Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 126: Xuan Ji (21)

Feng Xiangu frowned, "I don't know what I carry with me... but the jewelry I don't use, including some small gadgets at home, vases, Ruyi, etc., I have given to my apprentice. + + Mobile reading visit m In addition, the weapons are counted? I have a lot of weapons, I have sent out a lot of weapons, and maybe everyone has received them."

Gu Liang raised his right eyebrow and looked at the fire head seat: "You can find such a small needle. It does not rule out the suspicion that you deliberately brought us here to find the needle."

Huo Shouzuo immediately said: "Will I look for evidence against me? I don't need it!"

Gu Liang asked him: "Then what happened to the needle in your room?"

Huo Shouza (gan gan) coughed a few times: "I'm still looking for the [hidden weapon master]."

"Also seventy years ago?" Gu Liang frowned.

Fire first nodded: "Yes."

Gu Liang couldn't help asking, "Did you want to deal with Feng Xiangu?"

"No. I didn't use it to deal with Feng Xiangu. I just think it is a very powerful weapon. I hold it, and maybe I can use it in the future."

Speaking of this, Huo Shouza looked at Aunt Xue, "I was..."

Aunt Xuexiang looked at the first seat of the fire, and didn't understand what he meant.

Aside, Aunt Yun Xian immediately said, "Yes. I not only found a needle but also a handkerchief with the word ‘cloud’ on it at the Fire Head Block. The Fire Head Block is...The Dark Snow Fairy?"

Huo Shouzuo explained: "That was at the competition meeting seventy years ago. I once won another school and won the glory for Qingqiong. Aunt Xuexiang gave me a handkerchief of hers to wipe sweat. Since then Yeah, I was kind of interesting to her. I have kept that handkerchief till now."

"But she just said that she was seeing the master of hidden weapon in the competition meeting. The two are fighting together every day, and I see in my eyes, it is also a bit cold—"

"Later, I ran into a disciple in the door sending a letter to Xuexian. When I inquired, he said that it was a hidden weapon master who gave it to Xue. I said, I will help him send it. Anyway, there is an enchantment in the back mountain. I have to wait for Aunt Xuexiang to come out by herself. And I can walk in directly."

"The reason I did this is to take a peek at the letter to see if you still have any connections, and if you want to privately decide for a lifetime..."

Aunt Xuexian pouted, her face (showing) dissatisfaction. "You guy peeking at my faith?"

Fire first said: "Anyway, through peeking, I learned about the poisonous needle. I contacted the hidden weapon master privately and bought a copy from him. But I haven't used it yet. Really. . I just hold it in case I need it."

When Gu Liang heard this, he pulled out his notebook and wrote down many new things.

Then he looked at everyone: "Mu Shouza is not here now. Does he have any excuses for the needle in his room, do you know?"

It was Aunt Yun Xian who answered Gu Liang's question.

Aunt Yunxian said: "There are a lot of acupuncture books in his room. In my story, it was mentioned that his leg was injured. It would hurt his bones if it rained on a cloudy day. In addition, the needles in his room had They are not all the same in length and in short. I guess that he usually uses these needles for acupuncture and moxibustion."

At the end of the talk, Aunt Yun Xian turned a page of her own notes to Gu Liang.

Gu Liang saw the names of many books written on it, such as "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Quick Method-Ten Days Bao Youhui", "Teaching You to Know All Acupoints in the Human Body in Thirty Days", and "Teaching You to Accurately Master Acupoints in the Human Body in Sixty Days."

"Thank you." Gu Liang handed the notebook back to Aunt Yun Xian, then looked at everyone.

After checking everyone's expressions one by one, Gu Liangdao said, "So, I can probably summarize the script this time. The first deceased is the first person, and the suspects (killing sha) have different methods. The investigation is mainly based on the timeline. At present, it is Jin Heyun who has admitted that he has done the crime together and used the formation method. As for Feng Xiangu, it is to make up the sword afterwards."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and frowned, but after all, he didn't say anything for the time being.

Gu Liang seemed to be aware of it. He glanced back at him, and then continued to say to everyone: "The second deceased is Feng Xiangu; our script should exist in a parallel time and space, and another Feng Xiangu has passed through. This point , I think everyone can figure it out after going to the nine-storied pagoda."

In case everyone really didn't know about it, and did not have such a brain hole, Gu Liang simply recounted the results of his and Yang Ye's exploration in the nine-story pagoda.

After that, Gu Liang said again: "Regarding the first deceased, the suspected murderer who had a chance to kill him used a different method. The second case was different. Everyone probably used needles to commit the crime. It seems that everyone has this condition."

