiong people participated in the competition. I also have an impression of the hidden weapon master. So, besides you may be in contact with this hidden weapon master, other people may also have contact. ?"

Aunt Xuexiang nodded: "Yes. But I don't know who it is. Every time I meet him, I basically get drunk. I can't remember the details of getting along with him. I don't remember whether he said it. Apart from me, I know everyone else."

Feng Xiangu heard this and quickly looked at Xue Xiangu: "Wait. Then I remember. Seventy years ago, shortly after the discussion meeting ended, you asked me for a hairpin. It turned out that it was because you wanted to (kill sha) Me?"

Feng Xiangu was a little strange back then.

One day Aunt Xuexian suddenly asked herself if she could give her the hairpin, saying that she thought her hairpin was too beautiful.

Aunt Xue Xian is not a person who likes to ask for things, and she probably has an eye for her hairpin, so she brazenly asked for something.

So Feng Xiangu didn't think about it and gave her the hairpin.

Only now did Feng Xiangu know that there was such a reason behind this.

Aunt Xuexiang was a little embarrassed. "Yes... but I didn't do it?"

Gu Liang looked at the others: "Which other places you haven't searched? Are there needles in other people's rooms?"

What did Xue Xiangu think of and said, "Aunt Feng Xiang, there are many needles in her own room."

Feng Xiangu’s face was a little helpless, as if she felt that Xue Xiangu’s words were very funny: “That’s just because I’m practicing how to throw hidden weapons. Apart from needles, I have many other hidden weapons, such as plum darts. Both."

"My place is as big as knives, guns, swords and halberds, as small as daggers and hidden weapons, and then some whips and iron cords. I like to practice these and collect them. But mine is not poisonous. Besides, I don't know at all. Who is that Feng Xiangu?"

There are many weapons and even many armors in Aunt Fengxian's house, which Yang Ye mentioned earlier.

Gu Liang frowned and just asked, "What about the others?"

Aunt Yunxian stepped forward and pointed to the first seat of the fire.

"He! He has it in his room too! And let me think about it... Mu Shouza, he also has needles there!"

Gu Liang thought of a certain key and asked Feng Xiangu: "This kind of needle needs to stay with the artifacts on the victim for a period of time. I think this needle has the functions of identifying smells, storing smells, and tracking smells. ."

"So, besides giving the hairpin to Aunt Xuexiang, have you ever given your belongings to anyone else?"

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