"We have all seen the corpse and did not find a pinhole. But it is very likely that the pinhole is at the mouth of the (chest xiong) and has been covered by the sword wound."

"But the use of needles to commit crimes can be slightly subdivided into two different types. The needles in Xuexiang and Huo's head are mainly killed by the poison on the needles. In this case, the deceased died of the poison before being stabbed by the sword. This is an illusion created by the murderer in order to put the blame on him and cover up his real (sharing) technique."

"As for the evidence clues in the Mu Shou Tower room, it provides a new possibility. The murderer still used needles, but the needles are not poisonous. The murderer is proficient in human acupuncture points. First, he used needles to stop Feng Xiangu so that she could not move. Use a sword (to kill sha). Or, the murderer directly pierced Feng Xiangu's dead spot with a needle. The following method of using sword and nectar to cover up the blame is the same as above.

"This can be done by Mu Shouza who has been practicing acupuncture and moxibustion. Feng Xiangu, who has the highest strength and is currently practicing hidden weapons, can actually do it."

"Do you have any questions?"

Aunt Yun Xian actively answered Gu Liang's question again. "I have a question. I didn't understand that nectar to blame."

In this way, Gu Liang explained the relevant analysis between him and Yang Ye to everyone.

Aunt Xuexian's eyes lit up. "Then actually my suspicion can be ruled out, right?"

"At the moment I think it can."

Gu Liang said, "Then, please continue to look for clues. There will be more than one hour left before the concentrated discussion."

"I think one of the key points now is to find someone who wrote a note to Feng Xiangu and asked her to go to the Nine-storied Pagoda for the appointment. This person is probably the murderer who killed her halfway."

"The second key is to find out exactly what the two time-space prophecies are going on. In this way, it may be possible to check the time when everyone has the (killing sha) machine on the wind. Everyone thinks (killing sha) the wind, most of them should be the evil disciples. The head is related, everyone wants to root out the forces behind the evil disciples."

Gu Liang finally looked at Feng Xiangu: "By the way, can you tell me the specific time when you received the note?"

Aunt Fengxian said: "I don't know either."

Gu Liang frowned: "Why don't you know?"

Feng Xiangu explained: “I really don’t know when it was given to me. When I saw it, it was already the night of the fifth day of March. That night, after revising the memory for the evil apprentice, I ate it alone. After dinner, I returned to my residence. I practiced swords in the yard for a while and walked into the house. Only then did I see the piece of paper. It was placed on the table and pressed by a teacup. My apprentices did not even look at it. To who sent it."

"At noon, I heard Xue and Yun say that they would drink together in the Nine-storied Pagoda in the afternoon. I guess they left me with this note. However, they did not meet me in person at noon and gave me the note. What means?"

"Anyway, I think it's strange. But I don't really care about it. Anyway, when I saw the note, it was already the night of the fifth day of March. The appointment on the note was on the afternoon of the fifth day. Then, The date is probably over. I don’t have to worry about it. If I have time later, just ask them both."

"That night, I was mainly worried about whether the memory of the evil disciple would go wrong, so I didn't rush to the bamboo house on the back mountain of the main peak that night, and then saw Tulai (killing sha) him and other incidents. fa) Health. So, I didn't take the note of the matter to heart at all."

Gu Liang asked, "Did you not see this note on the fourth night of March?"

Aunt Fengxian said: "I sat in the yard and practiced all night. I didn't return to my room that night."


The second brief discussion is over.

The players dispersed and continued to search for evidence.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye were walking to the first place of the fire, and they planned to go there again.

On the way, Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "Do you have any opinion on what you said just now?"

Yang Ye said: "In fact, it is relatively clear. For example, the Fengxiangu note. We thought that she had received the note a long time ago, but between choosing to restore my memory and attending the appointment, she first chose to restore my memory. Missed the appointment."

"Feng Xiangu a who passed through, in her time and space a, it was also because she chose to restore the memory for me, which escaped a catastrophe. But after she passed through, she actually chose to stay for the appointment."

"Now through Feng Xiangu's speech, we found that she didn't make a choice. She didn't see the note at all."

"That makes sense. The murderer avoided everyone and put the note in her room. The murderer didn't want people to see his face. But because of this, no disciple would tell Feng Xiangu that someone Send her a letter or something."

"So Feng Xiangu didn't attend the appointment because she didn't enter the house at all on the fourth night of March, so she didn't see the note. This is possible."

Gu Liang frowned: "So you think that Feng Xiangu's suspicion can basically be resolved?"

Yang Ye said: "Basically it should be possible. We have seen the Jinshou Tower carefully and there is no such thing as needles. He and Yun Xiangu are mainly (killing sha) Tushou Towers."

"There are no obvious flaws in Feng Xiangu's timeline. She has been protecting me, so, while protecting me, it is reasonable for her to make an appointment for the first seat and make up the sword after discovering that he is dead."

"She may also be on the line of the first seat of the soil."

"As for the line of Fengxiangu a who died in the nine-storied pagoda, Xue's suspicion is eliminated, Yun is eliminated, Feng is eliminated..."

Gu Liang took his words and yawned: "If this is the case, then only the first seat of the fire will remain."

"The dead is the Feng Xiangu who crossed over, and the (killing sha) person hides the corpse, (fa fa) was born at 5 pm to 11 pm on the fifth day of the fifth day. The Mushouzuo was looking at the Xuanji stone at 5 pm, and at 7 (kill sha) ) You failed, this thing does exist. He did not observe the dynamics of Yunxue in the nine-storied pagoda. After the snow fell drunk, he kept lying in ambush in the bamboo forest, waiting for the possibility of Fengxiangu a passing by."

Yang Ye helped his glasses: "Yes. From this point of view, even if you don't have to figure out what the various predictions are, you can find the murderer."

Yang Ye turned his head and saw that Gu Liang couldn't help but yawned again, and asked him, "Would you like to (sleep in Shui) for a while?"

Gu Liang shook his head, "I'm fine. I was thinking--"

After a pause, Gu Liang continued: "If the real murderer is the first person in the fire. How did his (killing sha) machine come about? Except for Xue Xiangu, everyone else should follow the head of Feng Xiangu's (killing sha) machine. The dispute is related. Therefore, if the first fire seat has a chance to (kill sha) against the wind, it must be because the evil disciple will be the head."

"The first seat of the fire is a prophecy seen before the first seat of the soil. The first seat of the fire tries to (kill sha) you and leaves after finding that the wind is present. It was 11:30 in the evening. According to Feng Xiangu's witness, the first seat of the soil was at 1 am Click on you who attacked."

"Returning so backward, the time interval between these two people seeing the prediction is very short. During this period, the prediction may not change much."

"The first place to choose (kill sha) of you must be because the prophecy says that you will be the head."

"Then, there shouldn't be a lie here at the first seat of the fire. What he sees is still you as the head."

"This means that Huo Shou Zuo has the same idea as Yun Xian Gu. He thinks it is not necessary to (kill sha) you. He can directly (kill sha) Feng Xiangu. Or, he can try (kill sha) you, if Seeing that there was no chance, he just didn't do it (gan gan) and dealt directly with the wind."

"Wait, no, I have to revise a statement. On the fifth day of March, the fire first saw the prophecy for the second time. If the murderer was him, he must have sent the note before the fifth day of March."

"On the fourth day of March, like Yun, he had seen the prophecy. At that time, the prophecy showed that the evil apprentice should be a prophecy, so he decided to (kill sha) Feng, handed a note to Feng, prepared a poison needle, and laid it down. plan."

"As for the fifth day of March, after he (killed sha) Feng Xiangu a in the afternoon, he saw the prophecy in the evening, that is, in his timeline. He claimed that the first time he saw the prophecy was actually his second time. Look at the prophecy. He found that the prophecy still shows that the evil disciple will be the head, so he chose to (kill sha) him."

"As a result, at 11:30 in the evening, he saw the figure of Feng Xiangu who had been killed by him in the courtyard of the evil apprentice. It is estimated that at that time, he was also very confused, so he left in a hurry."

"In this way, everything makes sense."

Yang Ye said: "Yes, it can only be this way. In fact, Gu Liang, as far as it seems, the predictions everyone sees are indeed the same-that is, I will be the head."

"This means that in our time and space, the prophecy only changes once, from the evil apprentice as the head, to the current blank."

"The remaining prophecies displayed on the Xuanji Stone Yin Stone are from another time and space."

"In addition, I haven't figured out the prophecy on the Xuanji Stone."

"But I want to understand the reason why our time and space Xuanji stone is blank."

Gu Liang stopped, his expression a little serious. "What do you think is the reason?"

Yang Ye raised his hand to support his shoulder. "Because I became the murderer. I will be found out by everyone, and I will naturally not be the head. And you survived. You will still be the head."

"The position of the head remains unchanged. For the time being, there is no one to succeed you."

"So... Xuanji Stone doesn't need any predictions about this, it has become a blank."

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